摘 要
成工校友APP采用Web APP开发方式,本文详细介绍了成工校友APP的设计思想和实现方法。本论文简要阐述了系统的开发背景与开发环境,根据用户使用习惯进行需求分析,划分出以下几个功能模块:1.注册登录(用户注册、用户登录、退出登录、登录时是否记住用户名)2.查看个人信息3.校友查询(根据姓名、专业、大学、院系进行模糊查询)4.校园风景(浏览校园图片)5.校园新闻(所有新闻,最新新闻,热点新闻)。从而实现了一个简单的校园webapp系统。
关键词:移动校园;数字化;Web App ;校友;
With the construction of digital mobile campus in colleges and universities,the mobile information service platform in university has become an important part of our university information process. The system uses Java for the development of language, using Eclipse as a development tool, MySql as the back-end database, to design and development, the completion of the basic needs, practical interface, easy to operate.
The APP of Chengdu Technological University uses Web APP development, and this paper describes the the alumni system design and implementation. This paper briefly describes the background of the development of the system and development environment, requirements analysis based on user habits, divided into the following functional blocks: 1. Register Login (user registration, user login,logout,remember username) 2. View Personal Information 3.Query Alumni(According to name,major,university and department making fuzzy query). 4.School Scenery(look at the school picture).5.University News(all news,newest news,hot news) .In order to achieve a simple Alumni.
Key words: mobile campus; digital; Web App; Alumni;