关键词 微信 小程序 餐厅点餐 MySQL
WeChat based restaurant ordering system is realized by using the small program function Since the birth of WeChat in 2011, the use of WeChat has become more and more common, especially in recent years, WeChat's WeChat applet is used because it does not occupy memory. The characteristics of the end-to-end approach attract more and more users, and more and more systems are designed using WeChat applets. This topic utilizes the small program that has been gradually matured to meet the needs of restaurant customers, and optimizes the traditional manual ordering process, so that users can place orders through WeChat applet. After receiving the order information, the merchant can Provide related services.
This system mainly uses the WeChat applet production front end, and the background uses the MySQL database to save the relevant data needed for ordering, and realizes the basic functions of ordering in the restaurant. The system mainly includes two modules, the user can view the dishes, carry out the ordering work in the store, and can evaluate the dishes; the merchant manages the dishes in the store and processes the orders of the users; and can be carried out in the cloud development System version changes and backups. Through system development and testing, the system has basically reached the goal of the software itself.
Keywords WeChat Applets Restaurant order MySQL
1.前言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题意义 1
1.3 论文结构 2
2.相关技术 3
2.1 Java语言 3
2.2 Spring框架 4
2.3 Vue.js框架 5
2.4 IntelliJ IDEA开发工具 6
2.5 数据库 7
3.可行性与需求分析 9
3.1 系统可行性分析 9
3.2 系统功能需求分析 10
3.3 系统性能需求分析 11
3.5 系统业务流程分析 11
3.6 开发环境与开发工具 12
4.系统设计 13
4.1系统功能结构设计 13
4.1.1 系统总体功能结构 13
4.1.2 用户功能结构 13
4.1.3 管理员功能结构 14
4.2 系统数据库设计 15
4.2.1 数据库E-R图设计 15
4.2.2 数据库表的设计 16
5.系统实现 19
5.1 数据库连接 19
5.2 用户模块实现 20
5.2.1 登录管理模块实现 20
5.2.2 用户信息管理模块实现 22
5.2.3 订单管理模块实现 24
5.2.4 评价管理模块实现 25
5.3 管理员模块实现 27
5.3.1 菜品管理模块实现 27
5.3.2 系统管理模块实现 29
5.3.3 订单管理模块实现 30
6.系统测试 33
6.1系统测试的目的与意义 33
6.2 系统模块测试用例 33
6.2.1 用户登录模块 33
6.2.2 扫码点餐模块 33
6.2.3 购物车模块 34
6.2.4 接单提醒模块 34
6.2.5 菜品新增模块 35
6.2.6 新增菜品类目模块 35
7.结论 36
7.1 系统技术总结 36
7.2 系统功能总结 38
7.3 系统展望 38
致谢 40
参考文献 41