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关键词:给水处理 强化混凝 水质
  目前严重影响净水水质进一步提高的问题之一是水中有机物的控制与去除。数十年来,国内外水处理工作者在有机物去除问题上已做过大量研究,探索过多种去除有机物的材料和方法。近年来美国环境保护局(USEPA)为达到饮用水消毒/消毒副产物(D/DBP)第一阶段的控制目标——饮用水中总三卤甲烷(THMs)0.08mg/L,卤乙酸(HAAs)0.06mg/L,推荐采用的工艺有:强化混凝(enhanced coagulation)、粒状活性炭吸附(GAC adsorption)和膜过滤(membrane filtration),而且将强化混凝列为控制天然有机物(NOM)的最佳方法。  
  强化混凝处理工艺试验研究较多的是美国,而且主要是在饮用水处理行业,其主要目标是提高饮用水中D/DBP先质的去除率。Thomas R. Hundt等人的研究表明,水中富里酸(FA)类有机物主要通过电性中和沉淀、吸附共沉淀得以去除,且主要与铝盐的水解形态有关;低pH条件,聚合氯化铝对FA的去除效果优于AlCl3Gil Grozes等人对Sacramenta等河水进行的强化混凝试验发现,混凝的pH控制是获得NOM最大去除率的决定因素,在pH6的条件下,强化混凝可增加65%NOM去除率。过量加入相近剂量的混凝剂,铁盐对NOM的去除效果明显优于铝盐,其解释是:①铁盐的酸化能力比铝盐强,所以其混凝时pH值比铝盐低,较低的pH条件会增加腐殖酸类物质的质子化程度,增加混凝剂水解产物上的正电荷密度,减少混凝剂需求量,有利于有机物吸附到金属氢氧化物上;②尽管铝盐水解产物的比表面积[200400m2/gAl(OH)3]大于铁盐水解产物的比表面积[160230m2/gFe(OH)3],但相近剂量的铁盐水解产生Fe(OH)3的量是铝盐水解产生Al(OH)3量的2.8倍。另外还发现了高分子聚合物作混凝剂对溶解态NOM的去除效果较差,这是由于它们不能产生对有机质具有较好吸附作用的水解产物,也说明了水中NOM的混凝去除机理主要是被吸附在混凝剂水解产物(金属氢氧化物)上而从水中分离出来。F.Julien等人的研究也表明,铁盐对NOM的去除效果优于铝盐,有机物上有一个或没有功能基时,不能同时被典型的混凝—絮凝和吸附在金属氢氧化物絮体上而去除,而含有至少两个相邻功能基(-COOH-OH)的化合物可同时由混凝—絮凝和吸附去除,有机物的去除取决于其上的功能基-COOH-OH的多少及分子质量,且有机物最大去除率并不发生在ζ电位为0时。Joseph G.等人对腐殖酸类物质较多的原水进行混凝试验时,发现混凝剂量与TOC去除率关系曲线上出现突变点,而相对腐殖酸类物质较少的原水,混凝剂量与TOC去除率关系曲线比较平缓,这说明水中NOM的去除主要依靠沉淀和共沉淀。Joseph G.等人还比较了几个主要的有机物去除工艺特征认为强化混凝是去除天然水中有机物较经济、实用的一种工艺。Eric M.Vrijenhoek等人研究发现,去除THMS先质的最佳pH值为5.5,去除机理可能是:在混凝剂用量低时,形成金属—有机物的复合物;而在混凝剂用量较高时,有机物吸附到金属氢氧化物上而被去除,腐殖酸类成分多的原水,NOM去除率较高。试验还表明,在低pH条件下能维持原有的浊度去除效果。
Enhanced Coagulation in Water Treatment Project 
 Abstract: The enhanced coagulation technology is currently mainly used in the field of control of drinking water disinfection by-products in the content, in order to achieve a higher quality of drinking water requirements. Test conducted according to international research and application of enhanced coagulation technology, reviewed research progress and results, on the basis of the enhanced coagulation in water treatment projects, especially water purification systems in power plant applications. 
Keywords: water treatment water by enhanced coagulation 
     Seriously affect the water quality is currently one of the issues to further improve the control and removal of organic matter in water. For decades, foreign workers in organic matter removal treatment has done extensive research on the issue, explore a variety of materials and methods to remove organic matter. In recent years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to meet drinking water disinfection / disinfection byproducts (D / DBP) the first phase of the control objectives - total trihalomethanes in drinking water
(THMs) 0.08mg / L, haloacetic acids ( HAAs) 0.06mg / L, recommended process include: enhanced coagulation (enhanced coagulation), granular activated carbon adsorption (GAC adsorption) and membrane filtration (membrane filtration), but also as the control of enhanced coagulation of natural organic matter (NOM) the best way. 
