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The development of mechanical manufacturing industry plays a very important role in the world economy, and the compilation of machining technology is an important part and key work of mechanical manufacturing technology. This design is to carry on the process design and the fixture design to the flange part. This method blue disk is an important component on the reducer of CA6140 machine tool, its main function is to mark the scale and realize the longitudinal feed. Therefore, the process requirements of parts are also relatively high, which puts forward higher requirements for our machining process design. Process planning is an important part of the technical preparation of mechanical manufacturing production process, and it is a bridge connecting product design and manufacture. Is the hub of enterprise production activities, it is also an important basis for production planning and production management.

Based on the careful analysis and comparison of the process, machining method and benchmark selection of the parts, this paper draws up two different process design schemes, referring to the actual situation of the factory and the difficulty of realizing the machining, and finally determines the optimal process planning flow, which ensures the size requirements of the parts, the surface roughness requirements, the relative position accuracy requirements and so on. On the basis of referring to the relevant process design data, the selection and calculation of machining machine tools, basic working hours and cutting parameters are also carried out in this paper. Finally, the comprehensive card of machining process engineering is taken out, that is, the actual processing flow of the factory. A chart.

The development prospect of mechanical fixture in our country is very wide, and there is a great space for development. The requirement of mechanical fixture is simple in structure, convenient in use and high in manufacturing accuracy. It is a unity that complements each other with process planning. As far as this design is concerned, in order to reduce the machining cost of parts, we focus on the general fixture of general machine tool in the selection of fixture, and strive to be convenient, fast and aging. Only the special fixture design is carried out for those processes with special machining requirements, the complete fixture drawing is drawn, and the operation is simply explained.

Keywords: Mechanical design, fixture design, mechanical manufacturing.

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 工艺设计在机械制造中的作用 1

1.3 工装夹具的设计及其步骤 2

1.4 工艺设计在国内外发展状况 3

1.4.1 国内发展状况 3

1.4.2国外发展状况 4

第二章 审查零件图样的工艺性 6

2.1零件的作用 6

2.2计算生产纲领 确定生产类型 6

2.3 零件的工艺分析 6

第三章 工艺过程设计 8

3.1毛坯选择 8

3.2 定位基准的选择 8

3.2.1精基准的选择 8

3.2.2粗基准的选择 8

3.3 工件表面加工方法的选择 8

3.4制订工艺路线 10

3.5确定机械加工余量及毛坯尺寸、设计毛坯图 12

3.5.1确定机械加工工序余量 12

3.5.2确定毛坯尺寸 14

3.5.3设计毛坯图 14

3.6确定切削用量、基本工时 14

3.6.1工序一切削用量及基本工时的确定 14

3.6.2工序二切削用量及基本工时的确定 18

3.6.3工序三切削用量及基本工时的确定 22

3.6.4工序四切削用量及基本工时的确定 31

3.6.5工序五切削用量及基本工时的确定 40

3.6.6工序六切削用量及基本工时的确定 43

3.6.7工序七切削用量及基本工时的确定 45

3.6.8工序八切削用量及基本工时的确定 53

3.6.9工序九切削用量及基本公式的确定 57

3.6.10工序十切削用量及基本工时的确定 61

3.6.11工序十一切削用量及基本工时的确定 63

3.6.12工序十二切削用量及基本工时的确定 64

3.6.13工序十三切削用量及基本工时的确定 69

3.6.14工序十四切削用量及基本工时的确定 71

3.6.15工序十五切削用量及基本工时的确定 71

3.6.16工序十六切削用量及基本工时的确定 72

3.7填写机械加工工艺过程综合卡片 73

第四章 专用夹具设计 73

4.1问题的提出 73

4.2 夹具设计的有关计算 74

4.2.1夹具一设计的有关计算 74

4.2.2夹具二设计的有关计算 74

4.3夹具结构设计及操作简要说明 75

4.3.1夹具一结构设计及操作简要说明 75

4.3.2夹具二结构设计及操作简要说明 75

第五章  结论 77

参考文献 78

致谢 79

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