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管道系统采用循环流动周期,瞬时选择一种专门的机械情形,管道的顺流和逆流对于阀是一样的。实际 ,这是不同的。因而,所描绘的周期将一直被使用,除了压力变化在两管道之间不再表示相同相位关系,每一个压力周期的变化将是41/c,那里1和c代表着每一段管道适应的时期,这是重要的标记,一旦阀门是关闭的,这两个管道将做出相应的流动到任何一段距离。

Hydraulic transient theory

Before we embarking on the analysis of pressure transient phenomena and the derivation of the appropriate wave equations,it will be usefull to describe the general mechanism of pressure propagation by reference to the events fllowing the instantaneous closure of a value postioned at the med-length point of a frictionless pipeline carrying fluid between two reservoirs.The two pipeline sections upstream and downstream of the value are identical in all respects.Transient pressure waves will be propagated in both pipes by valve operation and it will be assumed that rate of value closure precludes the use of rigid column theory.
As the valve is closed,so the fluide approaching its upstream face is retarded with a consequent compression of the flude and an expansion od the pipe cross-section.The increase in pressure at the valve results in a pressure wave being propagated upstream which conveys the retardation of flow to the column of fluid approaching the valve along the upstream pipeline.This pressure wave travels through the fluid at the appropriate sonic velocity,which will be shown to depend on the properties of the fluid and the pipe material.
Similarly,on the downstream side of the valve the retardation of flow results in a reduction in pressure at the valve,with the result that a negative pressure waves is propagated along the downstream pipe which,in turn,retards the fluid flow.It will be assumed that this pressure drop in the downstream pipe is insufficient to reduce the fluid pressure to either its vapour pressure or its dissolved gas release pressure,which may be considerable different.
Thus,closure of the valve results in propagation of pressure waves along both pipes and,although these waves are of different sign relative to the steady pressure in the pipe prior to valve operation,the effect is to retard the flow in both pipe sections.The pipe itself is affected by the wave propagation as the upstream pipe swells as the pressure rise wave passes along it,while the downstream pipe contracts due to the passage of the pressure reducting wave.The magnitude of the deformation of the pipe cross-section depends on the pipe material and can be well demonstrated if,for example,thin-walled rubber tubing is employed.The passage of the pressure wave through the fluid is preceded,in practice,by a strain wave propagating along the pipe wall at a velocity close to the sonic velocity in the pipe material.However,this is a secondary effect and,while knowledge of its existence can explain some parts of a pressure-time trace following valve closure,it has little effect on the pressure levels generated in practical transient situations.
Following valve closure,the subsequent pressure-time history will depend on the conditions prevailing at the boundaries of the system.In order to describe the events following valve closure in the simple pipe system outlined above,it will be easier to refer to a series of diagrams illustrating conditions in the pipe at a number of time steps.
Assuming that valve closure was instantaneous,the fluid adjacent to the valve in each pipe would have been brought to rest and pressure waves conveying this information would have been propagated at each pipe at the appropriate sonic velocity c.At a later time t,the situation is as shown in fig.The wavefronts having moved a distance 1=ct,in each pipe,the deformation of the pipe cross-section will also have traveled a distancel as shown.
The pressure waves reach the reservoirs terminating the pipes at a time t=1/c.at this instant,an unbalanced situation arises at the pipe-reservior junction,as it is clearly impossible for the layer of fluid adjacent to the reservoir inlet to maintain a pressure different to that prevailing at that depth in the reservoir.Hence,a restoring pressure wave having a magnitude suffcient to bring the pipeline pressure back to its value prior to valve closure is transmitted from each reservoit at a time 1/c.For the upstream pipe,this means that a pressure wave is propagated towards the closed valve,reducing the pipe pressure to its original value and restoring the pipe cross-section.The propagation of this wave also preduces a fluid flow from the pipe into the reservoir as the pipe ahead of the moving wave is at a higher pressure than the reservoir.Now,as the system is assumed to be frictionless,the magnitude of this reversed flow will be the exact opposite of the original flow velocity,as shown in fig.
At the downstream reservoir,the converse occurs,resulting in the propagation of a pressure rise wave towards the valve and the establishment of a flow from the downstream reservoir towards the valve.
For the simple pipe considered here,the restoring pressure waves in both pipes reach the valve at a time 21/c.The whole of the upstream pipe has,thus,been returned to its original pressure and a flow has been established out of the pipe.At time 21/c,as the wave has reached the valve,there remains no fluid ahead of the wave to support the reversed flow.A low pressure region,therefore,forms at the valve,destroying the flow and giving rise to a pressure reducing wave which is transmitted upstream from the valve,once again bringing the flow to rest along the pipe and reducing the pressure within the pipe .It is assumed that the pressure drop at the valve is insufficient to reduce the pressure to the fluid vapour pressure.As the system has been assumed to be frictionless,all the waves will have the same absolute magnitude and will be equal to the pressure increment,above steady running pressure,generated by the closure of the valve.If this pressure increment is h,then all the waves propagating will be±h,Thus,the wave propagation upstream from the valve at time 21/c has a value-h,and reduces all points along the pipe to –h below the initial pressure by the time it reachs the upstream reservoir at time 31/c.
