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摘  要

螺旋压榨机过去是现在仍然是油脂生产中的一台主机。就是在近代的浸出法制油中队高含油份油料大多采用还是预榨—— 浸出工艺方法来制备油脂,所以预榨机——螺旋压榨机仍然是油脂工业生产中的重要部件。螺旋压榨机的结构直接影响到油脂生产的数量和质量。而压榨机的工作部分是螺旋轴和榨笼构成,料胚经过螺旋轴和榨笼之间的空间——炸膛,而受到压榨。所以它们是压榨机的“心脏”,它们的结构直接影响到压榨机的性能。本文通过了解压榨机的资料,然后比对压榨机的结构,设计其结构,螺杆的设计是整个设计的主体,通过对压榨物质和生产量的取定,得出螺旋杆的设计过程,本文的传动采用两级减速传动,使机器运作稳定。通过对整机功率,转矩,最后定出电机。还要对整个设计重要部件做出校核,能够让机器正常运作。




The screw press used to be a mainframe in oil production. Even in the modern leaching process,the oil with high oil content is mostly prepared by pre-pressing-leaching process,so the pre-press,the screw press,is still an important part in the production of oils and fats. The structure of screw press directly affects the quantity and quality of oil production. The working part of the press is composed of a screw shaft and a press cage,and the material embryo is squeezed through the space between the screw shaft and the press cage-the blast chamber. Therefore,they are the "heart" of the press,their structure directly affects the performance of the press. This article has passed De-press the material,then compare the structure of the press,design its structure,screw design is the main body of the whole design,through the selection of the pressing material and production,the design process of the screw rod is obtained. In this paper,two-stage deceleration drive is used to stabilize the operation of the machine. Through the whole machine power,torque,the final determination of the motor. It also checks the critical components of the entire design to allow the machine to function properly.

This design is mainly to the overall structure design of the screw press. Including press part,transmission part,frame part,oil-out device and feed structure design. Including the input motor power/speed selection. Selection and design of belt and pulley. Gearbox gear design,bearing,key,coupling selection and related calculation,check. Design of screw pressing cage,etc. The screw and cage are the main working parts of the press.

Key words: press; screw type; press cage; structure design

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 2

1.3应用范围 5

1.4主要特点 6

1.5 研究主要内容 6

第2章 螺旋压榨机主要机构设计 8

2.1工作原理 8

2.1.1压榨原理 8

2.1.2 排料机构原理 9

2.2电机选型计算 9

2.2.1电机的选型计算 9

2.2.2轴承的设计计算 10

2.3 产品设计计算 11

2.3.1 技术参数计算 11

2.3.2 卸料预压力计算 12

2.3.3 重要轴计算 15

第3章 螺旋压榨机三维建模设计 19

3.1设计软件介绍 19

3.2产品主体结构模型 19

第4章 螺旋压榨机设计说明 22

4.1 设备注意事项 22

4.2 设备说明 22

4.3 设备保养 23

4.4设备维护 23

第5章 成本预算与环境分析 25

5.1 螺旋式压榨机调研 25

5.2 成本预算 25

5.3 环境分析 27

总  结 28

参考文献 29

致  谢 30

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