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摘  要





With the rapid development and progress of information technology, the network has entered thousands of families. It is affecting and changing all aspects of people's lives. At the same time, e-commerce continues to grow. Online shopping has become an essential part of people's lives. The rapid development of e-commerce has changed the traditional industry model and business opportunities. More and more people are actively engaged in e-commerce. But it is worth noting that some of the stationery stores near the school rarely sell their products through the e-commerce platform, so that their sales further improve, to achieve marketing purposes. This paper is designed to carry out stationery network through Taobao, an e-commerce platform. Store operation, changing the business model of traditional stationery stores. Through market research, develop promotion plan and marketing strategy and a series of processes, improve their own online shop competitiveness, more profits.

This paper analyzes and investigates the stationery market to understand the characteristics of the industry audience, analyzes the stationery market, and formulates the plan and implementation mode of the individualized stationery. Through the construction of the online store, to achieve personalized stationery network promotion, broaden sales channels; increase the sales of stationery products, improve the popularity of online stores, achieve increased profits of online stores; use the knowledge learned to sum up and improve the graduation design.

Keywords: stationery industry; Taobao; online shop; planning; operation; promotion

目  录

摘  要 I


第一章 项目背景 1

1.1电子商务基本概念 1

1.2电子商务现状及发展趋势 1

1.3文具行业的发展现状 2

第二章 文具行业介绍 4

2.1文具行业的调查与分析 4

2.1.1文具行业电子商务渗透率 4

2.1.2文具行业内企业电子商务销售平台使用状况调查统计 5

2.1.3文具行业电子商务收入统计分析 6

2.1.4电子商务对文具行业内企业销售业绩提升统计分析 6

2.2文具产品分类以及市场需求 8

2.2.1文具产品分类 8

2.2.2市场需求 9

第三章 文具网店分析 10

3.1文具网上店铺前景分析 10

3.2消费者选择文具产品的购买因素分析 11

3.2.1调查目的 11

3.2.2调查结果的分析与预测 11

第四章 江江文具店铺运营规划 15

4.1品牌定位 15

4.2操作流程 15

4.3人员分工表(店长 美工 文案 客服 仓管) 15

4.4运营规划第一个月 16

4.4.1店铺装修 16

4.4.2营销活动 17

第五章 江江文具店铺运营实施 19

5.1免费运营实施资源 19

5.2收费软件类运营实施资源 21

5.3收费营销类资源 22

5.4发货管理 22

5.5售后管理 23

5.6提高转化率,完成店铺销售目标 23

第六章 总结与展望 25

参考文献 27

致    谢 28

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