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Stamping Die Design
The wide variety of sheet metal parts for both the automobile and electronic industries is produced by numerous forming processes that fall into the generic category of "sheet-metal forming". Sheet-metal forming ( also called stamping or pressing )is often carried out in large facilities hundreds of yards long.
It is hard to imagine the scope and cost of these facilities without visiting an automobile factory, standing next to the gigantic machines, feeling the floor vibrate, and watching heavy duty robotic manipulators move the parts from one machine to another. Certainly, a videotape or television special cannot convey the scale of today's automobile stamping lines. Another factor that one sees standing next to such lines is the number of different sheet-forming operations that automobile panels go through. Blanks are created by simple shearing, but from then on a wide variety of bending, drawing, stretching, cropping , and trimming takes place, each requiring a special, custom-made die.
Despite this wide variety of sub-processes, in each case the desired shapes are achieved by the modes of deformation known as drawing, stretching, and bending. The three modes can be illustrated by considering the deformation of small sheet elements subjected to various states of stress in the plane of the sheet. Figure 1 considers a simple forming process in which a cylindrical cup is produced from a circular blank.

Figure 1  Sheet forming a simple cup
Drawing is observed in the blank flange as it is being drawn horizontally through the die by the downward action of the punch. A sheet element in the flange is made to elongate in the radial direction and contract in the circumferential direction, the sheet thickness remaining approximately constant Modes of sheet forming are shown in Figure 2.

Figure2  Modes of sheet forming
Stretching is the term usually used to describe the deformation in which an element of sheet material is made to elongate in two perpendicular directions in the sheet plane. A special form of stretching, which is encountered in most forming operations, is plane strain stretching. In this case, a sheet element is made to stretch in one direction only, with no change in dimension in the direction normal to the direction of elongation but a definite change in thickness, that is, thinning.
Bending is the mode of deformation observed when the sheet material is made to go over a die or punch radius, thus suffering a change in orientation. The deformation is an example of plane strain elongation and contraction
A complete press tool for cutting a hole or multi-holes in sheet material at one stroke of the press as classified and standardized by a large manufacturer as a single-station piercing die is shown in Figure3.
Any complete press tool, consisting of a pair( or a combination of pars ) of mating member for producing pressworked (stmped)parts, including all supporting and actuating elements of the tool, is a die. Pressworking terminology commonly defines the female part of any complete press tool as a die.
The guide pins, or posts, are mounted in the lower shoe. The upper shoe contains bushings which slide on the guide pins. The assembly of the lower and upper shoes with guide pins and bushings is a die set. Die sets in many sizes and designs are commercially available. The guide pins are shown in Figure 3.
Figure3  Typical single-station die for piercing hole
1—Lower shoe 2,5—Guide bushings 3—Cavity plate 4—Guid pin 6—Spring-loaded stripper 7—Punch 8—Support plate 9—Punch bushing 10—Fan-shaped block 11—Fixed plate 12—Punch-holder plate 13—Backing plate 14—Spring 15—Stepping bolts 16—Upper shoe 17—Shank
A punch holder mounted to the upper shoe holds two round punches (male members of the die)   which are guided by bushings inserted in the stripper. A sleeve, or quill, encloses one punch to prevent its buckling under pressure from the ram of the press. After penetration of the work material, the two punches enter the die bushings for a slight distance.
The female member, or die, consists of two die bushings inserted in the die block. Since this press tool punches holes to the diameters required, the diameters of the die bushings are larger than those of the punches by the amount of clearance.
Since the work material stock or workpiece can cling to a punch on the upstroke, it may be necessary to strip the material from the punch. Spring-loaded strippers hold the work material against the die block until the punches are withdrawn from the punched holes. A workpiece to be pierced is commonly held and located in a nest (Figure 2-3) composed of flat plates shaped to encircle the outside part contours. Stock is positioned in dies by pins, blocks, or other types of stops for locating before the downstroke of the ram.
Bending is one of the most common forming operations. We merely have to look at the components in an automobile or an appliance-or at a paper clip or a file cabinet-to appreciate how many parts are shaped by bending. Bending is used not only to form flanges, seams, and corrugations but also to impart stiffness to the part  ( by increasing its moment of inertia ).
The terminology used in bending is shown in Figure 4. Note that, in bending, the outer fibers of the material are in tension, while the inner fibers are in compression. Because of the Poisson's ratio,  the width of the part (bend length, L) in the outer region is smaller, and in the inner region is larger than the original width. This phenomenon may easily be observed by bending a rectangular rubber eraser.
    Minimum bend radii vary for different metals, generally, different annealed metals can be bent  to a radius equal to the thickness of the metal without cracking or weakening. As R/T decreases (the ratio of the bend radius to the thickness becomes smaller), the tensile strain at the outer fiber increases, and the material eventually cracks (Figure 5).