Similarly,the restoring wave from the downstream reservoir that reached the valve at time 21/c had established a reversed flow along the downstream pipe towards the closed valve .This is brought to rest at the valve,with a consequent rise in pressure which is transmitted.downstream as a +h wave arriving at the downstream reservoir at 31/c,at which time the whole of the downstream pipe is at pressure +h above the initial pressure whth the fuid at rest.
Thus,at time 31/c an unbalanced situation similar to the situation at t=1/c again arises at the reservoir –pipe junctions with the difference that it is the upstream pipe which is at a pressure below the reservoir pressure and the downstream pipe that is above reservoir pressure .However,the mechanism of restoring wave propagation is identical with that at t=1/c,resulting in a-h wave being transmitted from the upstream reservior,which effectively restores conditions along the pipe to their initial state,and a+h wave being propagated upstream from the downstream reservoir,which establishes a flow out of the downstream pipe.Thus,at time t=41/c when these waves reach the closed valve,the conditions along both pipes are identical to the conditions at t=0,i.e.the instant of valve closure.However ,as the valve is still shut,the established flow cannot be maintained and the cycle described above repeats.
The pipe system chosen to illustrate the cycle of transient propagation was a special case as,for convenience,the pipes upstream and downstream of the valve were identical.In practice,this would be unusual.However,the cycle described would still apply,except that the pressure variations in the two pipes would no longer show the same phase relationship.The period of each individual pressure cycle would be 41/c,where I and c took the appropriate values for each pipe.It is important to note that once the valve is closed the two pipes will respond separately to any further transient propagation.
The period of the pressure cycle described is 41/c.However,a term ofen met in transient analysis is pipe period,this is defined as the time taken for a restoring reflection to arrive at the source of the initial transient propagation and,thus,has a value 21/c.In the case described,the pipe period for both pipes was the same and was the time taken for the reflection of the transient wave propagated by valve from the reservoirs.
From the description of the transient cycle above,it is possible to draw the pressure-time records at points along the pipeline.These variations are arrived at simply by calculating the time at which any one of the±h waves reaches a point in the system assuming a constant propagation velocity c.The major interest in pressure transients lies in methods of limiting excessive pressure rises and one obcious method is to reduce valve speeds.However,reference to fig.illustrates an important point no reduction in generated pressure will occur until the valve closing time exceeds one pipe period.The reduction in peak pressure achieved by slowing the valve before a time 21/c from the start of valve closure and,as no beneficial pressure relief can be achieved if the valve is not open beyond this time.Generally,valve closures in less than a pipe period are referred to as rapid and those taking longer than 21/c are slow.
In the absence of friction , the cycle would continue indefinitely .However ,in practice, friction damps the pressure oscillations within a short period of time .In system where the frictional losses are high,the neglect of frictional effects can result in a serious underestimate of the pressure rise following valve closure.In these case,the head at the valve is considerably lower than the reservoir head.However,as the flow is retarded,so the frictional head loss is reduced along the pipe and the head at the valve increase towards the reservoir value.As each layer of fluid between the valve and the reservoir is brought to rest by the passage of the initial +h wave so a series of secondary positive waves each of a magnitude corresponding to the friction head recoverd is transmitted toward the valve,resulting in the full effect being felt at time 21/c.As the flow reverses in the pipe during time 21/c to 41/c,the opposite effect is recorded at the valve because of the re-establishment of a high friction loss,these variations being shown by lines AB and CD.In certain cases,such as long distance oilpipelines,this effect may contribute the larger part of the pressure rise following valve closure.
In addition to the assumptions made with regard to friction in the cycle description,mention was also made of the condition that the pressure drop waves at no time reduced the pressure in the system to the fluid vapour pressure.If this had occurred,then the fluid column would have separated and the simple cycle described would have been disrupted by the formation of a vapour cavity at the position where the pressure was reduced to vapour level.In the system described,this could happen on the valve’s downstream face at time 0 or on the upstream face at time 21/c.The formation of such a cavity is followed by a period of time when the fluid column moves under the influence of the pressure gradients between the cavity and the system boundaries.The period is normally terminated by the generation of excessive pressure on the final collapse of the cavity.This phenomena is generally referred to as column separation and is frequently made more complex by the release of dissolved gas in the vicinity of the cavity.

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