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摘  要





In view of the need of large-scale agriculture in China for grain combine harvester to develop in the direction of large-scale and multi-functional, a multi-functional combine harvester for wheat, rice and soybean was developed. By breaking through the technology and equipment of threshing separation of large feeding volume, high efficiency cleaning technology and equipment for large harvesters, static hydraulic driving chassis for large harvesters and intelligent monitoring technology, the universal multi-function grain combine harvester is integrated and developed to realize the upgrading of grain combine harvesters such as rice, wheat and beans, to fill the gap in China, and to reverse the situation that large and medium-sized farms in China rely on imports for large feeding quantity harvesters.

The title of this design is the design of the hydraulic system of the wheel combine harvester, the power source of the wheel combine harvester is hydraulic, the hydraulic system controls the walking of the ship, the lifting of the cutting platform and the movement of the conveying device. Hydraulic system is composed of power element (hydraulic pump), control element (hydraulic valve), executive element (hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic motor), auxiliary element (oil tank, tubing, filter), etc. To investigate and analyze the technical characteristics of the wheel combine harvester, to formulate the transmission control scheme, to draw up the mechanical transmission principle and hydraulic system diagram, to carry out mechanical analysis, to determine the force (torque), speed (speed) and other key working parameters;  Analyze and calculate hydraulic system, determine main hydraulic parameters and select reasonable hydraulic components.

Keywords: wheel type; combine harvester; working device; structure design; hydraulic system

目  录

1  绪论 1

1.1  选题背景及意义 1

1.2  国内外发展现状 1

1.2.1  国内的轮式联合收割机发展状况 1

1.2.2  国外的轮式联合收割机发展状况 1

1.3  研究主要内容 2

2  联合收割机概述 3

2.1  联合收割机简述 3

2.2  收割机的分类 3

2.3  构成部分及工作原理 3

2.3.1  收割台 3

2.3.2  拔禾轮 3

2.3.3  收割机绞龙 5

2.4  输谷清选装置 5

2.4.1  输谷装置 5

2.4.2  清选装置 6

2.5  脱粒装置 6

2.5.1  脱粒机拆卸图 6

2.5.2  静压传动装置 7

3  轮式联合收割机工作装置总体设计 9

3.1  工作装置总体设计 9

3.1.1  工作装置的总体结构 9

3.1.2  工作装置连杆机构的结构形式与特点 9

3.1.3  工作装置总体设计 9

3.2  主要参数 10

4  工作装置主要结构设计 11

4.1  铲斗设计 11

4.1.1  铲斗的结构形式 11

4.1.2  铲斗断面形状和基本参数确定 12

4.1.3  铲斗容量的计算 15

4.2  工作装置连杆系统设计 16

4.2.1  机构分析 16

4.2.2  尺寸参数设计 17

4.3  工作装置静力学分析及强度校核 20

4.3.1  静力学分析 20

4.3.2  强度校核 23

5  液压系统的设计和计算 26

5.1  轮式联合收割机液压原理设计 26

5.1.1  行走液压驱动系统 26

5.1.2  割台升降液压系统设计 27

3.1.3输送装置和切割装置的液压系统设计 27

5.2  轮式联合收割机液压系统草图 28

5.3  液压系统参数的理论分析 29

5.3.1  液压缸的分析设计 29

5.3.2  液压马达的分析与设计 30

5.3.3  液压泵的选择与设计 32

5.3.4  液压阀的选择 33

5.3.5  管道的尺寸的确定 33

5.3.6  液压泵站的选择 33

总  结 34

参考文献 35

致  谢 36

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