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文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘   要






With the development of network technology and information technology,the Internet is growing rapidly,the information published on the Internet is mainly realized through the website,and the access to information is also to download the required information from the website according to a certain retrieval method in the Internet "Ocean ". The combination of the Internet and business activities has created a new network economy. Enterprises also need a product release website suitable for themselves. With the rapid development of network technology and the increasing popularity of the Internet,enterprises need efficient and unified platform to integrate the original online business. From the website design background,related technology base  Base,website function and overall design and other aspects elaborated the environmental protection enterprise website design process.

This paper designs an opportunity Java environmental protection enterprise website management system,the system adopts the B/S system pattern,uses the JSP programming language,takes the Mysql as the background development tool,first establishes the system model,then through carries on many iterations to each kind of user demand,unceasingly corrects and improves,forms the simple operation,the response speed,the interface friendly,the security high portal website.

According to the needs of users,in the front page can view the enterprise profile,news information,main business,talent recruitment,contact us,message and other functions. Background only users with administrator rights can log in,responsible for publishing foreground information,managing registered user information,adding and deleting administrators,and so on.

Keywords: environmental protection enterprise;environmental protection website;enterprise website;dynamic website;Java

目  录

摘   要 I


1绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3研究主要内容 3

2系统开发关键技术介绍 3

2.1 Java技术 3

2.1.1 Java技术简介 3

2.1.2 Java开发平台 4

2.1.3 Java文件组成 5

2.2 MYSQL数据库 5

2.3 HTML简介 6

2.4 B/S结构 7

2.5 SSM框架 7

3环保企业网站系统分析 9

3.1系统功能需求 9

3.2系统功能分析 9

4环保企业网站系统设计 12

4.1系统总体结构设计 12

4.1.1环保企业网站总体结构图 12

4.1.2网站的结构 13

4.1.3系统功能模块设计 13

4.1.4主界面设计 14

4.1.5输入输出界面设计 14

4.2 数据库设计 15

4.2.1数据库概念设计 15

4.2.2数据表结构设计 18

5环保企业网站系统实现 20

5.1环保企业网站前台设计 20

5.1.1网站首页 20

5.1.2新闻资讯 21

5.2环保企业网站后台设计 22

5.2.1后台登录 22

5.2.2网站设置 23

5.2.3公司信息设置 23

5.2.4分类管理 24

5.2.5产品管理 24

5.2.6新闻管理 25

5.2.7留言管理 26

6环保企业网站系统测试 27

6.1系统测试 27

6.2 单元测试实例 28

5.3 数据跟踪实例 28

5.4 综合测试 29

总  结 30

致   谢 31

参考文献 32

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