(1) 研究目前国内外工程造价的发展概况。
(2) 我国工程造价目前所采用的体制,工程量清单的编制方法。
(3) 南京苏宁电器文化小百货楼3#楼工程量计算。
(4) 使用未来清单软件套入工程量,编制清单。
(5) 通过对3#楼工程量清单的编制,分析影响工程造价编制质量的因素和如何有效控制工程结算。
So far in 1949 from more than 50 years, the project cost structure in China as China's construction projects and economic development and improve the development of step-by-step up. China in 1991, before the project cost management system is still the 20th century, the 50's the traditional sense of project cost management and institutional constraints. China's reform and opening up, in 1992, before the construction cost of the relatively slow development of China's construction cost of the pre-reform project management. After 1992, as China's reform and opening up of constantly increasing, the project cost management in our country has entered a phase of comprehensive reform. From July 1, 2003, the implementation of the national standard of "Quantity pricing norms," China's construction project cost from a planned economy to market economy.
In this paper, the cultural life of the Nanjing Suning Electric Appliance Exhibition Floor 3 # BOQ preparation as an example, the major work done the following:
(1) to study at home and abroad of the development project cost.
(2) China's construction cost of the system currently used, the preparation of BOQ method.
(3) Nanjing Suning Appliance to experience the cultural life of 3 # Building Museum in terms of engineering.
(4) the use of software packages to the next list of projects to the preparation of the list.
(5) through the floor, 3 # BOQ preparation, preparation of project cost analysis of the impact of the quality factors and how to effectively control the settlement project.
After the preparation of the project, the project part of the aerial part of the sub-part construction project for a total amount of 2,790,949.51 yuan, construction measures for a total amount of 238,827.24 yuan project, other projects for a total amount of 130,913.25 yuan, a total of 316,069 yuan. Personal point of view, the current cost structure in our country there are still some problems related to the calculation rules are not perfect, there is a dispute. Also need to continue to reform and better the world, so that China's construction market, more reasonable, fair and just.
Key words: construction cost, engineering, inventory, fixed.
目 录
前 言 1
1国内外发展状况 2
1.1国外发展现状 2
1.2国内发展状况 3
2 我国的工程造价管理 5
2.1我国工程造价管理工作的现状 5
2.2我国工程造价管理工作的改革措施 6
3 造价咨询行业发展状况 8
3.1限额设计 8
3.2配合业主合理确定投资目标值 8
3.3依据投资目标值进行限额设计 8
3.4限额设计造价咨询服务的实施 9
3.4.1限额设计造价咨询准备工作 9
3.4.2限额设计指标测算分析步骤 9
3.4.3初步设计阶段限额设计咨询 10
3.4.4施工图设计阶段限额设计咨询 10
3.4.5限额设计中信息反馈及纠偏 10
3.5限额设计造价 10
3.6完善限额设计工作的要求设想 11
3.6.1对业主有关人员的要求 11
3.6.2对设计有关人员的要求 11
3.6.3对造价咨询人员的要求 11
4 工程量清单报价内容 12
5 清单项目的报价方法 13
5.1分部分项工程费 13
5.2措施项目费 14
5.3其他项目费 14
6 南京苏宁电器文化小百货楼3#楼工程量清单计算 16
6.1工程设计依据 16
6.2 工程概况 16
6.3计算说明 16
6.4南京苏宁电器文化小百货楼3#楼工程量计算表 17
6.5南京苏宁电器文化小百货楼3#楼清单计算表 26
7 如何提高预编制质量和有效控制工程结算 38
7.1 施工图预算的编制 38
7.2 影响施工图预算编制结果准确性的因素 39
7.2.1工程阶段性对预算的影响。 39
7.2.2设计修改与变更 40
7.2.3预算工程量计算误差 40
7.2.4设备材料价格误差 40
7.3施工图结算超预算的原因 40
7.3.1编制依据不同 40
7.3.2编制时间不同 40
7.3.3工程实施阶段控制力度不够 40
7.3.4建设单位工程管理不善,缺乏有效监督 41
7.4 控制施工图结算的方法 41
7.4.1通过招投标竞选 41
7.4.2实行工程造价全过程、全方位控制 41
7.4.3加强监理的力度 41
7.4.4加强预结算的审核,力求工程计量的准确 42
8 结论 44
9 致谢 45
参考文献 46