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附录二              英文资料及其翻译

The Foreign language datum of Ultra wideband technology

What is ultra wideband technology? First of all, the term "ultra wideband" is a relatively new term to describe a technology which had been known since the early 1960’s as "carrier-free", "baseband" or "impulse" technology. The basic concept is to develop, transmit and receive an extremely short duration burst of radio frequency (RF) energy – typically a few tens of picoseconds (trillionths of a second) to a few nanoseconds (billionths of a second) in duration. These bursts represent from one to only a few cycles of an RF carrier wave. The resultant waveforms are extremely broadband, so much so that it is often difficult to determine an actual RF center frequency – thus, the term "carrier-free". Early methods of signal generation utilized "baseband" (i.e., non-RF), fast rise-time pulse excitation of a wideband microwave antenna to generate and radiate the antenna’s effective "impulse" response. (More precisely, it is the antenna’s "step" response that is actually produced.) More modern UWB systems, such as those developed by MSSI, no longer utilize direct impulse excitation of an antenna because of the inability of such an approach to adequately control emission bandwidths and apparent center frequencies.[1]
Ultra Wideband (UWB) systems transmit signals across a much wider frequency than conventional systems and are usually very difficult to detect. The amount of spectrum occupied by a UWB signal, i.e. the bandwidth of the UWB signal is at least 25% of the center frequency. Thus, a UWB signal centered at 2 GHz would have a minimum bandwidth of 500 MHz and the minimum bandwidth of a UWB signal centered at 4 GHz would be 1 GHz. The most common technique for generating a UWB signal is to transmit pulses with durations less than 1 nanosecond.[2]
UWB is a wireless radio technology originally developed for secure military communications and radar that is now declassified. In the future, UWB will be ideally suited for transmitting data between consumer electronics (CE), PC peripherals, and mobile devices within short range at very high speeds while consuming little power. UWB technology has the capacity to handle the very high bandwidths required to transport multiple audio and video streams. This new technology operates at a level that most systems interpret as noise and, as a result, does not cause interference to other radios such as cell phones , cordless phones or broadcast television sets.[3]

When was UWB invented and by whom?
Tough question, but easy answer! There have been many claims to the honor; however, Dr. Gerald F. Ross, currently President of ANRO Engineering, Inc., first demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing UWB waveforms for radar and communications applications back in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.             Gerry’s pioneering insight into the value and applications of this technology over 30 years ago has been instrumental in shaping UWB technology to the point it has reached today – with applications ready to meet market demands for high-speed wireless and precision radar/positioning applications. Gerry was recognized by the National Academy of Engineering for his efforts in ultra wideband technology, and elected a Member in 1995. MSSI has had the privilege of working with Dr Ross for many years.[1]

How UWB works?
A traditional UWB transmitter works by sending billions of pulses across a very wide spectrum of frequencies several GHz in bandwidth. The corresponding receiver then translates the pulses into data by listening for a familiar pulse sequence sent by the transmitter. Specifically, UWB is defined as any radio technology having a spectrum that occupies a bandwidth greater than 20 percent of the center frequency, or a bandwidth of at least 500 MHz.
Modern UWB systems use other modulation techniques, such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), to occupy these extremely wide bandwidths. In addition, the use of multiple bands in combination with OFDM modulation can provide significant advantages to traditional UWB systems.
UWB's combination of broader spectrum and lower power improves speed and reduces interference with other wireless spectra. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandated that UWB radio transmissions can legally operate in the range from 3.1 GHz up to 10.6 GHz, at a limited transmit power of -41dBm/MHz. Consequently, UWB provides dramatic channel capacity at short range that limits interference.[3]

What are the advantages of UWB technology?
Since UWB waveforms are of such short time duration, they have some rather unique properties. In communications, for example, UWB pulses can be used to provide extremely high data rate performance in multi-user network applications. For radar applications, these same pulses can provide very fine range resolution and precision distance and/or positioning measurement capabilities. In fact, multifunction architectures encompassing communications, radar and positioning applications have been developed.
These short duration waveforms are relatively immune to multipath cancellation effects as observed in mobile and in-building environments. Multipath cancellation occurs when a strong reflected wave – e.g., off of a wall, ceiling, vehicle, building, etc. – arrives partially or totally out of phase with the direct path signal, causing a reduced amplitude response in the receiver. With very short pulses, the direct path has come and gone before the reflected path arrives and no cancellation occurs. As a consequence, UWB systems are particularly well suited for high-speed, mobile wireless applications. In addition, because of the extremely short duration waveforms, packet burst and time division multiple access (TDMA) protocols for multi-user communications are readily implemented.
As bandwidth is inversely related to pulse duration ,the spectral extent of these Waveforms can be made quite large .With proper engineering design ,the resultant energy densities (I . e ..transmitted Watts of power per unit Hertz of bandwidth) can Among the most important advantages of UWB technology, however, are those of low system complexity and low cost. UWB systems can be made nearly "all-digital", with minimal RF or microwave electronics. Because of the inherent RF simplicity of UWB designs, these systems are highly frequency adaptive, enabling them to be positioned nowhere within the RF spectrum. This feature avoids interference to existing services ,while fully utilizing the available spectrum.[1]

