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摘  要





Milk candy is imported from abroad and has only a history of several decades in our country. Because of its fragrant taste, rich nutrition and popular with the people, it has developed rapidly. Milk candy is a kind of semi-soft candy with loose structure, which is named after a large number of milk products. The main characteristic of this kind of sugar is that it has the unique aroma of milk, also known as caramel candy. Sugar is highly emulsified from sugar, starch syrup, colloid, dairy products, grease and water. Milk candy and its making methods are imported from abroad, and have only a history of several decades in our country. It is popular because of its aromatic flavor and rich nutrition. Milk candy is a kind of loose semi-soft structure. Candies The sugar section has tiny stomata, with toughness and elasticity, chewing resistance, soft and delicate taste. Milk candy is named after a large number of milk products, the main characteristic of this kind of sugar is the unique aroma of milk, also known as caramel candy. The shape of the candy is more cylindrical, but also rectangular and square. The color is mostly milky white or yellowish. The average moisture content of milk sugar is 5% and the reducing sugar content is between 14% and 25%. Milk candy can be divided into gum and sand milk candy. Gelatinous milk sugar, including toffee and caramel sugar. The colloid content is more, the sugar body has the strong toughness and elasticity, is relatively hard, the shape is mostly cylindrical, reducing sugar The content is between 18% and 25%, with the addition of different raw materials, there are many varieties. Sand milk sugar, also known as Fitch Sugar. Only a small amount of colloid or no colloid was added to the sugar, and the content of reducing sugar was less than that of colloidal milk sugar. The sugar structure is loose and brittle, lacks elasticity and toughness, and has a granular feel when chewed. Shape is rectangular or square. There are many names depending on the addition of raw materials.

This design is mainly for the annual production of 3000 tons of original milk candy workshop design. On the basis of feasibility study, a large number of data were consulted, and detailed technological argumentation was carried out. On this basis, material balance, heat balance, selection of main equipment and economic and technical analysis were carried out.

Keywords: original milk candy; workshop design; technological process

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1原味奶糖的概念及其功能特性 1

1.2国外原味奶糖的现状 3

1.3我国的原味奶糖现状及开发前景 4

1.4原味奶糖原料的生产情况 4

2工艺流程设计 6

2.1 原味奶糖的生产工艺 6

2.1.1 溶糖与混合 7

2.1.2 连续真空薄膜熬糖 7

2.1.3 混合 8

2.1.4 浇注成型与冷却 9

2.1.5拣选 9

2.1.6包装 9

2.2规格与选型 10

3主要设备选型 13

4物料和能量衡算 15

4.1 原味奶糖物料衡算 15

4.2 每t产品所需主要原料的计算 15

4.3 车间用水量估算 15

4.4用汽量估算 16

4.5熬糖时蒸汽用量 17

4.6计算误差及热量损失 18

4.7用水管路的设计与计算 18

4.8蒸汽管路的设计与计算 18

4.9物料输送管路的设计与计算 19

5厂址选择与车间设计 20

5.1厂址选择 20

5.2车间工艺布置与结构 20

5.2.1生产车间工艺布置原则 20

5.2.2糖果车间平面布局的特点 21

6环境影响分析及“三废”处理 22

6.1绿化方案 22

6.2主要污染源及其治理 22

6.3环境监测及管理机构 22

7劳动安全与工业卫生 23

7.1劳动安全和职业卫生评价 23

7.2装置劳动安全卫生设计中采用的主要防范措施 23

7.3消防 24

8劳动组织 25

9技术经济分析 26

9.1项目投资 26

9.1.1固定资产投资 26

9.1.2运输及其它 26

9.2生产总成本及利润测算 26

9.3财务效益静态分析 27

9.3.1投资利润率 27

9.3.2投资回收期 28

9.3.3投资纯收入率 28

9.3.4盈亏平衡分析 28

9.4敏感性分析及经营安全率分析 29

9.4.1财务综合分析评价—敏感性分析 29

9.4.2经营安全率(几)分析 30

参考文献 31

致  谢 32

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