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Splitter spool indexing holes drilled Die
    Simple and quick operation, for optimal setup and processing, greatly reduce the labor intensity, improve production efficiency, which are indexing the jig advantage of complex parts. It is these advantages, only to greatly improve the interchangeability of the workpiece, mechanical maintenance provides a lot of convenience, splitter spool jig indexing process is widely used in machining.
    In this paper, indexing means in the production process to solve the separator slide valve in the cylindrical surface of the two components of the hole. Mainly using a jig in a cylindrical surface machining two indexing holes, and achieve the desired results.
This unit is the separator separating the spool is such that part of its role in the work of a very important is mass-produced and most traditional way is the traditional way by hand thus been abandoned in other parts is often not part of the processing, but the outer cylindrical surface which brings great difficulties to locate work if mishandled tool to split off the most prone to problems, are likely to cause the rough surface of the workpiece surface burrs plus fruit processing time to form such increases when indexing Han difficult to control the depth of the hole plus fruit had damaged parts of the original performance will be deep, so that the weak parts; too shallow will make the work itself is damaged, the same division three holes on the workpiece is blocked function of the workpiece can not play. from the above analysis we can see that traditional methods can not meet the production requirements under the new situation of the workpiece must use modern processing methods, that is, to take advantage of special tooling to production and processing in the manufacture of precision machining division each member of the positioning components of the device are done processing requirements not only ensure the accuracy of the workpiece but also improve the processing speed.
    Keywords: separator; spool; indexing means; jigs
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