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在当今竞争日益激烈的情况下,企业必须尽最大努力让顾客满意,强顾客的满意度感。顾客满意度或品牌满意度指消费者对某个企业产品或个品牌的一种较持久偏爱心理,其可以界定为: (1) 有倾向性的行为即非随意性的)(2) 行为上的反应(即购买)(3) 长时间对品牌偏爱(4) 是某个决策单位的行为 (5) 涉及选择域中的一个或多个品牌 (6)心理过程(作出决策、评价)的函数。满意度的顾客不仅重复购买或消某个品牌产品,还可能向其亲朋好友推荐这个品牌产品。当然,顾客诚的前提是顾客满意,只有满意的顾客才有可能培育成满意度的顾客。满意度的顾客对企业来说意义重大,主要体现在几个方面
  1. 增强顾客满意度感可提高企业生产率。衡量顾客满意度感的一个重指标是顾客保持率。美国Bain &Company 对美国五大广告公司一项查表明:公司的顾客保持率越高,其生产力指数越高,即公司劳动生率越高。
  2. 增强顾客满意度感可提高企业利润率。Frederick F 通过软件、广告代理等行业的研究发现,顾客保持率增加5 % ,这些行业的润可增长至少35 % ,最多达95 %。这主要是因为: (1) 节约成本,吸引位新顾客的成本是保留一位老顾客成本的五倍,吸引新顾客需要较的广告费用、推销费用、销售人员佣金等,而与老顾客交易可降低交成本,而且老顾客甚至可以向企业提出一些节约成本的建议(2) 增销售收入,满意度的顾客重复购买、消费公司的一种或数种产品,随着间的推移,其购买数量也不断增加,即老顾客对企业具有较大的生命期价值(3) 企业可从满意度顾客那里获得较好口碑优势,满意满意度的户经常向其亲朋好友推荐某企业的产品或服务,而这是一种成本低果好的广告(4) 企业可以获得价格优惠,因为根据营销学研究结果,新顾客相比,老顾客对公司产品的提价并不敏感,很多老顾客愿意支较高价格从而获得较好的产品与服务。
  3. 增强顾客满意度感可延长企业增长周期,使企业实现长期可持续展,将一个商业体系要素顾客、雇员、投资者称为满意度的量”,并指出他们之间关系
Dell 、eBay 、等公司的经验及Phil.Schefter 等人的研究表明:顾客满意度不仅对传统经营模式下的企业意义重大,在网络营销条件下同样具有上述意义。
  顾客对某一品牌或企业的满意度度取决于几个因素:转移成本;替代产品的可获得性; 顾客感知的购买风险;对此品牌过去消费的满意度。基于这一分析框架,笔者认为,在网络营销条件下,顾客满意度具有双重特征。
  1. 培育满意度顾客更加困难。顾客转移成本是指顾客由消费一种品牌转移到另一种品牌所发生的成本、费用,主要包括:货币成本、精力成本、心理成本。在传统商业模式下, ,消费者的转移成本是很大的。而在网络营销背景下,顾客可以在电脑屏幕前轻轻一按鼠标,几秒钟之内就可以获得成千上万条有关所需要产品的品牌、价格、形状、功能、特征等信息。这样他的搜寻成本很低,品牌转换成本也很低,就可以轻而易举地、频繁地转换品牌。由于网上有关商品种类与品牌的信息量很大,替代商品也较易获得。因此,顾客很可能不停地转换品牌以期获得更大收益。另外,竞争的白热化使得各个企业都在想方设法争夺市场,争取客户。再有,即使顾客对过去消费过的某个品牌感到满意,但由于搜寻成本极低,他会尝试寻求一个令自己更满意的品牌。所有这些对企业培育满意度顾客来说都是严峻挑战,增加了培育的难度,降低了顾客的满意度度。
2. 顾客有可能增强对某一品牌的满意度感。如前所述,顾客的满意度感与其感知的购买风险有关。感知的购买风险指顾客感觉到的购买某种产品或服务可能带来的风险。主要包括:社会风险、财物风险、时间风险、心理风险、身体风险。由于通过网上无法接触到商品实体,目前的技术很难完全过滤掉虚假、过时信息,再加上网络监管法规制度的不完善,消费者在网上购物可能面临较大的购买风险,特别是有关商品质量方面的风险。因此,从这个角度分析,消费者为降低购买风险,很有可能购买以前曾经消费过的品牌产品,这样就倾向于对某个品牌满意度,容易增强品牌满意度感。
  品牌形象。与传统商务相比,E环境下的顾客面对的是海量的商品信息,网络消费者在很大程度上会依赖网络品牌为选择依据。在某种程度上,域名就是网站的品牌,而要让顾客在广阔无际的互联网中轻易地找到自己的网站,一个鲜明、简洁、易记的域名是培育满意度顾客的先决条件。 客户[飞诺网]
  1. 深层次的关系营销策略。现代营销学理论认为,关系营销策略是保留老顾客与增强顾客满意度感的有效策略。它包括三个层次:财务层次、社交层次、结构层次。笔者认为,在网络营销条件下,关系营销策略的重点应放在结构层次上,即与顾客建立深层次的合作关系,彼此深入了解,在此基础上采取定制化措施,为顾客提供全方位解决方案。
  2. 为顾客创造更多价值,增强顾客满意感。顾客价值是顾客购买产品或服务时的总成本与总收益比较的结果。总收益超过总成本越多,顾客所获的价值就越大。为此,可采取价值分析方法分析顾客的核心需要与所追求的利益。同时,为在竞争中取得优势,企业必须能够比竞争对手更多地为其顾客创造价值。顾客获得较多的消费价值才满意,只有满意的顾客才有可能满意度于某个企业。
3. 恪守信用,取信于顾客。前文已经分析过,网络营销环境下消费者面临更大的购买风险,如果某个企业能够在整个经营过程中诚实守信,向顾客传递真实信息,那就较易赢得顾客的信任,只有企业忠实于顾客,顾客才有可能满意度于企业。
Research the Influence on Customer Satisfaction Based on E-commerce                                              
