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编写在线投票系统,最重要的一点就是如何从烦琐的投票结果中,导出全部投票项目的票数,然后根据投票项目的各个票数,进行票数百分比计算,最后编辑出在线投票系统。开发该系统我主要采用ASP技术和SQL数据库相结合的方式。ASP技术通过在静态HTML内容中嵌入服务器端脚本,实现网页内容的动态改变。Web服务器从磁盘上读取含有服务器端脚本的网页,在网页发送给客户端浏览器之前,先对其中的服务器端脚本进行解释,输出用户定制内容,从而产生动态网页。数据库采用SQL Server 2000大型数据库,能够胜投票系统中的数据处理。本文在相关理论指导下,在分析其他一些系统的基础上,开发出了一个简单的在线投票系统(包括功能模块设计、数据库结构设计等)基本解决了管理人员的烦琐事务。
ASP  投票   数据库

Be building up vote to manage today of mechanism actively, only depend originality of the handicraft manage or the simple single machine manage, management Dept. public appearance to a great deal of information, can't efficiently will among them of importance part withdraw, and do a judgment and the processing for corresponding.Decision which votes governor can according to the statement data, at waste a great deal of manpower, material resources can't in the meantime attain actually supervise and control, the accuracy of hard assurance data with in time sex.Therefore, the forerunner's management thought carried out and then becamed an inaccessible target in the vote.The vote needs the management information that a set of current forerunner manages thought system urgently very much, is a kind of important means which carries out a target and raises an existing vote a management level.The technical along with science of raise continuously, the calculator science is gradually mature, the its strong function has already been people's deep understanding, it has already entered each realm of the society of mankind to erupt to flick a more and more important function. Be a calculator applied one part, the teaching mission's arrange in order is a hard nut to crack, numerous high schools, research organizations and personals carried on a great deal of research and the development work from the theories and fulfillment.
Write on-line vote system, The most important one point be how plan from the trivial teaching medium, Lead a teaching mission of demand, Then the concrete need of every semester of basis, Carry on the mission arrange in order to include mission to increase,modify,delete, the teaching mission of the born and end performance. Develop that system; I mainly adopt the way that the ASP technique and the SQL database combine together. The ASP technique passes in the static state HTML contents to imbed a server to carry script, Carry out the dynamic state change of the web page contents. The Web server reads to imply the web page that the server carries script from the disk, before the web page send out to the customer carry a browser, the server won first as to its carries script to carry on explain, out put the customer makes to order a contents, Produce a dynamic state web page thus. The database adopts the SQL Server 2000 large databases, can be competent the data processing in the teaching mission. This text developed a simple on-line vote system(include a function mold a piece a design, database structure design etc.) on the foundation of the analysis a little bit other systems under the related theories instruction basic solved the manager's trivial business.
Key Words
ASP  VOTE  Database

目    录
前  言. 6
第1章 编程环境及数据库. 7
1.1编程环境. 7
1.2 ASP简介. 7
1.2.1 ASP的技术特点. 7
1.2.2 ASP对象使用基础. 9
1.2.3 ASP的工作原理. 10
1.2.4 ASP的运行环境. 11
1.3 数据库选择. 12
1.4 数据库接口的实现. 12
第2章 数据建模. 13
2.1 数据库建模方法. 13
2.2 程序开发软件. 14
第3章 需求分析与总体设计. 19
3.1 需求分析. 19
3.1.1 需求的提取. 19
3.1.2 需求定义与规约. 19
3.2 系统总体设计. 20
3.2.1 系统结构图. 20
3.2.2 数据功能模块设计. 20
3.2.3 系统的主要功能设计. 21
3.2.4 数据库设计. 21
第4章 详细设计与实现. 25
4.1 投票界面模块的设计. 25
4.2 投票项目模块的设计. 28
4.3 投票结果模块的设计. 33
4.4 用户管理模块的设计. 37
4.4.1 管理员登录的设计与实现. 37
4.4.2 修改密码的设计与实现. 39
结论. 41
致谢. 42
参考文献. 43
论文附件. 44
一、英文原文. 44
二、英文翻译. 54

前  言
第1章 编程环境及数据库
随着各高校办公自动化工作的推进,投票管理自动化也被摆上日程。通过Dreamweaver与Microsoft Office Access 2003的编程环境,采用ASP代码和数据库开发一个动态的在线投票系统。
在该投票系统中,我使用ASP和Microsoft Office Access 2003相结合的综合开发环境,采用 ODBC 作为投票系统与后台数据库的接口。投票系统开发平台是 Windows XP。开发工具选择的是Dreamweaver MX。
1.2 ASP简介
ASP的简称是Active Server Pages,目前没有正式的中文名称,可理解为“动态服务器页面”技术。ASP是目前最流行的开放式Web服务器应用技术,它的特点是将脚本、超文本和强大的数据库访问技术结合在一起,并提供了众多的服务器组件来扩展功能,能够很方便地创建分布式和基于Web的商业化应用程序。
如果要更简单地描述ASP,可以说ASP就是运行在Web服务器上的动态网页。ASP程序文件也是 一个标准的网页,一般由HTML标记和ASP脚本代码混杂在一起组成。ASP网页程序必须先经Web服务器的ASP解释器解释执行,产生HTML代码后才传送给浏览器执行显示。

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