引 言
目 录
摘 要 1
一、绪论 4
(一)研究目的 4
(二)研究意义 4
(三)研究内容和研究方法 6
二、文献综述 7
三、楼梯设计 10
(一)已知条件 10
(二)楼梯设计过程 10
四、楼梯结构施工图 16
结束语 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
摘 要
楼梯,就是能让人顺利地上下两个空间的通道。它必须结构设计合理,照标准,楼梯的每一级踏步应该高 15厘米,宽 28厘米;要求设计师对尺寸有个透彻的了解和掌握,才能使楼梯的设计行走便利,而所占空间最少。在房屋建筑中楼梯是承担竖向通道作用的重要组成部分,混凝土结构楼梯的受力形式分为板式和梁式两种。板式楼梯是由梯段斜板、平台板和平台梁组成。板式楼梯荷载传递路线:荷载—梯段斜板—平台板—平台梁—构造柱(框架柱)。梁式楼梯由踏步板、斜梁、平台板和平台梁组成。
本次设计内容是某教学楼板式楼梯结构设计,总建筑面积 5200m2。建筑物长77.7m,宽 34.5m,建筑占地面积 1500 m2,其中地面以上 5层,建筑高度自室外地面到女儿墙顶高 21m。第一层高为4.8m,其余各层层高为3.6m。该工程采用柱下独立基础,现浇楼面,现浇楼梯。抗震设防烈度为 7度。建筑耐久年限为 50 年。建筑屋面防水等级为 Ⅰ 级,耐久年限为 15 年,采用二道设防。墙体用加气混凝土砌块砌筑,内墙厚 200mm,外墙厚 200mm。
Staircase is the passage that can make people go down two spaces smoothly. It must be well-designed structure,according to the standard,each step of the staircase should be 15 cm high ,28 cm wide; requires the designer to have a thorough understanding and grasp of the size,in order to make the design of the staircase to walk conveniently,and occupy the least space. Staircase is an important part of vertical passage in building,and the stress form of concrete structure staircase is divided into plate type and beam type. The plate staircase is composed of inclined plate,platform plate and platform beam. Load transfer route of slab stair: load-slope plate-platform slab-platform beam-structure column (frame column) ). The beam staircase consists of step plate,inclined beam,platform plate and platform beam.
Design content is a teaching building floor stair structure design,the total building area of 5200 m2.. The length of the building is 77.7 m,the width is 34.5 m,and the building covers an area of 1500 m2,of which 5 floors above the ground are above the ground,and the building height is 21 m. from the outdoor floor to the top of the parapet. The first layer is 4.8 m,the remaining layers are 3.6 m. high The project adopts independent foundation under column,cast-in-place floor,cast-in-place staircase. The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees. The construction durability is 50 years. The waterproof grade of building roof is grade I,and the durability is 15 years. Aerated walls Concrete block masonry,inner wall 200 mm,outer wall 200 mm. thick
According to the construction plan to determine the form of stair structure,this paper unified use of reinforced concrete slab staircase. Select materials (concrete strength and reinforcement type,etc.) according to given design data and specifications. The reinforcement of inclined plate,middle platform plate and middle platform beam is calculated. Draw the stair structure drawing and reinforcement drawing,and draw the stair reinforcement drawing by marking the way of flat method. According to the construction requirements and construction conditions of the project,the structural form and structure arrangement of the staircase are determined,and then according to the construction category,the standard value of the living load of the staircase is determined according to the load code,and the internal force calculation and section design of the components of the staircase are carried out.
Keywords:Staircase design;Plate staircase;Structural design;Staircase calculation