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Herbert W. Yankee Manufacturing Processes [M] Prentice-Hall Inc., 1979
Medium-Production Lathes

    Duplicating Lathe: Duplicating (or tracer) lathes are designed to produce duplicate parts by semiautomatic means. Except f tape-controlled lathes (discussed in Chapter 21), the operator is required to load and unload the work pieces and to start the automatic operation for each cutting cycle. One single-point cutting tool is used. Straight, tapered, and contoured turned or faced surfaces and bored holes are repetitively produced by the motion of a stylus as it follows the outline of a low-cost template. The template is generally mounted at the rear of the machine. The movements of the stylus are actuated by mechanical, air, hydraulic, or electrical methods. Work may be held between centers or chucked. Duplicating or tracer attachments are generally factory-installed on a standard engine lathe, although special machines are also available.
    Turret Lathe: Turret lathes are semiautomatic machine tools which can produce parts in greater quantities, to closer tolerances, faster, and as a result more economically than is possible by conventional engine lathes. Unlike the engine lathe, the turret lathe is not restricted to a single cutting tool. A leading advantage is that several operations may be performed on a work pace at a given time. It should be noted, however, that the range and types of turret lathe operations are essentially the same as those associated with the engine lathe.

FIGURE 16-6 Turret lathe production part (Courtesy, Jones Lamson)
    Figure 16-6 illustrates examples of turret lathe production parts. To offset the need for frequent tool changes, a six-sided turret is used in place of a tailstock. The turret may easily be indexed so that any desired cutting tool may contact the work piece. Additional cutting tools may be placed in square turrets on the cross slide and may be readily indexed to machine other surfaces. Unlike a cutting tool used on an engine lathe, once turret lathe tools have been properly inserted in one of the various tooling stations, they need not be remove until they require sharpening or after the production run has been completed. Finally, there is also available a single tool holder on a turret lathe which is mounted with a cutting tool on the rear of the cross slide.
    Full advantage of the versatility and adaptability of the engine lathe can be obtained only in cases where the services of a highly skilled machinist are available. Skilled labor is expensive. Parts produced by engine lathe operations are usually more costly than similar parts produced on a turret lathe. Turret lathe production costs are often minimized by using skilled setup men whose job it is to set and adjust the tools, leaving the simple and repetitive operations for the lower-pay-scale machine operators.

FIGURE 16-7 Ram-type universal turret lathe( Courtesy, Jones Lamson)
    Turret lathes may be classified as horizontal and vertical. The two leading types of horizontal turret lathes are ram type, shown in Figure 16-7, and the saddle type. Both types are suited to bar(cylindrical turning) and chucking work. The ram-type turret lathe is best suited for light bar work and small chucking jobs, while the saddle-type turret lathe is primarily used for longer bar work and for heavier chucking work pieces. Figure 16-8 shows a numerically controlled four-axis turret lathe. Ideal for bar and chucking work, they can also handle between-centers shaft work.

FIGURE 16-8 A four-axis numerically controlled turret lathe( Courtesy, Giddings Lewis-Bickford Machine Compangy)
    Vertical turret lathes are designed for considerably larger and heavier work than is commonly associated with either type of horizontal turret lathes. Vertical machines are utilized solely for complex chucking work, particularly for boring operations, and are not adapted to bar work. An example of a vertical turret is shown in Figure 16-9.
FIGURE16-9 A vertical turret lathe with a 36 in. diameter table (Courtesy, The Bullard Company)
High-Production Lathes
    It is difficult to precisely classify the various types of turning machines strictly according to their production output, Machines previously discussed are all reasonably similar, in that each type requires operator attention to an extent that varies form “considerable” to “only occasional.” The types of high-production lathes selected for following discussion are those that run almost continuously. Sones are fully automatic and require only occasional operator attention.
    Automatics Screw Machines: Automatic screw machines (or automatic bar machines) were originally designed for the high production of screws and various other threaded fasteners. The basic beginnings of this machine date back to the 1880s, when the first machine was developed. The machine is essentially an advanced form of a turret lathe which fashions a wide range of parts is large quantities form bar stock. High output of intricate mechanisms designed to automatically feed single and continuous lengths of stock, index the turret for the desired sequence of the proper cutting tools, and retract the tool after cutting. Contrary to the designation “screw machine,” production is not limited to threaded parts. The process is adaptable to the economical production of turned and formed parts of almost unlimited configuration, as shown in Figure 16-10.

FIGURE 16-10 Typical Brown Sharp produced on a screw machine ( Courtesy, e Manufacturing Co.)parts

FIGURE 16-11 A single spindle screw machine (Courtesy. Brown Sharpe Manufacturing Co.)

