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摘   要

注塑模CAD/ CAE/ CAM技术是先进制造技术的基础和重要组成部分,正向集成化、网络化和智能化方向发展,对我国模具工业的发展起到了重要的推动作用。注塑模具的设计与制造,其质量要求越来越高、研发周期越来越短。
贴膜手机板面精度要求高,结构及其曲面造型复杂,需要从三侧面抽芯,模腔布局设计比较困难。采用proe 工具,根据客户提供的贴膜贴膜手机板面三维数模,完整地设计出了贴膜手机板面注塑模。

关键词:   注塑模  侧向抽芯  工艺规程  proe 

It is foundation of an advanced manufacturing technology and important component that the injection mould CAD/CAE/CAM technology, to integrated networked to develop with intelligent direction, play a important role to of our country mould development of industry. Mould plastics design and manufacture of mould, quality requirement its more and more high researching and developing cycle to be shorter and shorter. The precision of the cell-phone panel is expected much, structure and curved surface model are complicated, need to smoke the core from three sides, the mould is more difficult in one of overall arrangements design. Adopt proe  tool, according to three dimension moulds of cell-phone panel that the customer offered , designs the panel note of the cell-phone to mould completely.
The precision of the cell-phone panel is expected much, structure and curved surface model are complicated, need to smoke the core from three sides, the mould is more difficult in one of overall arrangements design. Adopt proe  tool, according to three dimension moulds of cell-phone panel that the customer offered , designs the panel note of the cell-phone to mould completely.
Have carried on the craft to analyse to the products at first, then explained the design process of the mould in detail, including: Sureness the person who divide, type core and establishment , type of, standard mould sureness of shelf, pour system , cooling system , slip piece smoke core organization and drawing of patterns is it produce the design of organization to carry, checked calculating to relevant organizations at the same time . Carry on processing technology analyse to its shaping part , work out mechanical processing technology rules finally.
With the aid of advanced CAD technology, have shortenned the note and moulded and designed and made cycle greatly, have raise the technological content of the mould, has lowered costs.

Keywords:  Injection molding  Side core-pulling  Technological process  proe 
目  录
第1章    绪  论 1
1.1  国内外的塑料模具发展概况和趋势 1
1.1.1  国外的塑料模现状发展概况和趋势 1
1.1.2  国内的塑料模现状发展概况和趋势 1
第2章  贴膜贴膜手机板面的注塑工艺性分析 3
2.1    塑件的原材料分析和工艺参数 3
2.1.1   制品的材料性能分析 3
2.1.2   塑件材料PC的注射成型工艺参数 4
2.2    制件的几何形状分析 4
2.2.1   脱模斜度的选择 4
2.2.2   塑料制品的圆角 4
2.3    塑件的结构和加工质量分析 5
2.3.1   结构分析 5
2.3.2   尺寸精度分析 5
2.3.3   表面质量分析 5
第3章   注射机的选择 6
3.1  额定注射量的计算 6
3.2  注射压力的计算 6
3.3  锁模力的计算 6
3.4  注射机有关工艺参数的校核 7
第4章    注模具基本结构设计 8
4.1   注塑模成型零部件的设计 8
4.2   标准模架的选择与确定 9
4.3   注塑模浇注系统的设计 10
4.3.1  主流道和主流道衬套选择 10
4.3.3  定位环的选择 11
4.3.4  浇口的设计 11
4.3.5  分流道的设计 12
4.4   侧抽芯机构的设计 12
4.4.1  斜滑块分型抽芯机构的选择 13
4.4.2  斜滑块的设计 13
4.4.3  侧抽芯的校核 15
4.5   脱模机构设计 16
4.5.1  脱模力的计算 16
4.5.2  顶杆脱模的计算 17
4.5.3  冷料井及拉料杠的设计 18
4.6  模具的冷却系统设计 19
4.6.1  模具的冷却时间 19
4.6.2  模具冷却流道的设计 19
4.7  小结 20
第5章  成形零件的加工工艺的编制 22
5.1  型芯加工工艺分析 22
5.2  型芯加工工艺简介 22
致  谢 25
参考文献 26

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