What are some of its disadvantages?
As with any technology, there are always applications that may be better served by other approaches. For example, for extremely high data rate (10’s of Gigabits/second and higher), point-to-point or point-to-multipoint applications, it is difficult today for UWB systems to compete with high capacity optical fiber or optical wireless communications systems. Of course, the high cost associated with optical fiber installation and the inability of an optical wireless signal to penetrate a wall dramatically limit the applicability of optically-based systems for in-home or in-building applications. In addition, optical wireless systems have extremely precise pointing requirements, obviating their use in mobile environments.
UWB is an RF wireless technology, and as such is still subject to the same laws of physics as every other RF technology. Thus, there are obvious tradeoffs to be made in signal-to-noise ratio versus bandwidth, range versus peak and average power levels ,etc.[1]

What applications will benefit from UWB?
There are three overlapping targer segments that could benefit from short-range wireless connections enabled by UWB: PC and peripheral devices, mobile devices, and consumer electronics. Many devices in each of these three segments frequently communicate significant amounts of data over very short distances with other complementary devices, usually by means of an interconnect cable. For example, a digital still camera, with a large storage capacity, typically requires a high-speed serial connection to the PC to transfer images. At the time of transfer, the distance between the PC and the camera is typically a few meters at most. UWB allows us to create a wireless link by enabling the necessary data rates in a radio suitable for cost-sensitive, battery-powered mobile devices, like a camera or PDA. Similar examples are smart phones, home entertainment centers, printers, handheld computers, camcorders, video projectors and MP3 players. By eliminating the need for a physical cable connection, a new level of user convenience and mobility is provided.[3]
Another interesting application is very low power sensor networks. In most applications today, sensors are used for specific local applications. Sensor networks suggest the use of many low-cost low-powered sensors, on a wider more generalized scale, networked to provide ubiquitous access. Sensor networks such as this will provide information that can make life easier. Sensors in these types of networks will work together to provide information that could: maintain environmental conditions across large buildings or many buildings, identify empty conference rooms or help one find an empty parking place in a huge parking lot.

These devices have traditionally been kept in different rooms and used for different functions. Increasingly, however, owners expect them to interact—MP3 players exchanging files with PCs,digital video recorders communicating with STBs, etc. This convergence of device segments calls for a common wireless technology and radio that allows them to easily interoperate and delivers high throughput to accommodate multiple, highspeed applications. Currently, these segments utilize different interfaces and content formats.
The next generation of PC, consumer electronics, and mobile applications demand connectivity speeds beyond the 1 Mbps peak data rate of Bluetooth Technology, which is used by many devices to create WPANs today. But many CE devices cannot support the cost and power required by the higher speed 802.11a/g radios for Wi-Fi networking.
While Wi-Fi is much faster than Bluetooth Technology, it still does not deliver sufficient performance to effectively allow streaming of multiple simultaneous high-quality video streams. UWB technology provides the throughput required by the next generation of converged devices. Plus, the support of industry initiatives, such as the WiMedia* Alliance, will help ensure interoperability across multiple protocols, including IEEE 1394, USB, and Universal Plug and Play (UPnP*), making UWB a broad technology solution for creating high-speed, low-cost, and low-power WPANs. [3]
In the military and government marketplace,these applications include:
      Tactical Handheld & Network LPI/D Radios
      Non-LOS LPI/D Groundwave Communications
      LPI/D Altimeter/Obstacle Avoidance Radar
      Tags (Facility and personnel security,logistics)
      Intrusion Detection Radars
      Precision Geolocation Systems
      Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)and Unmanned Ground Vehicle(UGV)
      Proximity Fuzes
      LPI/D Wireless Intercom Systems
In the commercial marketplace,applications include:
  High Speed (20+ Mb/s) LAN/WANs
Altimeter/Obstacle Avoidance Radars (commercial aviation)
Collision Avoidance Sensors
Tags (Intelligent Transportation Systems, Electronic Signs, Smart Appliances)
Intrusion Detection Radars
Precision Geolocation Systems
Industrial RF Monitoring Systems.[2]