FIGURE 16-12 A close-up view of cutting tools in a six-station turret ( Courtesy, Brown Sharpe Manufacturing Co.)
    A automatic screw machines may be classified as single-spindle automatics,multiple-spindle automatics, and automatic chucking machines. An example of a single-spindle bar automatic screw machine is shown in Figure 16-11. Bar stock (ranging from round, square , hexagonal, or other cross-sectional shapes) is fed through a revolving hollow spindle at the beginning of each cycle of operation. The stock is stopped at a predetermined distance and held during the cutting operations in a cullet. Cutting tools are mounted around a six-station turret shown in Figure 16-12, which rotates in a vertical plane in a Ferris wheel motion. The turret is fixed to a slide which gives it longitudinal movement. There is a cross slide on which additional tools may be mounted in positions on the front as well as to the rear. The various cutting tool movements are obtained by means of cams mounted on shafts which are geared together on three sides of the machine. Mounted “dogs” engage various trip levers to control the sequence of operations on the machine.

FIGURE 16-13(a) A Vertical chucking machine ( Courtesy, The Bullard Co.)

FIGURE 16-13(b) A horizontal chucking machine ( Courtesy, The Warner Swazi Co.)
The principles that apply to the tolling arrangement of single-spindle-bar automatic screw revolving work spindle. The spindle carrier indexes and automatically moves the stock from one cutting station to another. The required cutting operations are machines apply ascrew machines. Instead of a single spindle, however, spindle machines may havlso to multiple-spindle-bar automatic e four, five, six, or eight hollow spindles. Bars of stock are loaded into each continuously performed on the stock in progressive stages as the work piece proceeds from one station to another, ending with the completed part as it is cut off from its original bar. Figure 16-13a and illustrates two types of chucking machines designed for machining castings, forgings, pressed parts, and other shapes that cannot be machined from bar stock. Automatic chucking machines are capable of performing most of the operations normally associated with the multiple-spindle-bar automatics machine. A numerically controlled two-axis twin-turret bar chucker is shown in Figure 16-14. It is common practice for an operator to handle or service two or more automatic machines once they have been properly tooled. Figure 16-15 illustrates some typical parts machined on a vertical chucking machine.

FIGURE 16-14 Two-axis twin bar checkers are well suited for either bar or chucking work This machine has a 14 tool capacity that inherently reduces tool-changing time. ( Courtesy, Giddings Lewis-Bickford Machine Co.)

FIGURE 16-15 Typical parts machined on a vertical chucking machine . (Courtesy, The Warner Swasay Co.)

FIGURE 16-16 A Swiss-automatic screw machine (Courtesy, American Belcher Corporation)

FIGURE 16-17 A close-up view showing the tooling and the slides on a Swiss automatic screw machine ( Courtesy, American Belcher Corporation)
    Swiss-Type Automatic Screw Machine:An example of a Swiss-type automatic screw machine is shown in Figure 16-16, with a close up in the tooling and slides in Figure 16-17.It differs widely in design and function from other types of screw machines. A revolving piece of –stock is fed through a carbide-lined guide bushing into the path of five radically, mounted tools which are individually cam-controlled.             edges of the single-point cutting tools which are used in this process are set to contact the stock as close as a few thousands of an inch but never more than in (0.794 mm) away from the end of the guide bushing. Accurate parts may be produced in this manner because the firmly held work is prevented from springing away form the cutting tool. Special combining such as tapers and multiple diameters are possible by combining the forward or dwell movements of the headstock and the in –and –out tool movements.

FIGURE 16-18 Examples of Swiss automatic machine production parts ( Courtesy, American Belcher Corporation )


    仿形车床: 仿形车床是为了通过半自动的方法生产完全一样的零件而被设计的,除了程序控制车床(详见21章),装上、卸下工件以及每个切割周期自动运转的启动是需要由操作员完成的。使用一个单切削刀具,模板通常装在机器的后部。通过机械、空气、水压、或者电的方法促使触针的移动,尽管专门的机床也是可以的,但是仿形车床的附件出厂时一般都安装在一个标准的普通车床上。

图16-6 转塔机床生产零件(经琼斯和拉姆森同意转载)


图16-8 四轴数控转塔车床(经吉丁斯和刘易斯—比其福德公司同意转载)


图16-10 螺纹车床生产的典型零件(经布朗和夏普制造有限公司同意转载)

图16-11 单轴螺纹车床(经布朗和夏普制造有限公司同意转载)


图16-13(a)垂直夹紧机 (经布拉德有限公司同意转载)


图16-14 两轴双杆卡盘车床适合棒料或卡盘加工这种车床有14个可以放刀具的地方,从本质上减少了换刀时间经吉丁斯和刘易斯—比其福德公司同意转载)

图16-15 垂直夹紧机加工的典型零件(经华纳和斯瓦西有限公司同意转载)

图16-16 瑞士自动螺纹车床(经美国贝奇勒公司同意转载)

    瑞士式自动螺丝机:一个瑞士式自动螺丝机如图并且,靠近在工具和幻灯片在图16 - 17日。它与广泛的在设计和功能从其他类型的螺丝机。一个旋转块股票是美联储通过硬质合金衬导套的道路五个彻底,安装工具单独凸轮控制。切削刃的单点切削工具用于这个过程将接触股票接近几千英寸但不会超过在(0.794毫米)远离结束的导套。准确的零件可能产生在这种方式,因为坚定的工作是阻止起拱远离刀具。特别结合如蜡烛和多个直径可能结合的运动向前或住床头,和动作两工具。


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