    Coagulation treatment of water, conventional water treatment system is the most commonly used technique, its main role is usually to remove suspended particles and colloidal particles in water, but also able to remove part of the organic matter, but it is not efficient removal of organic matter and a larger range, mainly with the type of organic matter in water, form related. Present a common coagulant in water treatment is Al2 (SO4) 3, FeCl3, PFS (PFS), PAC (PACl), due to the water directly affects the pH value of the Hydrolysis of coagulant and water particles surface properties, thereby affecting coagulation, so most of the raw water, the best place in the coagulation effect is not ζ potential of particles 0. In fact, when the coagulant dosage is low, get a better effect occurring coagulation mechanism is charge neutralization, adsorption bridging; and when the coagulant dosage is high, get a better coagulation effect occurred The adsorption mechanism is mainly bridges netting precipitation. 
     Organic matter in natural waters (usually mainly humic acid organic compounds, the molecular structure often contains more-COOH and-OH groups), their presence in water can be divided into the suspended form (including the separate existence adsorption of organic particles and organic matter in the surface of the particles in the water), three kinds of colloidal and dissolved, suspended, colloidal part of the larger molecular weight is usually more, the smaller the solubility of organic components of natural water a considerable portion of organic matter is Adsorption of small solid particles.Coagulation, clarification conventional water treatment system is the first processing unit, while the natural water suspended, colloidal organic part of the nature and existence of the particles is very similar to water, such as a negative charge under normal conditions (organic matter in water, dissociation tend to), so the coagulation process, their removal mechanism should be similar, namely, by charge neutralization, bridging adsorption, precipitation to remove the netting, and the removal rate is higher (up to 80 % ~ 90%). The smaller molecular weight in water, solubility of the larger organic matter (mainly humic acid fulvic acid in the class, etc.), in general, the removal rate is very low under the conditions of coagulation, mainly due to its good and not susceptible to hydrophilic coagulant hydrolysis product - the adsorption of metal hydroxide. However, if by improving the conditions of coagulation, ie at low pH, high coagulant dosage form of enhanced coagulation conditions, a large number of metal hydroxide, to improve the shape and coagulant hydrolysis to increase the positive charge density, while low pH conditions, organic matter will affect the degree of dissociation and change existing form of organic matter in water, organic matter increased the degree of protonation, charge density is reduced, thereby reducing the solubility and hydrophilic properties, a form more easily adsorbed, adsorption to the abundance of metal hydroxides precipitation particles, which can increase the water removal rate of dissolved organic matter, thereby increasing the removal rate of total organic matter in water. So, in theory, by improving the conditions of coagulation (coagulation) to the water treatment works to improve the removal of organic matter and effective way possible. 
     Experimental study of enhanced coagulation treatment process more the United States, but mainly in the water treatment industry, the main objective is to improve the drinking water in the D / DBP precursors removal. Thomas R. Hundt, who studies have shown that the water fulvic acid (FA) class of organic compounds, mainly through charge neutralization and precipitation, adsorption to remove the precipitation and hydrolysis of mainly the morphology of aluminum; low pH conditions, chloride polymerization the removal of aluminum on the FA is better than AlCl3. Gil Grozes, who carried on the Sacramenta coagulation and other water tests found that coagulation pH control is to obtain the maximum removal rate of the determinants of NOM, the pH 6 conditions, the enhanced coagulation can increase to 65% of the NOM In addition to rates.Excessive dose of coagulant added similar, iron salts on the removal of NOM is better than aluminum, and its interpretation is: iron salt of the acidification capacity than aluminum strong, so when the coagulation pH value lower than the aluminum, low pH, humic substances will increase the level of protons, increasing coagulant hydrolysis products on the density of positive charge to reduce the coagulant demand is conducive to the metal hydroxide on the adsorption of organic compounds; Although the aluminum Hydrolysis specific surface area [200 ~ 400m2/gAl (OH) 3] ferric hydrolysis products is greater than the specific surface area [160 ~ 230m2/gFe (OH) 3], but similar doses of iron salts hydrolysis of Fe (OH) 3 is the amount of aluminum hydrolysis Al (OH) 3 and 2.8 times the amount. Also found for the coagulant polymer removal of dissolved NOM less effective, it is because they can not produce good adsorption of organic matter in the hydrolysis products, and also shows the coagulation water NOMmechanism is to be adsorbed on the coagulant hydrolysis products (metal hydroxide) rather isolated from the water. F. Julien et al study also showed that the effect of iron salt on the removal of NOM than aluminum, organic or not, there is a functional, you can not also be typical of coagulation - flocculation and adsorption in the metal hydroxide flocbody and removal, which contain at least two adjacent functional groups (-COOH and-OH) compounds at the same time the coagulation - flocculation and adsorption to remove organic matter removal depends on the functional groups-COOH and -OH of the number and molecular weight, and the maximum removal rate of organic matter does not occur in the ζ potential is 0. Joseph G. et al humic substances on higher raw water coagulation tests, found that the amount of coagulant and appear on the TOC removal curve mutation, and relatively less humic substances in raw water, mixed TOC removal efficiency of coagulation dose and relatively gentle curve, indicating that the removal of NOM in water mainly depends on precipitation and total precipitation. Joseph G., who also compared the main characteristics of the organic removal process that enhanced coagulation to remove natural organic matter in water is more economical and practical a process. Eric M. Vrijenhoek et al study found that the best removal THMS precursors pH 5.5, removal mechanism may be: in the coagulant dosage is low, the formation of the metal - organic complex; in coagulant dosage high, the organic compounds adsorbed on the metal hydroxides were removed more humic acid composition of raw water, NOM removal rate is higher. The results also show that at low pH conditions to maintain the original turbidity removal. 