The customer Satisfaction is still very important for the company even if under E-commerce environment. The Customer Satisfaction under the E-commerce environment context on the enterprise in the network with a double. The firms should adopt corresponding strategies enhance customer Satisfaction Influence.
The rapid growth in internet use augurs well for internet marketing .The internet is a necessary avenue but not a sufficient one for network marketing. Two factors that significantly contribute to the success of internet marketing are the trust people place in the online businesses and how secure they feel in transacting business on the internet .trust is something that has to be earned over a period of time .In the real world, trust is gained both by observing the physical structure of the organization as well as by third party recommendations. Trust brings in repeat business on essential ingredient for success.
First, the customer’s Satisfaction still has important significance in the context on e-commerce companies for the companies.
   In today's increasingly competitive circumstances, enterprises must do their utmost to customer satisfaction, strong customer Satisfaction influence. Customer Satisfaction or brand Satisfaction means an Enterprise product or a brand preference for a more have partiality for mentality enduringly can be defined as:
(1)The tendency of non-arbitrary),
(2) The act reaction (i.e. purchase),
(3) Long on brand preference;
(4) A decision-making unit;
(5) Involves choosing the domain of one or more brands
(6) Psychological process (decision-making, evaluation) function.
 Loyal repeat customers not only buy a certain brand or product Consumers may also recommend the brand to their friends and family products. Of course, customers-is the premise of customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction can only be developed into loyal customers? Loyal customers are of great significance to enterprises, mainly manifested in several ways.
  1. Enhance customer Satisfaction influence can improve business productivity. Measuring customer Satisfaction sense of a weight indicator is customer retention. Bain & Company, the United States five major advertising companies to the United States that an investigation: the higher the rate of customer, the higher their productivity index, the higher the rate of labor companies.
