摘 要
首先,针对国内汽车市场进行宏观环境分析,我国 2018-2019 年政治环境对于轿车市场有利因素与不利因素并存,有利因素更多;经济增长是平稳的,2019年经济增长预测是持续的;消费者趋于从众、爱面子等消费习惯仍然存在,以及对科技、智能产品的需求逐渐增强;技术环境中汽车行业技术创新能力不断提升,互联网的兴起使营销手段和方法愈加多样化。然后,针对国内汽车市场进行微观环境分析,潜在竞争者造车新势力新能源汽车企业发展迅速;现有大型整车制造厂等传统竞争者销量平稳,不断推出新产品,市场竞争激烈;消费者对汽车品牌、个性化外观、安全需求增加;掌握高科技产品供应商具有较高议价能力;共享出行公司进入逐渐成熟阶段,面临替代品威胁。最后,通过 SWOT分析,在拥有国家多方政策支持和国家经济运营良好的条件下,在有先进技术支持和消费者需求的全面了解中,有利于红旗轿车在轿车市场的完善发展。红旗轿车在企业实力、品牌认知度等方面具有很大的优势,在产品技术方面存在着相对国际大牌的不利因素;外部环境的改善为红旗车的销售创造了机会;环保制度和政策的改变已经威胁到红旗车等燃油车的销售。通过 SWOT 矩阵得出,一汽红旗 H5 轿车市场营销选择 SO 策略。
综合市场宏观环境、微观环境及 SWOT 分析制定红旗 H5 轿车营销组合策略。在产品方面,通过唤醒国人对红旗深层情怀和提升技术品牌宣传增加品牌溢价能力,通过提升用户体验增加消费者满意度;在价格方面,基于消费者对产品敏感度的分析,在高端 B 级车市场中打出相对国际大牌竞品的价格优势,增加购车附赠服务及周边产品;在渠道方面,完善渠道建设及保障,建立经销商分管系统,提升渠道运营能力,保障渠道运营质量,从而提质高效的扩大国内市场;在促销方面,从消费者角度对标国际大牌,注重多方面服务提升,以体验为主进行消费者市场推广,以支持为主进行经销商营业推广,加强内部促销,运用互联网增加多种促销手段。此外,从开发人力资源和人才培养、保证储备资金和资金流动、保障产品质量、确保产能供应、流程制度完善和战略文化等多个方面制定保障的有效措施。
In China, with the continuous increase in car sales and the gradual liberalizationof foreign stocks in the future, opportunities and challenges coexist for auto brands
As a pioneer of the new China automobile, FAW Group continued to deepen itsreforms and has achieved certain achievements in the development of the Hongqibrand Similarly, there are places worthy of improvement and improvement How toconduct marketing of Hongqi brand in the fierce competition of the currentpassenger car market has become an urgent problem to be solved
According to the analysis of the macro environment of the domestic automobilemarket, in terms of the political environment, China's policies in 2018-2019 haveboth favorable and unfavorable factors for the car market, with more favorablefactors From the perspective of economic environment, China's economic growth in2018 is stable, and the economic growth forecast in 2019 is sustainable From theanalysis of social environment, consumers tend to conform to the crowd, face savingand other consumption habits still exist, and the demand for technology, intelligentproducts gradually strengthen; In the technological environment, the technologicalinnovation ability of the automobile industry is constantly improved, and the rise ofthe Internet makes the marketing methods and methods more diversified Accordingto the analysis of the micro environment of the domestic automobile market, the newpower of new energy automobile enterprises of potential competitors are developingrapidly Existing large vehicle manufacturers and other traditional competitors salessteady, constantly launched new products, fierce market competition; Consumers'
demands for automobile brands, personalized appearance and safety are increasing
Master high-tech product suppliers with high bargaining power; Shared-travel companies are entering a mature stage and facing the threat of substitutes In general,the SWOT analysis is beneficial to the development of hongqi sedan in the carmarket under the conditions of multi-party policy support and sound economicoperation of the country, as well as the comprehensive understanding of advancedtechnical support and consumer demand Hongqi sedan has great advantages incorporate strength, brand recognition, etc, and has disadvantages in producttechnology compared with international brands The improvement of the externalenvironment for the Hongqi car sales created opportunities; Changes inenvironmental regulations and policies have threatened sales of fuel-efficient carssuch as the Hongqi Through SWOT matrix analysis, faw Hongqi H5 car marketingstrategy selection SO
