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本论文主要围绕数字媒体技术专业的门户网站为开发主题,最基本也是最必须的三个技能。前端的开发中,在页面的布局时, HTML将元素进行定义,CSS对展示的元素进行定位,再通过Script实现相应的效果和交互。虽然表面看起来这些很简单,但这里面需要掌握的东西绝对不会少。在进行开发前,需要对这些概念弄清楚,弄明白,这样在开发的过程中才会得心应手。
分析并解决实现中的若干技术问题;介绍了个性化页面的背景及asp + script +  access系统的一般原理;阐述整个个性化页面生成系统的系统结构及工作原理;分析了系统实现中的特殊性,难点和重点;设计实现用户注册,用户登录,用户管理等asp页面。分析并解决实现中的若干技术问题;建立完整的校园网站,进行测试并分析结果。

The twenty-first Century is the rapid development of information age, network as the world's most popular and most convenient media are increasingly accepted by people.      Along with the information development, website functions beyond the traditional information acquisition, communication which can better reflect the organization styleproperties. So universities establish the departments, professional appearance, easy maintenance and management of the site has been imperative.
This thesis mainly focuses on digital media technology major portal for the development of the theme, the three most basic and necessary skills. Development of the front, in the layout of the page, HTML will define the elements, positioning CSS to display elements, and then through the Script to achieve the corresponding effect and interaction. Although the surface looks like these are very simple, but it needs to grasp things never. In the development, the need for these concepts clear, understand, so in the development process will be handy.
The main work done in this article is as follows:
(1) Introduces the background and general principle of asp + script + access system personalized pages;
(2) Introduces the structure and working principle of the entire personalization page production system; analysis of the particularity, the difficulty and key system;
(3) The design and implementation of user registration, user login, user management and other asp page.
(4) Analyze and solve some technical problems in implementation;
(5) The establishment of a complete campus site, testing and analysis;
The site effectively achieve the user through the asp page access to user registration, login, and carry on effective management to the website content, enhance the effectiveness of the late addition and deletion of information, has a certain application value.
Keywordsasp ; User login; Script; Website Landscaping; Interaction Design
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