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摘  要



本系统采用三层架构:其中用户界面层通过JSP html文件实现,业务处理层采用JavaBean Servlet实现,数据存储层采用MySql数据库实现,使得本系统具有良好的稳定性和可扩充性。本系统具有比较完备的功能,以网站界面与用户进行交互,为用户提供电影信息并接受其标准操作,同时通过数据库来存储信息数据。


Design And Development Of Java-Based Movie Ticketing Site

- Sers Functional Subsystems


With the development of technology, the progress of the times, the Internet has become indispensable to people's lives in a part of online shopping has already become a symbol of the times. Looking at the market, especially the rapid development of the film industry, film type and quantity of the increase resulted in increased traffic, which also makes it more difficult theater management. Therefore, the design and development of a comprehensive, efficient and practical online booking system will become a work of great significance. Movie ticketing site has compared to traditional manual ticketing mode incomparable superiority, with information update speed, information storage capacity, convenient features for users booking has brought great convenience. We can prospect, along with the development of the film industry, this system will play a greater role.

The system includes registration, login, browse theater, browse videos, keyword search, online booking, online reservations, published critic, adding collections and other functions, the basic realization users online booking function.

The system adopts three layers of structure: the user interface layer through the JSP HTML file, business processing layer uses JavaBean servlet to achieve, the data storage layer uses the SqlServer database to achieve, so that the system has good stability and scalability. Hierarchical design system design according to the standardization and standardized, structured implementation, system hierarchical structure distinction. The system has complete functions, interact in a web interface with the user, provide and accept its standard operating movie information users, and through the database to store data.

Keywords: movie ticket booking system, MySql, JSP, MVC design pattern

目  录

1  引言 1

1.1  研究课题的意义和背景 1

1.2  课题可行性研究报告 2

2  主要技术介绍 3

2.1  MVC设计模式 3

2.2  JSP相关知识 3

2.3  JavaBean相关知识 5

2.4  JDBC相关知识 5

3  系统开发工具介绍 8

3.1  MyEclipse 8

3.2  MySql相关 8

3.3  容器 8

3.4  Tomcat相关 9

4  系统总体设计 10

4.1  系统功能设计 10

4.1.1  总体功能设计 10

4.1.2  处理流程设计 12

4.2  数据库设计 13

4.2.1  数据表需求分析 13

5  详细设计 14

5.1  数据库详细设计 14

5.1.1  数据表具体设计 14

5.2  系统主界面模块设计 16

5.3  用户注册模块设计 19

5.4  用户登录模块设计 20

5.5  关键字查询模块设计 22

5.6.1  修改头像 23

5.6.2  修改基本信息 24

5.6.3  修改密码 26

5.7  用户订单管理 26

5.7.1  购票 26

5.7.2  选座 28

5.7.3  查看订单 30

5.8  用户评论管理 32

5.8.1  用户发表评论 32

5.8.2  用户对自己发表的评论进行浏览和删除操作 33

5.9  用户收藏管理 34

5.9.1 加入收藏 34

5.9.2  用户对自己的收藏进行浏览以及删除操作 35

5.10  注销退出 37

6  系统测试 38

6.1  测试的定义以及重要性 38

6.2  测试的方法 38

6.2.1  需求测试 38

6.2.2  界面测试 38

6.2.3  功能测试 39

6.2.4  性能测试 39

6.3  电影订票网站测试 39

7  结论 40

参 考 文 献 41

致  谢 42

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