Based on the above analysis, the Hongqi H5 sedan should adopt the followingmarketing mix strategy In terms of products, we can arouse Chinese people's deepfeelings for red flag and enhance the ability of brand premium through technicalbrand publicity, and increase consumer satisfaction through improving userexperience In terms of price, based on the analysis of the sensitivity of consumers toproducts, the high-end B-class car market has a price advantage over theinternational competitors, and the premium services and peripheral products areincreased In terms of channels, we should improve the channel construction andguarantee, establish the distributor management system, improve the channeloperation ability and guarantee the channel operation quality, so as to expand thedomestic market with high quality and efficiency In terms of promotion, we targetinternational brands from the perspective of consumers, pay attention to theimprovement of various services, conduct consumer market promotion based onexperience, conduct dealer business promotion based on support, strengthen internalpromotion, and use the Internet to increase a variety of promotion methods Inaddition, the implementation of the marketing strategy of Hongqi car also needs toensure the effective implementation of the marketing strategy from the developmentof human resources and talent training, guarantee the reserve capital and capital flow,guarantee product quality, ensure the supply of capacity, improve the process systemand strategic culture and other aspects
Keywords:FAW-Hongqi The sedan marketing Local brand The car marketMarketing strategy
目 录
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.1.1 研究背景
国内市场乘用车保有量迅速增长、合资板块进一步下探,使中国车企自主品牌面临的市场竞争加剧。根据去年《财富》世界五百强排行榜中整车车企的排名,结果显示出:上汽集团排名第三十六、东风汽车集团排名第六十五、北汽集团排名第一百二十四、一汽集团第一百二十五、广汽集团二百零二名、吉利集团二百七十六名。预计国内市场乘用车保有量在 18 年底会达到接近两亿辆,该数量对于汽车市场而言已趋于饱和;除此之外,新能源、智能网联等新型汽车企业逐渐进入汽车市场。在这种背景下,我国汽车市场的竞争预计持续升温、更加激烈。对于我国传统自主汽车企业而言,正面临巨大市场压力,自主品牌的做大做强已经成为重中之重。
我国改革开放第四十周年,针对汽车产业做出了诸多重要改革。第一,亚洲博鳌论坛 2018 年年会中提出尽快放宽外资股比限制,特别是汽车行业外资限制。中国新能源汽车股比已于 2018 年 7 月 28 日正式放开。预计 2022 年实现取消乘用车制造外资股比限制。第二,今年 5 月,财政部宣布我国进口关税实行下调政策。整车税中国共涉及四个税号进行调整,由百分之二十调整为百分之十五,汽车零件共有七十九和税号发生下调,分别从百分之八到百分之二十五不等的税率进行下调到百分之六,执行日期从二零一八年七月一日开始。综合外资股比政策和税率调整政策,影响中国汽车工业发展至深的自主汽车品牌保护政策到 2022 年将得以全面废除,自主品牌的发展将全面进入 30 时代。通过对影响汽车行业因素充分调研,结果表明:在汽车自主品牌第三阶段,内部竞争和外部竞争环境均会朝着更加严峻的趋势发展,其中国家的政策、技术的变革和消费者消费方式的转变都是行业变革和发展的重要影响因素。
中国一汽红旗自 1953 年 7 月建厂以来,历经停产、复产、复兴的跌宕起伏,是我国传统汽车自主品牌的代表。在改革开放深化、市场竞争升级、外资挤压加大、消费升级加快、汽车产业创新及互联网思维冲击等新形势下,需要探求新的营销策略应对未来发展。
1.2 研究方法与内容
1.3 理论基础与文献综述
第 2 章 一汽红旗 H5 市场营销现状及问题
2.1 一汽红旗简介
2.2 一汽红旗 H5 轿车营销现状
2.3 一汽红旗 H5 车型市场营销存在的问题及成因分析
第 3 章 一汽红旗 H5 轿车营销环境分析
3.1 宏观营销环境分析
3.2 微观营销环境分析
3.3 红旗 H5 轿车营销 SWOT 分析
第 4 章 一汽红旗 H5 轿车市场营销策略制定与实施保障
4.1 红旗 H5 轿车 STP 策略
4.2 红旗 H5 轿车营销组合策略
4.3 红旗 H5 轿车营销策略实施保障
结 论
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