摘 要
The project is a high school science experiment Tianjin Binhai Building Design ( Tianjin Tanggu District ) design, including building layout and structural design in two parts. The five-story building is of reinforced concrete frame structure , with a total construction area of 5840.1m2, total building height of 18.900m. Which completed a graphic design architecture, design and facade profile design . The College floor building shape is used more conventional rectangular . Calculation takes into account the structure of the vertical load dead load , live load and horizontal load of earthquake , wind load , and the load level assigned to the structural frame , respectively, with D value method and Moment Distribution Method calculation of wind loads, live loads and internal forces under constant loads member, and a combination of internal forces specimens of the framework, cross-sectional design and reinforcement . Hand counting procedure to excel in the use of software to calculate the data. Finally, the use of the software PKPM Computing , and the results were compared with the hand count of reinforcement to modify , and draw on each floor beams, slabs, columns , foundations, stairs construction drawing .
Keywords : laboratory building ; framework ; architectural design ; structural design
目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 录 iii
1绪论 1
2建筑说明 3
2.1工程概况 3
2.1.1基本资料 3
2.1.2建筑构造做法 3
2.1.3使用荷载标准值 9
2.1.4自然条件 9
2.1.5抗震设防 9
2.1.6地质勘探资料 9
2.1.7材料 10
2.2设计要求 10
2.2.1计算方法及内容 10
2.2.2计算书 10
2.2.3图纸内容 10
3结构设计流程 12
4结构方案选型与结构布置 13
4.1框架柱 13
4.2框架梁 13
5荷载计算 15
5.1荷载分类计算 15
5.1.1屋面荷载 15
5.1.2楼面荷载 15
5.1.3楼梯间荷载 15
5.1.4墙体荷载 15
5.2重力荷载代表值计算 17
6基本自振周期的计算 21
6.1 结构刚度计算 21
6.1.1框架梁的惯性矩及线刚度 21
6.1.2框架柱的惯性矩及线刚度 21
6.1.3框架柱的抗推刚度: 21
6.2自振周期T1的计算 23
7水平地震作用计算 25
7.1地震作用标准值计算 25
7.1.1水平地震作用影响系数a1 25
7.1.2水平地震作用标准值 25
7.1.3框架侧移验算 27
7.1.4框架剪力标准值 28
8水平地震作用下框架内力计算 29
8.1根据柱剪力及反弯点高度计算柱端弯矩 29
8.2计算梁端弯矩及梁剪力 30
8.3根据梁端剪力计算柱轴力 30
8.4绘制内力图 31
9竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 33
9.1竖向恒载作用下框架内力计算 35
9.2竖向活载作用下框架内力计算 41
10荷载作用效应组合 49
10.1一般规定及计算方法 49
10.1.1梁端负弯矩调幅 49
10.1.2控制截面 49
10.1.3内力换算 50
10.1.4荷载效应组合的种类 50
10.1.5 竖向荷载下的基本组合 51
10.2水平地震作用效应与竖向荷载作用效应的基本组合 57
10.2.1水平地震作用下框架梁内力及跨中弯矩的基本组合 57
10.2.2水平地震作用下的柱端内力的基本组合 59
11截面设计 63
11.1框架梁 63
11.1.1框架梁正截面设计 63
11.1.2框架梁斜截面设计 65
11.2 框架柱配筋计算 67
11.2.1轴压比验算 67
11.2.2正截面受弯承载力计算 68
11.2.3斜截面受剪承载力计算 71
12楼面构件及楼梯设计 74
12.1楼板配筋计算 74
12.1.1 A区格板配筋计算 74
12.2楼梯设计 76
12.2.1斜板计算 76
12.2.2平台板计算 77
12.2.3计算平台梁 78
结论 81
致 谢 82
参考文献 83