Can UWB systems potentially interfere with other services?
First of all, it should be noted that UWB is an RF technology and has the potential, as does any RF technology, to interfere with existing systems if not properly designed. Furthermore, there are several ways in which UWB emissions can be generated. Some of these techniques are more prone to generate harmful interference effects than are others.
For example, UWB systems which utilize direct impulse excitation of an antenna produce energy which is typically spread over a spectral extent significantly greater than the design bandwidth of the antenna. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to tightly control the bandwidth and center frequency of such emissions with an antenna alone, and the end result is that these emissions typically span restricted bands set aside by Federal Communications Commission.
More modern techniques, such as those utilized in current MSSI designs, create a UWB waveform through pulse shaping prior to transmission from an antenna. These techniques have the considerable advantage of being controllable, both in frequency and bandwidth; and can be made to operate outside of restricted bands such as those reserved for GPS and safety of life systems.
Other important aspects of UWB design which directly impact interference potential include pulse duty cycle and modulation strategy. Of course, the higher the pulse duty cycle, the greater the average amount of energy transmitted. In some proposed UWB schemes, multiple pulses are transmitted per single bit of information. This has the unfortunate effect of further increasing the total amount of energy transmitted, or forcing the designer to accept a much lower data rate for a given average energy. In addition, a high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) with minimal interpulse dithering has the effect of further concentrating this energy into a set of spectral lines. When a spectral line falls into the passband of a sensitive receiver (e.g., GPS), considerable interference can result, even though the "bandwidth" of the waveform may extend over hundreds of megahertz.
Recently (18 January 2001), the NTIA has demonstrated the potential of certain classes of UWB equipment to significantly degrade the performance of a wide assortment of Federal Government systems (operating below 3.1 GHz) if the UWB systems radiated at existing FCC Part15 levels.
The systems which the NTIA determined to be significantly degraded by UWB emissions included: Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Interrogator airborne receivers (960-1215 MHz), DME ground transponders (1025-1150 MHz), Air Traffic Control Radio Beacon System (ATCRBS) ground interrogator receivers (1090 MHz), ATCRBS airborne transponders (1030 MHz), Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR-4) (1240-1400 MHz), Search and Rescue Satellite Land User Terminals (SARSAT LUT) (1544-1545 MHz), Airport Surveillance Radar ASR-9 (2700-2900 MHz), Next Generation Weather Radar NEXRAD (2700-3000MHz),and Mzritime Radionavigation Radar (2900-3100MHz).
Most recently (28 February 2001), NTIA further demonstrated the potential for UWB systems, particularly those having high pulse repetition rates, to significantly interfere with GPS receivers if operated within the same frequency bands, e.g. Link 1 (L1) at 1575.42 +/- 12 MHz, Link 2 (L2) at 1227.60 +/- 12 MHz and the newly proposed Link 5 (L5) at 1176+/- 12MHz.[2]

Will UWB replace Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a complete, end-to-end communication standard ,UWB as a radio technology, can be used as a piece of an overall communication standard. Bluetooth defines how data is managed, formatted and physically carried over a wireless personal area network (WPAN). Ultra-Wideband is a specific type of RF signal that can be used to carry data between devices. It's not a complete communication standard. Current FCC regulations enable UWB signals capable of carrying very high data rates over a short range. This makes it attractive as a carrier or Phy layer for a WPAN.[3]

What is happening to enable global regulations?
Intel representatives worldwide are working with local organizations and governing bodies to help define UWB regulations for commercial applications. In Europe, Intel Germany is working with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standardization Institute) Task Group 31 to look at UWB requirements for EU countries. In Japan, Intel is cooperating with several major CE and ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) companies to define Japan's UWB regulations. Intel is working with China's Ministry of Science and Technology to understand regulatory changes needed to support future generation wireless technologies. In the U.S., Intel R&D is coordinating corporate efforts worldwide to drive for consistent technical requirements across political boundaries.[3]



超宽带技术是什么?首先,这个词“宽带”是一种较新的名词来形容一种技术,60年代初期作为“承运人无”,“基带处理”或者“脉冲”技术已经被人们所了解。基本概念的发展,传输和接收时间极短的无线频率(RF)能量,通常以数十皮秒 (千兆秒)数纳秒(几十亿秒)期限。这是从一个只用了一个射频载波周期数。由此波形带宽极宽,以致往往很难确定实际的射频中心频率,因此,称为“无载波”利用基带信号方式“基带处理”(即非RF)、快速上升时间脉冲激励产生的宽带微波天线和天线射出的有效“脉冲”响应。(更确切地说,它是天线的“阶段”实际生产反应)。UWB系统更先进,如MSSI的发展,已不再直接利用天线的脉冲激励因无法充分控制发射带宽和明显中心频率。
UWB无线技术原本是为确保军事通信、雷达发展,实时解密。在未来,UWB将适合消费者之间的电子数据传输(行政)、电脑外围设备、移动装置,在短程当消耗低能量时以高速传输。 UWB技术有能力处理多种运输需要极高带宽影音流。在这种新技术工作平衡,大部分系统同样无效,因此不会造成干扰其他如手机、无绳电话、电视机播放无线电设备。


