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能源危机日益严重,秸秆能源作为新能源的一种,其被大规模开发利用势在必行。在这种情况下,秸秆致密成型技术便显得尤为重要。但由于成型原料密度小,体积大的特点,为加工带来了极大的不便,因此为节省秸秆原材料的储运费用,便于推广,本设计在对国内外已有的成型机做了大量的调查后,完成了秸秆挤压成型机的设计。挤压成型部分包括螺杆、套筒、 模头。主成型系统是利用电动机驱动的,采用闭式成型方式将秸秆原料在常温下压缩成型的一套设备,其特点是:无需粘合剂与加热,节省了加工成本,且对秸秆的成型效果尤其好。挤压系统采用螺旋压缩方式,可同时实现进料和挤压。指导思想:在满足技术要求及结构合理的条件下,减少附属件,降低生产成本,使其结构简单,使用方便。
The increasingly serious energy crisis, straw energy as a new energy, its large-scale development and utilization was inevitable. In this case, forming dense straw technology appears to be particularly important. However, due to molding raw material density, the volume of the characteristics for processing has brought great inconvenience, in order to save storage and transportation of biomass raw material costs, facilitate the promotion, in the design of the machine at home and abroad have done a lot of The investigation, completed a straw forming part of the machine.  Pressure forming including straw and sleeve, Forming the main system is to use motor, by way of closed molding raw material and raw materials at room temperature compression molding of a set of equipment, its features are: adhesives and without heating, saving processing costs, and the forming of straw Particularly good effect. Pressure system uses helical compression method, which can achieve pre-feed and pressure. The thought of guide: at satisfy the technique request and the reasonable term in construction descends, reducing subsidiary piece, lower the production cost, make its construction simple, usage convenience.   
Key words: straw; pressure molding; design

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