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摘    要
    Diabetic coronary heart disease refers to the dysfunction of long-term glucose metabolism, resulting in coronary atherosclerosis, vascular stenosis or occlusion,which lead to myocardial ischemia, hypoxia or necrosis. The prevalence of ventricular arrhythmia of the patient with diabetic coronary heart disease is higher than that of the patient with coronary heart disease alone. Diabetes produces various effects on the electrocardiology of the patient with diabetic coronary heart disease which is a high risk factor after the healing of the coronary heart disease. Chinese medicine has certain advantages on the treatment of the diabetic coronary heart disease and the prevention of the sudden death. It can improve the clinical symptoms and the quality of life for patients so as to adjust the body's dysfunction from an overall perspective.The study on QT dispersion, heart rate variability, ECG treadmill exercise test and other ECG informations of the diabetic patients with coronary heart disease is very helpful to determine the prognosis of the disease, guide clinical medicine, and evaluate the efficacy of new drugs.
    Objective: Through the use of Guanxinxiaokean Granules and the test on QT dispersion, heart rate variability, treadmill exercise test and other ECG informations before and after the treatment of diabetic patients with coronary heart disease, this essay is supposed to find the base of the rational TCM therapy for the patients of diabetic coronary heart disease.
    Methords: Select 60 cases of diabetic patients with coronary heart disease who meet the criteria for diagnosis in the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan College clinic or hospital. Then they are divided randomly into treatment group or control group according to the treatment order, 30 cases in each group. Based on the conventional treatment, the treatment group takes Guanxinxiaokean Granules developed by a mentor, while the control group takes the conventional treatment. The course of treatment is a month. Measure and compare the QT dispersion, the heart rate variability, and the results of treadmill exercise test in two groups of patients before and after the treatment,and make a statistical analysis.
    Results: (1)Before the treatment, the two groups of patients in terms of gender, age, duration, etc. Statistically, all P>0.05, no significant differences which were comparable. (2) after the treatment, comparing with the treatment before, the two groups of patients' ECG information indicators improved significantly, both P<0.01. (3) After the treatment, comparing with the ECG information indicators of the control group, the treatment group improved significantly with significant differences,P<0.05.
    Conclusion: This clinical study showed that Guanxinxiaokean Granules can significantly improve the major clinical  symptoms  of the patients  with diabetic coronary heart disease, and improve the patients' ECG information indicators which confirm that it can improve the quality of life for diabetic patients with coronary heart disease, and improve patient prognostic role; It further confirms QT dispersion and heart rate variability analysis, combined with treadmill exercise test can predict  the occurrence of malignant arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death of the diabetic patients with coronary heart disease, as well it can help to guide the TCM treatment for the patients of diabetic coronary heart disease.
Key words:dispersion; heart Guanxinxiaokean  Granules;  diabetic  coronary  heart disease;  QT rate variability analysis; treadmill exercise test

目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
前    言 1
对象与方法 3
1研究对象 3
2诊断标准 3
2.1糖尿病的诊断 3
2.2冠心病的诊断 3
2.3糖尿病性冠心病的诊断:糖尿病伴发或者并发冠心病者。 4
3病例的纳入与排出标准 4
3.1病历纳入标准 4
3.2病例排除标准(包括不适应症或剔除标准) 4
4研究方法 5
4.1病例来源 5
4.2病例分组 5
4.3一般资料分析 5
4.4治疗方法 6
5观察指标及检测方法 6
6疗效评定标准 7
7统计方法 7
结    果 8
1两组总体疗效 8
2 QT间期离散度 8
3心率变异性(HRV) 8
4平板运动试验 9
5治疗前后血糖 9
理论探讨 11
1中医学对糖尿病性冠心病的认识 11
2中医学对糖尿病性冠心病病因病机的研究现状 12
3糖尿病性冠心病中医辨证分型研究进展 12
4糖尿病性冠心病的中医药治疗研究现状 13
4.1辨证分型论治 13
4.2辨证与辨病相结合分型论治 14
4.3专方治疗 14
4.4中成药治疗 15
5中医药治疗糖尿病性冠心病的实验研究 15
6现代医学对糖尿病性冠心病的研究现状 16
7现代医学对心电信息相关指标的研究现状 17
8糖尿病性冠心病与心电信息的相关性研究 19
9导师对糖尿病性冠心病的认识及对心电信息的相关研究 19
10冠心消渴安颗粒剂方义分析及单味药现代药理研究 20
10.1冠心消渴安颗粒剂方义分析 20
10.2单味药现代药理研究 21
结    论 23
致    谢 24
参考文献 25
附录一文献综述 28
附录二SPSS19.0统计分析过程 46

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