关键字: 微信小程序, H5阅读器, 网络爬虫, Loopback, mongodb
FllowHeart is an online book stores based on Wehcat Small Program.All books is crawled from the website for publishing books. We use mongodb to storage the data of all books and user, and use loopback as the back-end interface framework. Functionally, FllowHeart is made of the following 5 modules, namely, my bookshelf, book stores, personal center, H5 reader, login and registe. There are many sub modules in these modules, width the connection and cooperation with each other, FllowHeart becomes to be able to provide users with a convenient and comfortable reading experience, so that users can be more simple and do not pay to read their own books. In addition, FllowHeart also supports reviewing and ranking of books, which can help users to find their liking books from the vast sea of books. This paper will introduce the design of the micro book, and the data analysis and design of the system.
Keywords: The Small WeChat program, H5 reader, Internet crawler, Loopback, mongodb
摘要 1
1 前言 3
1.1 项目介绍 3
1.2 项目背景 3
2 微书书城系统分析 3
2.1 需求分析 3
2.2 功能分析 3
2.3 系统用例图设计 3
2.4 系统流程图设计 3
2.5 系统开发环境 3
3 数据库分析与设计 4
3.1 数据库分析 4
3.2 数据库概念设计 4
3.3 数据逻辑结构设计 4
3.4 各表之间的联系图 4
4 微书设计和功能实现 4
4.1 系统登录注册模块 4
4.1.1 登录注册界面设计 4
4.1.2 登录注册逻辑实现 4
4.2 我的书架模块 4
4.2.1 我的书架界面设计 4
4.2.2 我的书架逻辑实现 4
4.3 H5阅读器模块 4
4.3.1 阅读器界面设计 4
4.3.2 分页算法 4
4.3.3 左右滑动翻页实现 4
4.3.4 阅读器风格切换、字体设置、查看目录 4
4.4 书籍详情模块 4
4.3.1 书籍详情页界面设计 5
4.3.2 书评和点赞功能实现 5
4.4 书城模块 5
4.4.1 书籍详情页界面设计 5
4.4.2 书评和点赞功能实现 5
4.5 书城模块 5
4.5.1 个人中心界面设计 5
4.5.2 个人信息 5
4.5.3 个人设置 5
4.5.4 我的消息 5
4 微书测试 5
4.1 测试项目 5
4.2 测试用例 5
参考文档 5