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摘  要





An urgent task of higher education reform is to promote the quality education of college students in an all-round way. And the laboratory plays an important role in carrying out quality education and training high-quality talents. However,at present,the experimental teaching management in many higher vocational colleges still follows the traditional laboratory management mode,which makes the experimental teaching lack autonomy and humanization,and seriously affects the effect of experimental teaching. In view of the above problems,this paper designs a new open laboratory appointment management system based on B/S structure.

The Lab Integrated Management System uses Java Web,ssh framework as the development basis,MyEclipse as the development tool,MySQL as the database,and JQUERY and AJAX technologies are used in the page for processing. The main function modules are realized,such as administrator management,experimental course management,student attendance management,attendance statistics,data export and so on. The administrator has the authority to manage teachers and students,add the function of modifying and deleting the computer room,make the outline of the computer laboratory,add the notice,and carry out the property inventory. To the teacher to the computer room appointment approval. Management  Laboratory courses. Statistics of appointment and computer room usage. The teacher makes an appointment to the computer room,opens the check-in,counts the course check-in,borrows the computer laboratory property,returns. Students sign in for courses and make computer room appointments. View lab courses and teacher notices.

Keywords: laboratory;appointment;attendance;management system

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3研究主要内容 2

2关键技术平台与理论介绍 3

2.1概念 3

2.1.1 J2EE的概念 3

2.1.2 JSP的概念及其特点 3

2.1.3 Java Bean的概念 3

2.1.4 Java Servlet的概念 4

2.1.5 Session对象 4

2.2 J2EE的结构 4

2.3 J2EE的容器类型 4

2.4 J2EE的体系与模式 5

2.4.1 J2EE的体系(分布式计算) 5

2.4.2 J2EE的模式 5

2.5 JAVA三大框架 5

2.5.1 Struts框架 5

2.5.2 Spring框架 6

2.5.3 Hibernate框架 7

2.6 开发环境的搭建 8

2.6.1 服务器配置 8

2.6.2 Tomcat安装及配置 8

3可行性分析和需求分析 10

3.1系统可行性分析 10

3.1.1经济可行性 10

3.1.2技术可行性 10

3.1.3运行可行性 10

3.2需求工作流 10

3.3系统需求 13

3.3.1用例图 13

3.3.2活动图 17

4系统总体设计 21

4.1项目设计 21

4.1.1管理员模块 21

4.1.2学生模块 22

4.1.3老师模块 23

4.2类建模 23

4.2 状态图 24

4.3 顺序图 25

4.3.1个人信息管理 25

4.3.2上机课信息发布 25

4.3.3实验室设备管理 26

4.3.4实验室信息管理 26

4.3.5损坏单审核 27

4.3.6填写损坏单 27

4.3.7填写预约单 28

4.4 包图 31

4.5类图详细设计 31

4.6 数据库设计 32

4.6.1 概念模型 32

4.6.2 逻辑模型 34

4.6.3 物理模型 35

5系统实现 36

5.1登录界面 36

5.2 实验室基本信息管理界面 36

5.3 用户信息管理界面 38

5.4 实验室设备管理界面 39

5.5 实验室考勤管理界面 40

5.6 实验室预约管理界面 41

总  结 43

参考文献 44

致  谢 45

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