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摘  要

关键词:稀土无刷直流电机 AVR 控制系统 PWM
With the development of social civilization and scientific progress, human material and cultural living standards and environmental protection, energy, awareness of the community calling for a pollution-free, low noise, simple operation, the speed of personal transportation affordable means of transport- As an ideal "green" means of transport, electric bicycle brings the gospel- Taking into account China's current situation, the electric bike will soon be universal.
The issue uses AVR MCU ATmgea16 of ATMEL Company as the controller, taking into account of the cost and performance requirements, doing the following work:
First reviewing the electric bicycle and rare earth brushless DC motor development at home and abroad, basing on the characteristics of its application, taking into a comprehensive account the type of motor, control strategy, power converter and the control of the core -A drive system solutions is proposed for this situation rare earth brushless DC motor.
Secondly, according to the characteristics of AVR microcontroller,I designed the system control strategy detailed: current detection shunt resistor designed to indirectly measure the flow; speed ​​control system designed for current, velocity, double-loop control to ensure the accuracy and speed of response speed, and PI was used in the software algorithm to achieve ;developing a motor "soft start " control scheme ;using high-performance integrated circuit IR2130 driver to drive MOFSET full-bridge inverter circuit comprising; the PWM wave occurrence and system protection features such as centralized control chip used to increase the system reliability.
Finally, designing the software and hardware of the system based on the control strategy.

Keywords: Rare Earth Brushless-DC-motor  AVR  Control System  PWM 

目  录
第1章  绪  论 - 1 -
1.1  课题的研究背景与发展状况 - 1 -
1.2  电动车的发展状况 - 2 -
1.2.1  电动车的种类 - 2 -
1.2.2  电动自行车的发展前景 - 3 -
1.3  电动自行车主要部件的发展状况 - 4 -
1.3.1  电动自行车电机的发展 - 5 -
1.3.2  电机控制技术的发展 - 6 -
1.3.3  电池技术的发展 - 7 -
第2章  关键部分特性分析 - 9 -
2.1  稀土永磁无刷直流电机的基本结构和工作原理 - 9 -
2.1.1  直流无刷电动机的原理框图 - 9 -
2.2  电机的运行特性分析 - 13 -
2.2.1  起动特性 - 15 -
2.2.2  电动运行特性 - 15 -
2.2.3  制动特性 - 17 -
2.2.4  机械特性和调速特性分析 - 18 -
2.3  控制系统的整体构成 - 19 -
2.4  位置检测信号处理单元 - 20 -
2.5  电流检测信号处理单元 - 21 -
2.6  电机调速方案 - 21 -
2.7  驱动、逆变电路控制方案 - 25 -
2.8  故障检测与系统保护 - 26 -
2.9  核心控制期间的选择 - 27 -
2.10  本章小结 - 28 -
第3章  硬件系统概述 - 29 -
3.1  控制系统组成 - 29 -
3.1.1  核心为处理器ATmega16 - 30 -
3.1.2  控制电源电路设计 - 31 -
3.1.3  信号检测电路设计 - 32 -
3.1.4  三相全桥逆变电路及其功率驱动的设计 - 34 -
3.1.5  PWM波的控制单元 - 36 -
3.1.6  速度给定环节 - 39 -
3.1.7  电池电压检测单元 - 39 -
3.2  系统硬件可靠性设计 - 40 -
3.2.1  电源与集成芯片去耦 - 40 -
3.2.2  电磁兼容设计 - 41 -
3.3  本章小结 - 41 -
第4章  系统软件设计 - 42 -
4.1  系统软件设计概述 - 42 -
4.2  主程序的设计 - 43 -
4.3  各功能模块的设计思想 - 44 -
4.3.1  位置检测模块 - 45 -
4.3.2  幻想控制模块 - 45 -
4.3.3  A/D采样模块 - 46 -
4.3.4  双闭环控制模块 - 48 -
4.4  软件的可靠性设计 - 51 -
4.4.1  采用模块化程序设计方法 - 51 -
4.4.2  合理安排中断 - 51 -
4.4.3  程序“跑飞”与“死锁”的解脱 - 52 -
4.4.4  本章小结 - 52 -
4.5电动驱动仿真设计 - 52 -
4.5.1前面板 - 52 -
4.5.2程序框图 - 53 -
4.5.3 波形观测 - 54 -
4.5.4变速控监控面 - 55 -
总  结 - 56 -
致  谢 - 57 -
参 考 文 献 - 58 -
附录1:电动自行车驱动系统原理图 - 60 -

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