关键词:牙科诊所病例门诊管理 JSP B/S模式
With the rapid development of science and technology, computers have been widely used in various fields. In the field of medicine, computers are mainly applied to two aspects: one is the intelligence of medical equipment and the hardware. The other is the case information management system (HIS), which focuses on software development to improve the level of modern management of cases in private dental clinics. The main task of this graduation design is based on B/S pattern development and design a private dental clinics case management system in order to improve the modern management image of the private dental clinic cases. The system includes drug management, register management, prescribe medicine and pharmacy management four parts, of drugs, patients can be accomplished by the input, delete, modify, and query, and other functions, especially for the small and medium-sized private dental clinic cases, improve the level of private dental clinics case management, reasonable system design is simple.
This article adopts the method of object-oriented analysis, elaborated the function of a more powerful Taiwan before and after the development of the dental clinic management system, operation process and some of the key technologies involved. First has carried on the feasibility analysis, then the object-oriented analysis, through the actual business process needs, extract and user needs, set up the precise model the problem domain; Then the object-oriented design phase, mainly with the analysis phase of the demand for the target system into conformity with the requirements of the cost and quality of abstract system implementation plan, expounds the ideas of system design, database design and system design tools and techniques. In this phase, the object model of the system is set up, and the class diagram of the system is formed. The design of the conceptual structure was carried out first, then the logical structure design was carried out, and the design of the data table was completed.
According to former several stages of the analysis and design, this system adopts B/S mode in terms of design, and using JSP technology of basic pages design and function implementation of background database choose MySQL database. The design of this system is implemented as the basis for the operation of the dental clinic management system, and provides good conditions for the operation of the dental clinic management system.
Key words: the patient outpatient clinic administration JSP B/S pattern
摘要 1
目录 4
1. 引言 5
1.1结构概述和技术介绍 6
1.1.1 JSP概述 6
1.1.2 JSP的新特性 7
1.3.3 JSP的基本概念 8
2.系统分析 9
2.1 需求分析 9
2.2 系统设计原则 10
2.1.1技术可行性 10
2.1.2 经济可行性 10
2.1.3 操作可行性 10
2.1.4 时间可行性 10
3.概要设计 10
3.1 数据库设计 11
3.2 建立数据库 12
3.3建立数据库的任务 12
3.4 建立数据库的方法 12
3.5 数据项和数据结构 13
3.6 建立数据表 14
4. 详细设计 17
4.1 模块的设计 17
4.1.1 登录模块 17
4.1.2 用户注册模块 22
4.1.3 系统管理模块 28
4.1.4 挂号管理模块 30
4.1.5病例管理模块 30
4.1.6用户模块 30
5.系统调试与测试 32
5.1 程序调试 32
5.2 软件的测试 32
5.2.1 测试的重要性及目的 32
5.2.2 测试的步骤 33
5.2.3 测试的主要内容 34
6.结论 35
6.1 系统评价 35
6.2 安全性问题 36
参考文献0 37
外文原文 39
中文翻译 43
AJAX技术和SSH框架在电子商务系统开发中的应用 43