  2. Enhance customer Satisfaction influence can improve corporate profit margins. Frederick F. Reichheld software, advertising agencies, and other industry study found that customer rate increase of 5% in these sectors Run can grow by at least 35 per cent up to 95 percent. This is mainly because:
(1) Cost savings, attract new customers at the cost of a reservation is five times the cost of the old customers and attract new customers need more than the cost of advertising, marketing costs, sales commissions, etc., but with the old customer transactions TAC can reduce costs, and old customers to the enterprise can even make some cost-saving suggestions.(2) Increasing sales revenue, customer Satisfaction repeat purchase, consumption, the company one or more of the product, with the passage of its purchase the number will continue increasing, and old customers with large enterprise life cycle valuably.
(3) Business from loyal customers there can be a better word-of-mouth advantage, with Satisfaction to friends and families often recommend a company's products or services, and this is a low-cost fruit good advertising.
(4) Enterprises get price concessions, because according to marketing research findings, new customers compared to the old customers of the company's products is not sensitive to price increases, many customers are willing to support the elderly higher prices to get better products and services.
  3. Enhance customer Satisfaction influence extended enterprise growth cycles, enable enterprises to achieve long-term sustainable outreach. Reichheld system will be a commercial element of customers, employees, investors known as the "loyal quantity", and pointed out that relations between them are as follows plans: Dell, eBay, Varguard companies such as experience and Phil.Schefter, who studies show that: customer Satisfaction not only to the traditional business model of significant business in the e-commerce conditions with the same meaning.
 Second, under the conditions of e-commerce the dual Satisfaction of the customer .
A brand of customer Satisfaction or business depends on several factors: the transfer cost of the availability of substitute products; customers buy the perception of risk; brand consumer satisfaction with the past. Based on this analytical framework, I believe that, under the conditions in the e-commerce, customer Satisfaction is a double feature.
  1. Cultivate loyal customers even more difficult. Customers transfer cost refers to a consumer brand customers from transfer to another brand by the costs, fees, which mainly include: monetary costs, energy costs, psychological costs. In the traditional business model, the consumer is a big cost shift. In the e-commerce background, customers can pre-screen computer mouse. Push the button, and within a few seconds can be tens of thousands of products required by the brand, price, shape, function, features and other information. This low cost of his searching, brand switching costs are also very lowly, they can easily, frequently switch brands. Since online on merchandise types and brands of a lot of information, goods are more easily available alternative. Therefore, customers are likely to switch brands constantly with a view to obtaining more revenue. In addition, the intense competition makes all enterprises are trying to seize the market, for customers. Moreover, even if the customer had in the past as a consumer is satisfied with the brand, but because search costs low, he will try to find a more satisfied with their own brand names. All of these enterprises, fostering customer Satisfaction also a severe challenge, increase the difficulty of the training, reduced customer Satisfaction.
2. Customers may enhance a sense of brand Satisfaction. As mentioned above, customer Satisfaction and its sense of the perception of the risk of the purchase. Perception of the risk that customers feel purchase of the purchase of a certain product or service of the risk involved. Mainly include: social risks, property risks, the risk of time and psychological risks, physical risks. The lack of access to the Internet through commodity entities, the current technology to filter out completely false, outdated information, coupled with the network's flawed system of regulation, consumers shopping online may face greater risk of the purchase, especially the risk of commodity quality. Therefore, from this point of view of consumers to buy lower risk is likely to buy over the previous consumer brand products, and this tended to be loyal to a certain brand, easily enhanced sense of brand Satisfaction.
Third, Customer Satisfaction Factors
Brand image: Compared with the traditional business, Environment customers faced with a flood of merchandise information, the network will be largely dependent on consumers to choose brands based on the network. To a certain extent, is the site of the domain name brands, and let customers in the vast Internet jib easily find their own website, a clear, concise and easy to remember domain name is to cultivate loyal customers prerequisite.
