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摘 要




XXX municipal road construction project budget document preparation

Author quanqinhuang

Tutor xinxinhu


In the design phase of the construction plan, according to the provisions of the construction procedures for the preparation of construction plans, in order to verify the budget cost of the construction plan is more than the preliminary design estimates, in order to achieve the construction project "three control" principle. Construction drawing budget is the construction project bidding of benchmark, the insured units to ensure a common basis for their own interests, is the basic data for settlement. Therefore, we must ensure that the construction drawing depth to meet budget requests, must also ensure that drawings can be complete or accurate reflect the project actual situation, so as to ensure the construction drawing budget in as much as possible of anastomosis of the actual situation, to ensure that the material price and the market relatively consistent, so we can guarantee the construction drawing budget not exceeding budget. Provide design basis for the engineering quantity of construction drawing, the use of detailed list valuation, the implementation of the national "construction project quantity list valuation norms" GB50500-2013 and apply the professional integrated quota, construction drawing budget preparation. The construction drawing budget document includes: the partial breakdown, the measure item, the other measure partial breakdown engineering quantity list-  comprehensive unit price analysis table and so on. Comprehensive unit price analysis is the important content in the engineering quantity list valuation, it details the completion of each unit of the branch sub item project the inputs required for labor costs, material costs, construction machinery and the use of fees, enterprise management fees, profits and consider a range of risk cost, directly reflected in the list of comprehensive unit price, is to measure and reflect the ability of a mature construction enterprise technology ability, management level and risk management.

We must guarantee the accuracy of the construction drawing budget, avoid wrong, leakage and quantities repeated calculation and other issues to ensure funds in real earnest, to avoid the loss of state-owned capital is not necessary, because the construction drawing budget is bidding on the basis of the data information is later construction units for the completion of settlement on the basis of the data source.

Key words: construction drawing budget, engineering quantity list, comprehensive unit price

目   录




1 编制说明....................................................................................................................1

1.1 工程概况................................................................................................................1

1.2 编制依据................................................................................................................1

1.3 需要特别说明........................................................................................................1


2 预算计价文件...........................................................................................................4


2.1招标控制价封面 22

2.2招标控制价扉页 23

2.3总说明 24

2.4单位工程招标控制价汇总表 25

2.5分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 27

2.6综合单价分析表 33

2.7总价措施项目清单与计价表 99

2.8其他项目清单与计价汇总表 100

2.9暂列金额表 101

2.10材料(工程设备)暂估价及调整表 102

2.11专业工程暂估价及结算表 103

2.12计日工表 104

2.13总承包服务费计价表 105

2.14规费和税金项目清单与计价表 106

2.15发包人提供材料和工程设备一览表 107

2.16承包人提供材料和工程设备一览表 108


3.1 施工图预算的含义............................................................................................402

3.2 施工图预算的方法............................................................................................402

3.3 施工图预算的编制依据、编制原则、费用构成及编制步骤........................402



3.6 毕业设计过程中遇到的主要问题....................................................................406


4 致谢........................................................................................................................407

5 参考文献................................................................................................................408

6 附录........................................................................................................................409

6.1 附录A工程量计算表.......................................................................................409

6.2 附录B工程图纸................................................................................................435

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