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摘 要
本系统采用Dreamweaver MX 和 Access2000 开发的。Dreamweaver MX作为前端开发工具,Access2000作为后台的数据库开发平台。对Access数据库和Dreamweaver MX应用程序设计。本文所设计的图书信息查询系统可以满足借阅者、图书馆工作人员的需要。具体的程序设计,设计了了操作界面。实现了数据库表的浏览,记录的添加、删除和修改,报表的生成,实现了多条数据库表的连接操作,实现了多条件查询和模糊查询,

关键字:Dreamweaver MX;Access; 模块
For the rapid development of technology computer has already run through every field of the economic and social life. The concept of information has not only confined to connect to the Internet. Using a dedicated information management software to replace the original manual book-keeping, in the proper installation of the system, Once information via vouchers, the implementation of the audit and book-keeping functions, will automatically generate the information needed by the records,  it is the information and then can output the information wanted at any time Computer hardware and software industries to update and upgrade management in the economic field and the increasing status, are two of the wheels moving forward in their development process and to promote and facilitate the mutual will informationization to a new high. This text discusses mainly that library of information on the inquiry ,how to realize that the information of the computer is managed
This system adopts Dreamweaver MX and Access2000 to develop. Dreamweaver MX as front-end development tool, Access2000 as a background database development platform. To Access2000 database and Access application programming. This article designs the books management system management system may satisfied borrowing, the library staff's need. Concrete programming, has designed the operation contact surface. Has realized the database table browsing, Recording increase, deletion and revision, Report form production, has realized the multi- databases table connection operation, has realized the multi- conditions inquiry and the fuzzy inquiry.
The system is divided into 5 pieces of module on the whole: Books referral, Books maintenance, new Books information, Borrows returns and inquires the report form.  The five modules are basically achieved the basic functions of The System of Books Information Referral Functional. Effective management of Books referral and Scheduled Borrow books, at the same time, teachers and students with up-to-date information. Brings convenience to reader offers convenience. So that information to the books, Scientific, and intelligent.

Key words:Dreamweaver MX;Access;Module

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 系统的概述 1
1.1.1 问题的提出 1
1.1.2 系统的作用 1
1.2 相关技术与开发工具介绍 1
1.2.1 Dreamweaver MX开发环境 1
1.2.2 Microsoft Access数据库介绍 2
1.2.3 Dreamweaver MX与Microsoft Access数据库的结合 5
1.3 系统配置 6
第2章 需求分析 7
2.1 理解需求 7
2.2 需求分析 7
2.2.1 整体分析 8
2.2.2 具体分析 10
2.3 系统的性能需求 12
第3章 数据库设计 13
3.1 软件结构设计 13
3.2 数据库设计 14
第4章 详细设计 18
4.1 主界面设计 18
4.2 具体功能界面设计 18
4.2.1 图书维护界面设计 18
4.2.2 图书信息查询界面设计 19
4.2.3 借阅归还界面设计 20
4.2.4 查询报表设计 21
4.3 图书信息查询与数据库的连接 21
4.3.1 建立数据库 21
4.3.2 设置站点及连接数据库 22
4.3.3 建立查询网页 22
4.3.4 建立显示页面 23
第5章 代码分析与实现 27
5.1 图书信息查询主界面功能的实现 27
5.2 维护界面的实现 31
5.3 图书信息查询的实现 32
5.4 借阅归还界面的实现 33
5.5 查询报表界面的实现 34
第6章 系统测试与维护 37
第7章 结 论 38
参考文献 39
致 谢 40
附 录 41
第1章 绪 论
1.1 系统的概述
1.1.1 问题的提出
1.1.2 系统的作用          

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