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摘    要



    With the development of economic and social fife in the 21St century, English, the most widely used language in the world, is becoming increasingly important. English is also a very important basic subject in high schools of China. As one of the four basic skills, reading performs a vital role in cultivating students' integrated language ability. Therefore, the teaching of reading plays an important and special role in high school English teaching.
    Improving reading ability of English is one of the important English learning goals for middle high school students, as well as one of the teaching goals for the teachers in the teaching practice. After many years of English study, many high school students even make no difference in English reading ability. Besides, the discrepancy in reading ability among high school students is widening, which is a main problem in senior high school English teaching and a problem needing solved urgently. Under the new-round teaching reform's circumstances, New English Curriculum Standard of high school have set a high standard for teachers and students on teaching and learning of reading. But the problems related to teaching and learning of English reading are still very serious, which cannot meet the New English Curriculum Standard. Experts on language teaching have made a lot of research on this area and achieved a lot. Based on the results of these researches, the author went into the classroom to observe the reading teaching and make the questionnaires. The author made a research and analyzed the main problems in high school English reading teaching and brought up some solutions in the end.
    This paper consists of four parts.
    The first part is introduction part, including the background and significance of this research.
    The second part is literature review part, which is composed of relative study on the approach of English reading teaching, the affect teaching in reading of high school, the culture awareness cultivation.
    The third part is the research part. The author investigates some high schools' English reading teaching situation and finds some problems by adopting two research
methods----class observation and questionnaire.
The fourth part is the countermeasures part. The author tries to find countermeasures for these problems exhibited in the third part.
In the thesis, after a survey is made among 139 senior high school students and a few students have a talking; it is found out that not all students are aware of using reading strategies even though some students use some reading strategies in the reading activities, which is substantial. In addition, few students realize the importance of using reading strategies. Through survey analysis, students' talking and experiment demonstration, the problems in English reading activities among senior high students are analyzed and the relationship between reading strategy and reading ability is explained to stress the necessity and measures of using reading strategies in the reading activities. By cognitive theory, language psychological theory, words reading strategies, discourse reading strategies and context reading strategies, the practical research on reading strategies and the English reading ability of senior high school students is made below.

Key words: English teaching; English reading; problem; countermeasure
目    录

英语阅读教学中的问题与对策 1
摘    要 1
Abstract 3
引言 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 2
一、英语阅读教学教学研究综述 3
(一)英语阅读教学教学法的相关研究 3
1.图式理论 3
2.语篇分析法 5
(二)高中英语阅读教学教学中的情感教学 7
1.情感教学的内涵 7
2.影响高中英语阅读教学教学的情感因素 8
(三)高中英语阅读教学教学中的文化渗透 10
1.语言和文化的关系 10
2.文化渗透 11
二、高中英语阅读教学教学现状调查及结果分析 13
(一)调查设计 13
1.调查对象 13
2.调查方法 13
3.调查内容 13
(二)调查结果及分析 14
1.课堂教学观察的记录 14
2.课堂教学观察结果的分析 16
3.问卷调查结果的分析 19
三、高中英语阅读教学教学的改进策略 26
(一)改进阅读教学前导入阶段的教学策略 26
1.直观导入 26
2.预测内容法导入 27
3.悬念式导入 27
4.时事导入 28
(二)加强阅读教学策略的指导和训练 28
1.注重不同文体的理解训练 29
2.注重学生归纳、概括能力训练 29
3.强化推理判断训练 30
4.利用课文中的语境线索进行猜词训练 30
(三)注重文化背景知识的传授 32
(四)挖掘教材、渗透情感 34
(五)合理开发利用课程资源 35
结    论 37
参考文献 38
附    录 41

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