Web site form: In this "eyeball economy" era, the first time how to arouse the attention of consumers, regardless of the traditional business or e-commerce enterprises, are crucial. E in the environment, first of all, site visitors design style is the first impression of the enterprise, a unique web site not only to attract customers, but also to allow its consumption of fun. Second, the Web site of information and rich content determines whether or not the interest of consumers on the website and perceived tendency attitude, and proceeded to affect customer satisfaction. Third, the fast-paced life of the people has become increasingly impatient, speed and convenience is to ensure that consumers continued to patronize the basic security, ease of use website directly affect consumer perception value.
Products: Good product is formed the basis of customer Satisfaction, consumers had access to the satisfaction of a repeat products can be purchased desire. Reliable network is the quality of consumer products on the basic requirements of good, and the same level of quality at a lower price is the fundamental driving force for customer Satisfaction. Customers buy products or services, in addition to smaller hope that the cost of access to more practical interests, the pursuit of a product or service more personalized and more diversified.
The quality of service: Customer Satisfaction, high-level company often depends on the level of services provided, and impact on customer service quality is an important behavioral intention decisive factor (Cronin, 2000). E in the environment, the quality of service in the performance of the main criteria: enterprise customers can conveniently and quickly exchange interaction; customers can be improved logistics and distribution services. Reasonable delivery, return policies, the completion of the transaction after the order confirmation services, timely, accurate and safe delivery of goods and packaging services on customer satisfaction is an important factor; enterprises can to provide customers with personalized and customized services; enterprises can properly handle customer complaints. Customer complaints because customers dissatisfied with the goods or services, businesses such as a correct view of customer complaints, and a positive attitude in the handling of complaints, will be affected to a great extent on the level of customer satisfaction, thereby affecting customer Satisfaction. 
Conversion costs. Conversion costs consumers re-select a new service provider at the cost of traditional business with different network customers simply click of the mouse, can very easily from one enterprise "switch" to another enterprise. But if e-commerce enterprises to use special methods to increase customer awareness of the study cost, delay interest from customers, and establish the structural link between the customer or customers to make some positive commitment, then customers will experience performance at the exit barriers out of Satisfaction to a particular enterprise.
Trust security. To get customer Satisfaction, we must first gain their trust. An online shopping for the anonymous survey, driven by customers shopping in a particular site is not the most important driving force for the low prices and wide choice of goods, but that the trust "of a web site." And the e-commerce business customers primarily from the trust of the enterprise security factors, including product quality and safety, pay process safety, personal privacy confidentiality. When consumers are worried about the security risks enterprises have the commitment and performance, they will be the establishment of a relationship of trust, which enables enterprise customers are willing to share more personal information, enhance the sense of corporate Satisfaction.
 Customer personal characteristics: Customer's personal characteristics affect customer Satisfaction is one of the factors. Including customers of different networks involved, the different technologies hobbies, different services require different price sensitivity, as well as features such as pre-trading experience, making different online customer Satisfaction with vastly different network.
Forth, take relevant measures to strengthen customer Satisfaction influence.
 1. Deep-rooted relationship marketing strategy.
Modern marketing theory, relationship marketing strategy is to retain old customers and enhance customer Satisfaction flu effective strategy. It consists of three levels: financial levels, social levels, and structural levels. The author believes that under the conditions in the e-commerce, relationship marketing strategy should focus on the structural level, which a deep-level customer relation of cooperation, in-depth understands of each other, and on this basis to custom, to provide customers with all-round solution.
2. Create more value for customers, enhance customer satisfaction. Customer value customers to buy products or services, the total cost of the total receipts and compare the results. Total receipts of more than the total cost, customers receive greater value. To this end, the value of analytical methods can take the core needs of customers and the pursuit of interests. Meanwhile, in order to obtain advantages in the competition, enterprises must be able to more competitors than create value for their customers. Customers receive more value to the consumer satisfaction; customer satisfaction can only be loyal to a particular enterprise.
3. Basics, win the trust of the customers. The former have analyzed, the e-commerce environment consumers will face a greater risk of purchase, if a business enterprise in the whole process of being honest and trustworthy, truthful information to their customers’ transfer, it easier to win the trust of customers, only to enterprises loyal customers, the customer can be loyal to the enterprise.
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