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摘 要
本XXX陶瓷工厂的进销存管理系统是基于eclipse开发环境,前台采用的是Swing 和 AWT 相关组件进行的GUI设计,后台使用的是SQL Server数据库。且该XXX陶瓷工厂的进销存管理系统共分为六大模块,分别为基础信息管理模块,进货模块,销售模块,查询统计模块,库存管理模块和系统管理模块,其中基础信息管理模块涉及到客户,原料商品,供应商,产品信息的管理和维护;进货模块涉及到原料商品的进货和退货;销售模块是负责产品的销售和销售退货;查询统计模块则负责查询一些基础信息;库存管理模块完成原料商品的出库,产品的入库,库存盘点和价格修改;系统管理模块涉及到操作员管理和密码修改。总体而言,该六大功能模块设计合理,功能全面,同时界面友好,非常符合我国陶瓷工厂的进销存管理需求。
关键词: XXX陶瓷工厂的进销存管理系统;java;SQL Server数据库
The Design and Implementation of the XXX Ceramic Factory Inventory Management System
The times in the progress of our production and lifestyle when the corresponding to make a change. In today's information age, computer software has been widely used in daily office, warehouse inventory management, corporate staff and asset management text editing, spreadsheet application and a variety of personnel management, financial management And so on, it can be said that computer software is an indispensable part of our daily life. The use of computers to complete the work efficiency is much higher than the traditional manual work. It is well known that China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. In English, Chinese and porcelain have the same spelling. It is enough to see that ceramics is an extremely important part of the history of our civilization. This invention is not only for China, For the world also made a great contribution, has a very unique and important significanceBut China's ceramic enterprises are still the traditional manual management model, so easy to work wrong cut the efficiency is very low. So according to the needs of a ceramic factory, the design of this XXX ceramic factory Invoicing management system to help the ceramic factory to achieve automation office, save management costs and improve efficiency purposes.
The XXX ceramic factory inventory management system is based on the ECLIPSE. The foreground interface is based on the Swing and AWT components  and the background use the  SQL Server database. The XXX ceramic factory inventory management system  is divided into six modules, Respectively, for the basic information management module, purchase module, sales module, query statistics module, inventory management module and system management module, The basic information management module which involves the customer, raw materials, suppliers, product information management and maintenance; The purchase module is responsible for the purchase and return of raw materials; sales module is responsible for product sales and sales returns; query statistical module is responsible for querying some basic information; inventory management module to complete the raw materials of the library, the product storage, inventory and Price changes; system management module related to operator management and password modification. Overall, the six functional modules design reasonable, full-featured, while friendly interface, very consistent with China's ceramic factory Invoicing management needs.
Key words: The Design and Implementation of the XXX Ceramic Factory Inventory; Management System;Java;SQL Server Database
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1  绪 论 1
1.1本课题的研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本课题的重要工作 2
1.4选题意义 3
2  开发工具的选择 4
2.1开发工具Eclipse的介绍 4
2.2 SQLServer数据库介绍 4
2.3 swing组件与功能 5
3  可行性分析 6
3.1经济可行性 6
3.2技术可行性 6
3.3管理可行性 6
3.4法律可行性 7
4  需求分析 8
4.1功能需求 8
4.2性能需求 8
4.3 需求分析的结果 10
5  系统总体设计 11
5.1业务流程 11
5.2系统功能模块图 12
5.3系统流程 13
5.4系统类图 13
6  数据库设计 15
6.1数据库的逻辑设计 15
6.2数据库的物理设计 17
7  详细设计与系统实现 20
7.1系统的流程图 20
7.2登陆模块的实现 20
7.3基础信息管理模块的实现 22
7.4进货管理模块 23
7.5销售管理模块 26
7.6查询统计模块 27
7.7库存管理模块 29
7.8系统管理 31
8  系统测试 33
8.1登陆功能测试: 33
8.2进货功能测试 34
8.3查询统计功能测试 36
8.4库存管理功能测试 37
8.5系统管理功能测试 38
总 结 40
致 谢 42
附录一:外文原文 43
附录二:中文翻译 49

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