摘 要
该项目为位于广州市番禺区大石,项目采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,要求完成该商业楼的建筑设计、 结构设计和工程概算。共六层底层层高4.8米,其他层层高均为3.6米。建筑物总高度为22.8米。本设计书包括建筑设计和结构设计两个部分,其中结构部分为主体部分。本工程结构设计采用框架结构,结构计算按横向框架承重分析。内力计算考虑以下三种荷载作用,即竖向恒载作用下的内力,活载作用下的内力及风载作用下的内力,。结构部分包括:荷载计算;一块板的配筋计算一榀框架结构的受力分析、计算和设计;楼梯设计;独立基础设计。
The project is located in Dashi, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, and the project adopts reinforced concrete frame structure, which requires the completion of the architectural design, structural design and engineering estimates of the commercial building. A total of six layers of height 4.8 meters, other layers of height are 3.6 meters. The total height of the building is 22.8 m. This design book includes two parts: architectural design and structural design, in which the structural part is the main part. The structural design of the project adopts the frame structure, and the structural calculation is analyzed according to the lateral frame load bearing. The calculation of internal force takes into account the following three kinds of load action, namely, the internal force under vertical dead load, the internal force under live load and the internal force under wind load. Structure The parts include: load calculation; reinforcement calculation of a plate; force analysis, calculation and design of a frame structure; staircase design; independent foundation design.
Keywords: Reinforced concrete; Frame; Building structure; Calculation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 建筑设计 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2建筑体型选择与平面布置 2
1.2.1设计原则 2
1.2.2平面布置 2
1.2.3立面设计 3
1.2.4剖面设计 3
1.2.5垂直交通设计 3
1.3防火设计 3
1.4建筑做法 4
第2章 结构设计 7
2.1结构布置截面尺寸估算 7
2.1.1结构布置 7
2.1.2截面尺寸估算 7
2.2屋面楼面荷载计算 8
2.2.1屋面恒载(上人屋面) 计算 8
2.2楼面: 9
2.3厕所楼面: 10
2.3框架计算 11
2.3.1框架计算简图的确定及荷载计算 11
2.3.2框架梁、柱竖向荷载计算 13
2.3.3梁、柱线刚度的计算 21
2.3.4恒载作用下的内力计算 21
2.3.5活载作用下的内力计算 31
2.3.6水平风荷载 38
2.3.7内力组合 43
2.3.7框架配筋计算 50
第3章 总结 63
参考文献 64
致 谢 65