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摘  要




关键词  电磁阀;综合特性;测试系统;PLC;LabVIEW


The test of the comprehensive characteristics of solenoid valve is an essential link in the research and production of solenoid valve. The traditional solenoid valve comprehensive characteristic test Labor intensity,efficiency and test accuracy are relatively low,solenoid valve comprehensive characteristic test many test items,its test system is complex and requires high reliability and flexibility.

The principle of the solenoid valve is analyzed and its comprehensive characteristics are summarized. The main characteristic parameters of the test system,such as pressure,temperature and flow rate,are determined,and the corresponding sensor selection is carried out.

This paper first introduces the solenoid valve and its comprehensive characteristics,then puts forward two design schemes,and demonstrates them,and then establishes a general scheme for design. Secondly,the hardware design of the system,this paper introduces the hardware composition of the system and the selection of the main equipment and components,and gives the hardware wiring diagram of the system. Finally,the software design is divided into the lower computer control program design and the upper computer program design. This paper gives the detailed flow chart of the automatic and manual process of the lower computer control program,and makes a detailed analysis of them. A detailed introduction. Finally,through the system on-line debugging,the system can basically achieve the design requirements. Experimental results show that the system can accurately describe the high performance solenoid valve comprehensive characteristics,and the degree of automation and detection efficiency has been greatly improved.

Keywords Solenoid valves;integrated characteristics;test system;PLC;LabVIEW

目  录

摘  要 I


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.2.1发展现状 2

1.2.2研究现状 2

1.3研究内容 3

1.3.1主要研究内容 3

1.3.2实现的主要思路 3

1.4论文后续内容的组织和安排 4

第2章 总体技术方案 5

2.1本设计要求 5

2.2基于LabVIEW的方案 5

2.3基于PLC和虚拟仪器软件的方案 6

2.3.1上位机对PLC的输人继电器进行读操作 6

2.3.2上位机写输出继电器进行写操作 7

2.2方案的确定 8

第3章 硬件系统设计 9

3.1系统硬件组成 9

3.2系统I/O分析 9

3.3系统主要硬件选择 10

3.3.1 PLC 10

3.3.2模拟量输入模块 11

3.3.3步进电机及其驱动器 11

3.3.4编码器 12

3.3.5力传感器 13

3.4系统硬件接线图 13

第4章 系统软件设计 14

4.1软件组成 14

4.1.1控制程序框架 14

4.1.2典型环节介绍 14

4.1.3顺序功能图(SFC) 16

4.2各子功能实现 16

4.2.1 S7-200PLC高速计数和高速脉冲输出介绍 16

4.2.2系统I/O及变量分配 19

4.3实现举例 20

4.3.1手动部分 20

4.3.2自动部分 20

第5章 实验分析 22

5.1实验目的 22

5.2实验原理方案 22

5.3实验过程 22

5.3.1工程及画面的建立 23

5.3.2定义外部设备和变量 24

5.3.3X-Y曲线组件和数据表格组件的插入 25

5.3.4数据变量的连接 26

5.4实验结果分析 28

5.4.1硬件调试 28

5.4.2软件调试 29

5.4.3结果分析 29

第6章 结论与展望 31

6.1结论 31

6.2展望 31

致  谢 33

参考文献 34

附录A 手动程序流程图 35

附录B 自动程序流程图 36

附录C 硬件系统接线图 37

附录D 系统程序 38

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