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摘 要


With the development of the economy, people's living standards continue to improve, Internet transactions become more mature, in order to avoid waste of resources, through the campus idle trading network, it can play a good resource reuse. College students are a frequent shopping group. Especially when buying some books and materials, they are usually no longer needed after they are used. It is a pity to throw them away. It is not very convenient to handle them. We need such a idle transaction website for college students to help us sell at the right price, then buy the resources we need, and play the role of resource sharing. In addition, the platform has campus running business, and the students in the same school can Use the leisure time to help the students send the courier, and open the courier service for the students at the low price. Such a combination of trading and express delivery forms a campus idle ecosystem.
In the face of today's e-commerce development, the business model of commodity trading is also expanding, and more and more transactions promote the flow of resources. The idle transaction is precisely the missing point of solving the shared resource, which effectively helps the college students to process and share the willingness to share resources. Running on campus not only has the benefits but also exercises the body, which is beneficial to the physical and mental development of college students.
The system uses a bright yellow tone to complement the minimalist design style, allowing users to focus more on managing their own leisure, rather than the cumbersome website features, expecting users to focus on the enjoyment of idle purchases.
This report describes how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, etc. to complete the design and implementation of a campus idle trading platform, from the initial idea to the design to the final idea, step by step to discuss the implementation details, but also The related technologies used in this system will be introduced.

Key words: Idle Trading, Campus Ecosystem Chain, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 意义 1
第2章 关键技术介绍 3
2.1 关键性开发技术的介绍 3
2.1.1 PHP面向对象编程 3
2.1.2 Ajax运行机制和基本原理 3
2.1.3 JavaScript 3
2.2 其它相关技术 3
2.2.1 PHPStudy的概述 3
2.2.2 PHPStorm的概述 4
2.2.3 Sublime Text 3的概述 4
2.2.4 MVC简介 4
第3章 系统分析 5
3.1 网站需求分析 5
3.1.1 需求分析 5
3.1.2 模块划分 5
3.1.3 功能需求 6
3.1.4 用例图 6
3.2 系统开发环境 8
3.3 系统任务的可行性分析 8
3.3.1 技术可行性 8
3.3.2 系统安全性分析 8
第4章 系统设计 9
4.1 网站架构 9
4.1.1 网站结构图 9
4.1.2 功能结构图 9
4.1.3 总体流程图 9
4.2 数据库设计 12
4.2.1 数据库E-R设计 12
4.2.2数据库表设计 13
4.3 网站前端/后台界面设计 16
4.3.1 原型图设计 16
4.3.2 视觉稿设计 20
第5章 系统实现 26
5.1 前端用户界面 26
5.1.1 网站首页 26
5.1.2 个人中心 26
5.1.3 商品详情页 27
5.1.4 我的收藏页面 28
5.1.5 分类结果页面+搜索 28
5.2 登录注册 29
5.3 后台管理员界面 30
5.3.1 用户管理 30
5.3.2 商品管理 30
5.3.3 分类管理 31
5.4 功能模块实现 32
5.4.1 登录模块 32
5.4.2 注册模块 32
5.4.3 发布模块 32
5.4.4 商品模块 34
5.4.5 管理模块 35
5.4.6 搜索模块 35
5.4.7 留言模块 36
5.4.8 收藏模块 36
第6章 系统测试 37
6.1 测试方案 37
6.2 测试方法及测试用例 37
6.3 测试结果 38
第7章 结 论 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42

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