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长 沙 学 院本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告
( 2013 届)

系    部:      外  语  系                                 
专        业:       英   语                              
学 生 姓  名:                                   
班        级:             学号           
指导教师姓名:          职称   讲  师              
2012年  12 月 15 日


      On the Application of Psychology to junior English Teaching
   With the development of globalization, English is becoming the most widely used language in almost every aspect in our daily life .More and more Chinese people focus on how to learn English well.To junior middle school students,it is especially important to lay the foundation of English well.To help students master it better,teachers should adopt different means to arouse students' interest.Psychology                                                   is the study of human psychological phenomenon and a science of psychological law .                                                                                                                                 scientific knowledge of the powers and functions of the human soul, so far as they are known by consciousness; a treatise on the human soul.Psychology and English teaching has a very close relationship, English teaching is a science, it is also an art, it always permeates the application of psychology.As we all know, students in junior high school are special groups as they are experiencing great changes both in physiology and psychology. The students' affect can be easily influenced by external and internal factors. Therefore, it is of vital importance to pay close attention to students’ psychological factors in English teaching process.Based on the results of the previous research about psychology in second language acquisition, some suggestions for cultivating and improving students’ affect are put forward in the hope of improving junior high school English teaching.
    A survey of articles concerning the application to English teaching in junior middle school in the past decade shows that there has been a steadily increasing interest in this field of study. The research covers a wide range of topics, which can be put into the following major categories.
    1.The psychological characteristics of the junior middle students
    There are a lot of people at home and abroad have made researches on the characteristics of the junior middle students on different perspectives. Based on the current situation of the junior middle students,Liu Chenyi(2010: 43)divides their psychological characteristics into four categories:Half ripe and half childish;Half obedient and half rebellious;Half independent and half reliant;Half closed and half open.While Alan(2012) is particularly interested in psychological impediments,he also divides the characteristic into seven points:reliant psychology,frustrated psychology, self-contemptuous psychology, irksome psychology, dread psychology,anxious psychology and mother tongue formulary psychology.  From the above we may draw a conclusion that middle school students’ integrated ability of English is not optimistic.
    2.The necessity of psychology in junior middle school teaching
    According to the thesis《The Influence of Middle-School Learners’ Psychology on English Learning》,there are four points regarded as the necessity of raising the argument as following:First,to meet the needs of suiting teaching to the aptitude of the students.Teaching from the point of learner psychology is the key way to know how the learners learn and then can be aware of what the real needs urged by the students are;Second,to help the students expand cognitive learning psychology influences learning procedure can help the teacher adroitly guide psychology strategies of matching teaching methods to inspire the poor students to be self--confident.Third,to satisfy the needs of perfecting teaching strategies and enhance teaching efficiency;Fourth,the requirements of current situation.Nowadays,it is a society that advocates a doctrine of students-oriented that requires teachers to well satisfy learners' needs,especially psychological needs.As a junior high school student in the development of a transitional period,it is also easy to produce all sorts of problems of the time. Due to the physical and mental development is not balanced, teen psychological development has strong contradiction and unbalanced characteristics. Psychological division of adults feeling and reality of infant sex often conflict (ZhangWenXin, 2002),so,junior high school student teaching is an education problem and also a good opportunity. So as a teacher,we should follow the junior high school students' psychological development characteristics according to the characteristics of the students giving them more appreciation and encouragement, and actively guide the student, let the students form optimistic spirit then promote its healthy development.
    3.Application of psychology to middle school English education.
    As for the application of psychology,Wang Mingqi(2011) suggests three means:the use of psychological principle in organization English teaching,which involves the use of psychological principle in organization, listening and speaking and the use in sentence patterns and grammar training;The development of students' intelligence factor and non-intelligence factor; and the psychological coordination between teacher and students.In 2010,Liu Chenyi puts forwards four aspects:First,a teacher should study the differences among students, teach students in accordance of their aptitude and cultivate the students' self-confidence;Second,respect the students' personality and cultivate students' good habits of learning English;Third, give judicious guidance according to circumstances and enhance students' interest in English study;Fourth,use agile and changeful teaching method, create a harmonious relationship between teachers and students.
    In short, junior high school English course teaching depends on the application of psychology. Teaching is an art of applied psychology. In order to meet the requirements of the education reform in China, keeping up with the pace of the times, knowing education psychology, developing the research of this aspect is quite necessary. Teachers should especially understand students’ psychological impediments first, and then, to adopt effective teaching strategies to help them out of trouble. Let us to-be teachers adopt effective teaching strategies to improve students’ English level in order to achieve the anticipative teaching purpose.

[1] Brown,H.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.NJ:English Wood Cliffs[M].1980.
[2] Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English Language Teachers[M], Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2002
[3] 陈萍. 培养心理优势提高英语教学质量[J]. 宿州教育学院学报,2007.
[4] 黄聚堂.中学生英语学习现状调查报告[J]. 仙游一中学报,2007.
[5] 刘忱益.浅谈教育心理学促进素质教育的重要性—以初中英语教学为例[J].科学教育,2010,(1):43-44
[6] 王明奇.心理学在初中英语教学中的运用[J].考试周刊,2011,(52):139

 From the above analysis on the previous research, it can be seen that people have made a lot of research on the characteristics of junior middle school students' psychology, which is of great help to let us to have a good understanding of their psychology.Along with the education reform continuously thorough, interdisciplinary education system is also gradually formed. This thesis aims to have a basic understanding of characteristics of junior middle school students' psychology and learn some basic application strategies to  English teaching. The thesis is going to solve problems as follows:
1.Some basic information about psychology.
2.Analysis on the characteristics of junior middle school students'                                                                                               psychology.
3.The necessity of psychology in junior middle school teaching.
4. Application of psychology to middle school English education.

    Outline of the thesis:
    2.Analysis of current learning situation in junior middle school English teaching.
    3.Necessity of application of psychology in junior middle school English teaching.
    4.Methods for psychological application in junior middle school English teaching.

2012-11-27 公布选题结果。
2012-11-30前 指导教师向学生提交任务书。
2012-12-23前 学生提交任务书与开题报告给导师。
2013-3-8前 完成论文初稿的撰写。
2013-3-19~30 论文中期检查,交中期报告。
2013-5-10前 交论文定稿,填写指导老师评阅表,评阅老师评阅表,答辩评审表。
2013-5-19 论文答辩,评定论文成绩。
2013-5-20~25 学生根据答辩委员会意见修改论文,提交白色铜版纸封面的毕业论文最终稿,提交毕业论文电子文档。

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