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摘  要





Belt conveyor is an indispensable electromechanical equipment in our country at present. It has the characteristics of long transportation distance,large transportation capacity, continuous transportation and so on. It is reliable and easy to realize automation and centralized control, especially for high-yield and high-efficiency mines. Belt conveyor has become the key equipment of mechatronics technology and equipment in coal mining. The belt conveyer consists of a driving device to tighten the conveyor belt, a middle frame and a roller to constitute a conveyor belt as a traction and a bearing member to continuously transport scattered materials or finished products. The research focuses on the design of each part of belt conveyer, in which the design of bearing and the improvement of drive are main.

Gear transmission is a kind of mechanical transmission which is widely used and especially important. It can be used to transfer motion and power between any axis in space. At present, gear transmission is gradually becoming miniaturized, high-speed and low noise. With the development of high reliability and hard tooth surface technology, gear transmission has the advantages of stable and reliable transmission, compact structure and convenient maintenance. Therefore, it is widely used in various mechanical equipment and instruments. This design is a typical one-stage spur gear reducer transmission. The pinion material is 40Cr (tempering and tempering), the hardness is about 280 HBS, and the big gear material is 4. Steel (quenched and tempered), hardness about 240 HBS, gear accuracy grade 7, bearings, keys are steel materials.

Key words: gear transmission, gear reducer

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1设计概述 1

1.2研究内容及参数 1

1.3 带传动 2

1.4圆锥-圆柱齿轮传动减速器 2

2结构设计 4

2.1V带传动 4

2.2减速器内部的传动零件 4

2.3联轴器的选择 4

3 设计计算过程及说明 6

3.1选择电动机 6

3.1.1电动机类型和结构型式选择 6

3.1.2选择电动机容量 6

3.1.3选择电动机的转速 6

3.1.4确定电动机型号 6

3.2计算传动装置的运动和动力装置参数 7

3.3带传动设计 7

3.3.1定v带型号和带轮直径 7

3.3.2计算带长 7

3.4齿轮传动设计 8

3.5轴的设计 13

3.6轴承的选择 20

3.9键的选择 21

3.10减速机箱体的设计 22

3.11减速器附件设计 22

3.11.1窥视孔和视孔盖 22

3.11.2通气器 22

3.11.3油面指示器 22

3.11.4放油孔和螺塞 23

3.11.5起吊装置 23

3.11.6定位销 23

3.11.7起盖螺钉 23

4箱体结构的设计 24

4.1 机体有足够的刚度 24

4.2考虑到机体内零件的润滑,密封散热。 24

4.3机体结构有良好的工艺性. 24

4.4对附件设计 24

4.4.1视孔盖和窥视孔 24

4.4.2 油螺塞 24

4.4.3油标 25

4.4.4 通气孔 25

4.4.5位销 25

4.4.6 吊钩 25

5 润滑密封设计 27

6机头传动装置的驱动改善 28

6.1机头传动装置 28

6.2基本结构 28

6.3类型 29

6.4带式摩擦驱动 30

6.5卸载滚筒摩擦驱动 30

总  结 31

参考文献 32

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