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摘 要
经过分析,本系统主要采用了面向对象的数据库管理系统程序设计的工具软件Visual basic 6.0,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成满足要求的可行系统。

关键词:Visual basic, 商场抽奖,面向对象

The high technology of the information society, the merchandise economy turn efficiently benefit, make the application of the calculator have already make widely available each realm of the economy and social activities. Keyword:The Visual basic 6.0, the market draw prizes, facing to the object.Although the calculator is more and more close with the mankind's relation, But because the operation and the management that numerous factor people still continue to compare the originality. People if ever very strong time idea, if still use the very tedious software of the handicraft operation or usages, since wasted the manpower, and then wasted the material resources, the efficiency can't raise. For strengthenning the modern society in of work efficiency and management art, This management  system software of the development drew prizes the management to bring the tremendous convenience for that unit. After carrying on the appropriate constitution to the system, once someone carries on draw prizes, this system will circulate, be you pick out a date, this system will reserve time record automatically, will produce the information record of demand automatically, and then and at any time can output the information for want is just information-based. The calculator industry hardware and the renewal and upgrades and the management works of the softwares raise increasingly in the economic realm position, The car wheel that is two to go forward continuously, in the progress of each self-moving exhibition, Promote and push each other again, will information-based push toward a new height. The main discussion of this text is draw prizes of one of the market management management, coming to body now how carry out the information-based management of calculator.
The lucky day draws prizes to manage the system is the typical information  management system( MIS), it mainly develop the establishment and maintenances and head application procedures of include the backstage databases develop two aspects. Request to build up a data consistency and integrities for the former strong. But then request the applied  procedure function to the latter complete, use to wait the characteristics easily.
Through analysis, main adoption of this system face to the tool software  Visual basic of the database management  system program design of the object 6.0, make use of various development tool that faces to the object of what it provide, particularly is this ability of the data window way is convenient and simple and direct to manipulate the database of intelligence turn the object, build up the system application prototype in the in a short time first, then, start the prototype system to carry on the need 迭 generation to the beginning, revise and improve continuously, until the formation satisfies to request of can go the system.
Keyword: Visual basic, draw prizes, Object-Original


第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 信息管理的背景与动机 1
1.2 中百幸运日抽奖管理的意义 1
1.3 解决思想 1
1.4 系统功能和数据描述 2
1.5 系统描述 3
1.5.1 子系统的结构图规约说明 3
1.5.2 结构连接图和说明 3
1.6 系统建模和模拟结构 4
1.6.1 用于模拟的系统模型 4
1.6.2 模拟结果 4
1.6.3 特殊性能 4
1.7 投资及收益分析 4
1.7.1 市场分析 4
1.8 投资估计 4
1.8.1 收益估计 4
第2章 Visual Basic6.0编程环境简介 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2 VB主要特点 7
2.3 实现菜单选项 7
2.4 属性及对象 8
第3章 面向对象简介 9
3.1 面向对象基本思想 9
3.2 面向对象方法的定义 10
3.3 面向对象基本概念 10
3.4 为什么要面向对象 12
第4章 可行性分析 14
4.1 概述 14
4.1.1 编写目的 14
4.1.2 缩略词定义 14
4.1.3 参考资料 14
4.2 可行性研究的前提 14
4.2.1 目标 14
4.2.2 条件、假定和限制 15
4.2.3 可行性研究方法 15
4.2.4 决定可行性的主要因素 15
4.3 所建议技术可行性分析 15
4.3.1 对系统的简要描述 15
4.3.2 与现有系统比较的优越性 15
4.3.3 采用建议系统可能带来的影响 15
4.3.4 技术可行性评价 16
4.4 所建议系统经济可行性分析 16
4.5 社会因素可行性分析 16
4.6 结论意见 16
第5章 需求分析 17
5.1 概述 17
5.1.1 编写目的 17
5.1.2 术语 17
5.1.3 参考资料 17
5.2 任务概述 17
5.2.1 目标 17
5.2.2 运行环境 17
5.2.3 条件与限制 17
5.3 数据描述 18
5.3.1 静态数据 18
5.3.2 动态数据 18
5.3.3 数据采集 18
5.4 运行需求 19
5.4.1 用户界面 19
5.4.2 硬件接口 19
5.4.3 软件接口 19
5.4.4 故障处理 19
5.5 其他需求 19
第6章 概要设计 20
6.1 概述 20
6.1.1 编写目的 20
6.1.2 术语 20
6.1.3 参考资料 20
6.2 任务概述 20
6.2.1 目标 20
6.2.2 运行环境 20
6.2.3 条件与限制 20
6.3 总体设计 21
6.3.1 总体结构和模块外部设计 21
6.3.2 功能分配 21
6.4 运行设计 21
6.4.1 运行模块的组合 21
6.4.2 运行控制 21
6.4.3 运行时间 21
6.5 出错处理设计 21
6.5.1 出错输出信息 21
6.6 安全保密设计 22
6.7 维护设计 22
第7章 详细设计 23
7.1 引言 23
7.1.1 编写目的 23
7.1.2 参考资料 23
7.2 总体设计 23
7.2.1 软件结构 23
7.3 程序描述 24
7.3.1 系统用户管理模块 24
7.3.2 随即生成日期模块 24
7.3.3 用户抽奖模块 24
7.3.4 大屏幕显示模块 24
第8章 项目开发总结 25
7.1  实际开发成果 25
8.1.1 成果 25
8.1.2 主要功能 25
8.2 对成果质量的评价 25
8.2.1 影响软件质量的主要因素有: 25
8.2.2 对技术方法的评价 26
8.3 经验教训与建议 26
8.4 系统扩充与完善地设想 27
第9章 界面设计 29
9.1 引言 29
9.1.1 编写目的 29
9.1.2 参考资料 29
9.2 运行环境 29
9.3 使用说明 29
9.3.1 安装和初始化 29
9.3.2 运行说明 30
第10章 软件测试 33
10.1 概述 33
10.1.1 编写目的 33
10.1.2 定义 33
10.2 计划 33
10.2.1 测试方案 33
10.2.2 测试项目 33
10.2.3 测试机构及人员 34
10.3 测试项目说明 34
10.3.1 显示用户界面窗口测试 34
10.3.2 显示中奖界面窗口测试 34
10.3.3 显示中奖日期窗口测试 34
10.3.4 生成中奖日期测试 34
10.3.5 日期的输出测试 34
10.3.6 测试结果 34
10.4 评价 35
第11章 系统维护 36
参考文献 37
结束语 38
致谢 39
附 录 40

第1章 绪 论
1.1 信息管理的背景与动机                                                                                           

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