一个传统型的发送几十亿脉冲的UWB发射机在若干GHz的光谱频率跨越很宽的频谱。对应的接收机然后将脉冲信号翻译成由发射机发送的熟悉的脉冲序列的数据。 具体地说,是指任何UWB技术具有无线电频谱,占据带宽大于中心频率20%或带宽至少有500MHz。

由于脉冲持续时间与带宽成反比,这些波形光谱范围可以作出相当大。 在适当的工程设计,因而能量密度(即瓦特的电力传输带宽,每股赫兹)可以相当低。其中最重要的UWB技术优势,但这些都是低系统复杂性和低成本。 UWB系统可以使近“全数字”在最少射频或微波电子。 因为本身UWB的RF射频设计简单,这些系统都有非常频繁的适应性,使它们能在任何地方定位射频频谱,这一特点避免干扰现有的服务,同时充分利用现有频谱。


有三个部分交叉重叠的对象,可有益于用UWB从短距离无线电激活:个人电脑及外围设备、移动设备、消费类电子。许多装置的三个阶层经常沟通,大量的数据通常是通过一个电缆在很短距离与其他辅助装置连接。例如,一个大内存的数码相机,通常需要一个高速的串行口与PC机进行图像传输。在传输图像时,PC的距离,一般与相机最多几米。 UWB允许我们创造一个有利的无线连接所需的无线电链路适合成本敏感的、电池驱动装置的移动设备,如照相机、个人数字助理。类似的例子是智能电话、家庭娱乐中心、打印机、手提电脑、摄相机、视频投影仪、MP3播放器,消除必要的物理电缆连接,在新的层次上为用户提供了方便和灵活性。
而Wi-Fi是比蓝牙技术更快速的技术,它仍然不把足够的功能送到复合的同时产生的高品质的视频流的有效允许的脉冲流。UWB技术规定下一代集成设备的必须生产量要求。加强版,工业创造性的支持,正如WiMedia联盟,越过多样的协议将帮助确保互通性,包括IEEE 1394,USB,和通用接口与播放(UPnP*),创造一种宽广的UWB技术为了解决创造高速率,低成本,和低功率的WPANs。
手持武器与LPI/D 无线电连网
Non-LOS LPI/D 陆地通信
  高速率(20+ Mb/s) 局域网/广域网

最近(2001年1月18日),NTIA已经表明如果UWB系统发射在现存的FCC第15层水平,UWB设备的某个类的电势意义重大地降低联邦政府系统的广阔的分级的性能(在3.1 GHz下面操作)。
NTIA确定的意义重大地降级由UWB附属物系统包括了:测量设备的距离(DME)访问者在飞行中的接收装置(960-1215 MHz),DME接地脉冲转发机(1025-1150 MHz),空中交通控制无线电标向系统(ATCRBS)地面访问者接收装置,ATCRBS空中异频雷达收发机(1030MHz),空中航线监控雷达(ARSR-4) (1240-1400 MHz),搜索和营救人造卫星陆地用户终点(SARSAT LUT) (1544-1545 MHz),航空监控雷达ASR-9 (2700-2900 MHz),下一代天气雷达NEXRAD (2700-3000MHz),和Mzritime无线电导航雷达(2900-3100MHz)。
最近(2001年2月28日),为UWB系统NTIA进一步表明了UWB潜力,那些特别地有高脉冲重复比率,如果在同样的的频率带宽体内操作了,那么会严重地干扰GPS接收装置,例如。链接1(L1)在1575.42 +/-12 MHz,链接2(L2)在1227.60 +/-12 MHz和最新被建议的链接5(L5)在1176 +/-]。

蓝芽是第一次完整的、终端到终端的通信标准。 UWB作为无线电技术,可以作为一件整体通信水平。蓝芽定义如何界定数据管理、结转的含量和身体方面的无线个人网(WPAN)。超低宽带射频信号,是一种可运载设备之间的数据。它不是一个完整的通信标准。当前条例第十九使UWB能够携带信号数据率很高的短程。这是它成为一个吸引人的承运人或WPANPHY层。

正与世界各地的代表机构和管理机构,帮助当地制定规章UWB商业应用。在欧洲,德国正与英特尔ETSI(欧洲电信标准化协会)31课题组研究UWB要求欧盟国家。 在日本,英特尔正与数个主要行政长官和ARIB(无线工业和商业协会)制定公司的日本UWB规定。英特尔与中国科学技术部管理变革需要了解下一代无线通信技术的支持。在美国,英特尔R & 丁公司的努力协调,以推动世界各地的技术要求一致的政治疆界。

[1] :http://www.multispectral.com/
[2] :http://www.palowireless.com/uwb/tutorials.asp
[3] :http://www.intel.com/technology/comms/uwb/faq.htm


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