摘 要
Laser is one of the great inventions in the 20th century,because of its monochromatic,coherent and parallel properties,especially suitable for material processing,laser processing is the most promising field for laser application. This paper mainly discusses the development history,application principle,key technology,development trend and prospect of laser processing technology.
The main content of this project is to design a medium-sized,simple maintenance,low-cost consumables multi-functional optical fiber laser processing machine,mainly suitable for all kinds of metal materials cutting,welding,drilling,engraving and other processing fields. The laser processing machine requires that the laser beam with high energy density be outputted from the fiber laser and aggregated on the surface of the workpiece,so that the area of the workpiece illuminated by the ultrafine focus spot is instantly melted and gasified,and the automatic laser processing is realized by moving the spot irradiation position through the CNC mechanical system. At the same time,vaporized or melted gases or dust are absorbed by the exhaust system. The concrete design contents include the demonstration and determination of the total structure of the laser machine,and the light Selection and design calculation of fiber laser,light guide system,numerical control system,air extraction system and so on.
Keywords: Fiber;Laser;Laser;Machining Machine;CNC System
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1课题背景及意义 1
1.2发展现状 1
1.3发展趋势 2
1.4研究主要内容 3
2总体设计方案分析 4
2.1方案设计 4
2.2 XY工作台的设计 5
2.2.1主要设计参数及依据 5
2.2.2 XY工作台部件进给系统受力分析 5
2.2.3初步确定XY工作台尺寸及估算重量 6
2.3 Z轴随动系统设计 6
2.4激光器选择 7
2.4.1半导体激光器 7
2.4.2 CO2激光器 8
2.4.3光纤激光器 9
2.5导光系统 9
导轨主要分为滚动导轨和滑动导轨两种, 9
型号:选用GGB型四方向等载荷型滚动直线导轨副 10
2.6抽风系统 11
2.6.1等离子加工机除尘方式概述 11
2.6.2工艺介绍 11
2.6.3一体式滤筒净化器 14
3主要部分的选型与设计计算 17
3.1步进电机的选用 17
3.1.1 脉冲当量和步距角 17
3.1.2步进电机上起动力矩的近似计算 17
3.1.3确定步进电机最高工作频率 18
3.2齿轮传动机构的确定 18
3.2.1传动比的确定 18
3.2.2齿轮结构主要参数的确定 19
3.3步进电机惯性负载的计算 19
3.3滚珠丝杠传动系统的设计计算 21
3.3.1 强度计算 21
3.3.2 滚珠丝杠副的传动效率 21
4数控系统设计 24
4.1 确定机床控制系统方案 24
4.2 主要芯片配置 24
4.2.1主要芯片选择 24
4.2.2 主要管脚功能 24
4.2.3 EPROM的选用 25
4.2.4 RAM的选用 26
4.2.5 89C51存储器及I/O的扩展 27
4.2.6 8155工作方式查询 28
4.2.7状态查询 29
4.2.8 8155定时功能 30
4.2.9 芯片地址分配 31
4.3 键盘设计 32
4.3.1键盘定义及功能 32
4.3.2 键盘程序设计 32
4.4显示器设计 37
4.4.1显示器显示方式的选用 37
4.4.2显示器接口 37
4.4.3 8155扩展I/O端口的初始化 38
4.5 插补原理 39
4.6光电隔离电路 40
4.7越界报警电路 41
4.8 总体程序控制 41
4.8.1流程图 41
4.4.2总程序 42
结 论 43
参考文献 44
致 谢 45