Figure 4 Bending terminology

Figure5  Poisson effect
   The minimum bend radius for various materials is given in Table 1 and it is usually expressed in terms of the thickness. such as 2 T, 3 T, 4T.
Table 1   Minimum bend radius for various materials at room temperature
Material Condition
 Soft  Hard
Aluminum alloys 0 6T
Beryllium copper 0 4T
Brass,low-leaded 0 2T
Magnesium  5T 13T
Austenitic stanless 0.5T 6T
Low-carbon,lowalloy,HSLA 0.5T 4T
Titanium 0.7T 3T
Titanium alloys 2.6T 4T
Note :T——thickness of material
    Bend allowance as shown in Figure 4 is the length of the neutral axis in the bend and is used to determine the blank length for a bent part. However, the position of the neutral axis depends on the radius and angle of bend (as described in texts on mechanics of materials).An approximate formula for the bend allowance, Lb is given by
Lb=  α(R十kT)   
Where Lb——bend allowance, in (mm).
      α——bend angle, (radians) (deg).
      T——sheet thickness, in (mm).
      R——inside radius of bend, in (mm).
      k——0.33 when R is less than 2T and 0.50 when JR is more than 2T.
Bend methods arc commonly used in press tool. Metal sheet or strip, supported by-V bock[Figure 6(a)],is forced by a wedge-shaped punch into the block. This method, termed V bending, produces a bend having an included angle which may be acute, obtuse, or 90°.Friction between a spring-loaded knurled pin in the vee die and the part will prevent or reduce side creep of the part during its bending.
Edge bending [Figure 6(b)] is cantilever loading of a beam. The bending punch forces the metal against the supporting die. The bend axis is parallel to the edge of the die. The workpiece is clamped to the die block by a spring-loaded pad before the punch contacts the workpiece to prevent its movement during downward travel of the punch.

Figure 6  Bending methods
Bending Force can be estimated by assuming the process of simple bending of a rectangular beam. The bending force in that case is a function of the strength of the material. The calculation of bending force is as follows:
Where P-bending force, tons (for metric usage, multiply number of tons by 8.896 to obtain kilonewtons).
K——die opening factor: 1.20 for a die opening of 16 times metal thickness, 1.33 for an opening of 8 times metal thickness.
L——length of part, in.
S——ultimate tensile strength, tons per square in.
W——width of V or U die, in.
T——metal thickness, in.
For U bending (channel bending) pressures will be approximately twice those required for V bending, edge bending requires about one-half those needed for V bending.
Springback in that all materials have a finite modulus of elasticity, plastic deformation is followed, when bending pressure on metal is removed, by some elastic recovery (see Figure 7). In bending, this recovery is called springback. Generally speaking, such a springback varies in sheet from 0.5°to 5°, depending upon finite modulus of elasticity, modes of bending, clearance of die and so on, but phosphor bronze may spring back from 10°to15°.

Figure 7   Springback during bending
   Methods of reducing or eliminating springback in bending operations can be made according to the following operations, shown in Figure 8, and parts produced in bending die are also overbent through an angle equal to the springback angle with an undercut or relieved punch.

Figure8  Methods of reducing or eliminating springback
For the applications, there are many types of the presses, such as the single-action straight-slide eccentric mechanical press, punch press, hydro-former press, hydraulic press, press brake, triple-action press, turret press, two-point press, twin-drive press, two point single-action  press, watch press, trimming press, closed-type single-action crank press, knuckle-lever press, one-point single-action press, open-back inclinable press, open-side press, four-point press, four-crank press, flywheel-type screw press, friction screw press, straight-side single-action double-crank press, rocker-arm press, screw press and top-drive sheet-metal stamping automatic press and so on.
















图1  板料成形一个简单的水杯

图2  板料成形原理

图3  典型的单工序冲孔模具
1—下模座 2、5—导套 3—凹模 4—导杆6—弹压卸料板 7—凸模 8—托板 9—凸模护套 10—扇形块 11—固定板 12—凸模固定板 13—垫块 15—阶梯螺钉 16—上模座 17—模柄

图4 弯曲术语

图5 泊松效应
表1  在室温状态下各种材料的最小弯曲半径
材料 状态
 软 硬
铝合金 0 6T
钕青铜合金,钕合金 0 4T
黄铜,低铅 0 2T
镁 5T 13T
奥氏体不锈钢 0.5T 6T
低碳钢,低合金钢,高强度铅合金 0.5T 4T
钛 0.7T 3T
钛合金 2.6T 4T

图6  弯曲方式

图7  弯曲中的回弹

图8 减少或消除回弹的方法

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