     Ding Huan, such as other people use PFS and PAC on the Huangpu River to the coagulation tests showed that the optimum pH conditions (PFS, 5.6, 5.5 PAC), ferric sulfate and chloride polymerization of the total aluminum coagulant in water, and UV absorption of dissolved organic matter removal rates of some 70%, 52%, 55% and 70%, 52%, 33%, removal of most of the organic matter in water best pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. Iron salt, pH range than alum for larger coagulation at low pH conditions, the water removal rate was significantly improved, and PFS than PAC. HUANG Ting-lin with Al2 (SO4) 3 as coagulant Xingqing humic acid lake water samples and samples of the enhanced coagulation tests showed that mixing intensity on TOC removal influence, mixing at low intensity, flocculation obtained by extending the reaction time slightly better TOC removal. However, the mixing intensity on TOC removal effect of pH and coagulant dosage is far from the impact, the optimum pH value of TOC removal were around 5.5, TOC removal rates were 80% and 70% or more, and the turbidity does not affect the removal of DBP precursors. 
    Study abroad has been some of the more consistent conclusion: rely mainly on organic matter in water to remove adsorbed precipitation; best to remove organic matter in water pH value of 5.5 ~ 6.5, is beneficial to increase the amount of coagulant ; NOM removal in the coagulation conditions, the main factor is the pH value and coagulant; enhanced coagulation of humic acid organic removal particularly effective.
     Of coagulation in the conventional coagulation developed on the basis of the removal of organic compounds in water rich in humic acid organic compounds, especially a treatment process, compared with other treatment processes, and its low cost and processing equipment in the original brief transformation can be implemented. Study at home and abroad show that the pH value of the control of coagulation in the 6 or so, and appropriately increasing the coagulant dosage, the source of most of the organic matter in water removal with a good, the key issue is the regulation of pH. pH adjusted by adding acid, with the acidification ability of the coagulant (such as FeCl3) or by ion exchange demineralization system Yang bed Suanxing water regulation, such conditions implemented in the industrial water supply project is feasible, especially in the power plant to the water treatment. Because most of the power plant water treatment system, desalination system has assisted ion exchange acid-base system, so more likely to achieve coagulation pH regulation, while containing reverse osmosis (RO) desalination plant of the system pre-order to reduce the RO membrane hydrolysis rate and the prevention of fouling, the pH value of water generally have to be adjusted to the acidic range, which is the implementation of enhanced coagulation, the pH regulation is essentially a point forward. Coagulation treatment system mainly increased corrosion in the demand for related equipment, pH adjustment and other costs, but the source is not high organic content of water can save GAC adsorption equipment investment and operating costs, and higher levels of organic matter source water, through enhanced coagulation treatment can further improve the operating efficiency of GAC adsorption equipment (lowering water pH, NOM on GAC Adsorption removal of more effective, the most fundamental is to lower costs and take advantage of existing technologyconditions, to achieve water quality has improved significantly. Therefore, the source water coagulation tests to determine the best removal of organic matter in water pH and coagulant dosage range, further enhanced coagulation and other processes (such as GAC adsorption processing) with the use, which in our micro-polluted source water in general case by the great practical significance, and that enhanced coagulation in water treatment projects also have a greater application value.
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