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摘 要

As a kind of Autonomous navigation inertia device,The solid vibratory beam gyroscope become more and mor important in the daily life and military.With this situation,how can the solid vibratory beam gyroscope keep the real function in severe environment is being concerned.That`s the reason for the research which becomes to a new subject about how to reject disturb from the harsh situation.And the most important part of it is shock-protection.
In the reach of this day,the value of the shock to the solid vibratory beam gyroscope determined by the expirments or the experience about the products,which is lack of theorys or methods to support them.This paper attempts to find a solution from theory and assist with the Ansys to prove the result of the theory.
The theory of this paper is based on the dynamic characteristic of the solid vibratry beam gyroscope and mechanics of materials.The value of the shock to the beam is derived from the the fracture and Deflection theory in the mechanics of materials.And base on the theory,this paper attempt to optimize the structure of the solid vibratory beam gyroscope.The simulation of the shock protection also prove the theory.The paper also analysis the performance of the improved structure –cross node-support gyroscope and Node-Plane support vibration beam gyroscope,which include the shock-protection,sensitivity,coupling error and bandwidth.In the simulation,the result suggest that the Node-Plane support vibration beam gyroscope improved the shock-protection,but the modality of the whole system is affected by the coupling error.
In the last part, the paper attempt to analyze the fatigue of the solid vibraory beam gyroscope,which suggest that under the frequency of the driver force,the fatigue life of the beam is .

Keyword:Solid Vibration Beam Gyroscope,Shock-Protection,Mechanics Of Materials,ANSYS,Structure Improvement,Fatigue Life目录
摘 要  .I
Abstract  I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3有限元软件ANSYS 2
1.4论文研究内容及章节安排 3
第二章 固态振动陀螺动抗冲击理论 5
2.1 固态振动陀螺动力学特性 5
2.1.1原理 5
2.1.2动力学方程 5
2.2固态振动陀螺抗冲击理论 8
2.2.1环境中的冲击 8
2.2.2 固态振动陀螺的抗冲击性能 10
2.2.3抗冲击理论推导 13
2.2.4冲击对系统的影响 15
2.3固态振动陀螺抗冲击保护 16
2.3.1固态振动陀螺抗冲击分析 17
2.3.2固态振动陀螺抗冲击性能优化 19
2.4 振梁陀螺抗冲击的Ansys分析 21
2.4.1 振梁陀螺ANSYSY参数选择与软件配置 21
2.4.2 ANSYS软件步骤 22
2.4.3固态振动陀螺抗冲击性能仿真 24
2.5本章小结 27
第三章 优化结构的仿真与分析 29
3.1 面支撑结构抗冲击性能分析与仿真 29
3.2 十字支撑结构抗冲击性能分析 32
3.3新型陀螺模态仿真 33
3.4 支撑方式对振梁陀螺的影响 35
3.4.1支撑方式对系统灵敏度及带宽影响 35
3.4.2支撑方式造成的耦合误差 42
第四章 固态振动陀螺疲劳寿命研究 46
4.1 绪论 46
4.2 振梁式固态振动陀螺应力疲劳分析 47
4.3 振梁陀螺疲劳寿命估计 48
4.3.1 疲劳极限与极限强度关系 48
4.3.2 无试验数据时S-N曲线的估计 49
4.3.2 固态振梁陀螺疲劳寿命估计 49
4.3 振梁陀螺疲劳寿命改进 51
第五章 结论及未来的工作 53
5.1 结论 53
5.2 未来的工作 53
致  谢   55
参考文献  56

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