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关键词:液压挖掘机 工作装置 液压系统 运动仿真


Construction machinery hydraulic excavator is one of the most important products which has high technical content. Working mechanism is the main equipment of hydraulic excavator, each joint point and the design of the concrete structure are important factors to decide the working mechanism of the performance level, determining the working performance of hydraulic excavator, which influence the use performance is good or bad, so the research of hydraulic excavator is very necessary. The main characteristics of hydraulic excavator is as follow: It has a stepless speed regulation and wide speed range, it can obtain stable low speed, when action quickly, the hydraulic parts produce a small inertia and good acceleration performance, and it can be used for high speed reversal, produce smooth transmission, simple structure, can absorb the impact and vibration, labor-saving operation, it is easy to control automatically and realize the standardization, seriation and generalization.

The topic of the design is the design of WY100 hydraulic crawler excavator overall and the working device and motion simulation for the working device. Compared with the other types of excavator this type of excavator have good performance so used widely, it can reduce ground pressure by widening, lengthening and floating crawler for soft ground or marshes. The main tasks of the design are: Types and the development of the excavator, the overall design of hydraulic excavator, the working resistance calculation of the hydraulic excavator, the design of the working device ,stress analysis and strength check calculation of the working device, the hydraulic system design of the excavator working device , the motion simulation of excavator working device

The main parameter of the design is bucket capacity 1.0m3, it belongs to the small and medium-sized hydraulic excavator, the main tasks are the design and motion simulation of working device of excavator. The working device is the equipment that completes the task of mining directly, all the design of the work device components are designed in detail including the design of the boom, stick and bucket and a driving device.

This design used the crawler walking device to meet the requirements of the excavator. The upper part of the excavator is a full rotation swivel table so it can work in a greater scope. Because of the use of hydraulic drive control and make the machine performance can be improved. Compared with the mechanical excavators, the mining capacity increased to 2 ~ 3 times, the quality of the machine is 25 tons, the maximum discharge height is about 4.53M, the maximum digging depth is 5.99M, maximum digging radius of about 9.795m, can be seen from the operation ability has been greatly improved, not only the mining capacity but the light weight, smooth transmission, high efficiency and compact structure.

Keywords: hydraulic excavator   working device   hydraulic system   motion simulation


第1章 绪论··················································································1





第2章 总体设计············································································8

2.1 总体设计内容及原则····································································8

2.2 选择确定总体参数·······································································8

第3章 挖掘机工作阻力·································································15

3.1 工作液压缸的理论挖掘力·····························································15

3.2 整机挖掘力·············································································16


第4章 工作装置设计····································································18

4.1 设计要求················································································18

4.2 反铲工作装置结构方案的确定························································18





第5章 工作装置受力分析和强度验算··············································35




第6章 工作装置液压系统设计························································49





第7章 运动仿真···········································································56

7.1 引言·····················································································56

7.2 Solidworks模拟仿真的基本概述······················································56

7.3 Solidworks动画模拟仿真的概述······················································57

7.4 液压挖掘机工作装置的三维实体建模················································57

7.5 液压挖掘机工作装置的三维实体装配················································62

第8章 毕业设计小结····································································64

第9章 致谢·················································································66


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