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    With the rapid development of science and technology in today's world, the automotive sector is also developing rapidly, many new technologies, new technologies have been widely used on the car. These techniques have been constantly updated and tend improving! Some of the new engine air intake system which is particularly important! Intake system includes an air filter, intake manifold, intake valve mechanism. After the air through the air filter to filter out impurities and flows through the air flow meter, through the inlet into the intake manifold, and after the formation of the discharge nozzle gasoline mixed city proper proportion of oil and gas, is fed by the intake valve cylinder ignition combustion, to generate power. This paper focuses on the analysis of the engine intake system, a number of recommendations and the actual process has been resolved.
    The role of the diesel engine intake system as much as possible, as evenly as possible pure air supplied to each cylinder. Mainly by the intake cap assembly, air filter, bracket assembly, intake turbocharger and intercooler and other components. The intake air flow intake system, intake resistance, filtration efficiency intake should be consistent with the limits specified engine; in the cold after the engine intake air temperature, the intercooler pressure loss should be consistent with the limits specified in the engine; the intake cap arrangement positions should be reasonable; system piping arrangement should go and reasonable. The design requirements and design of a truck with a diesel engine air intake system, drawing system diagram and major components (such as turbocharger, in the cold, etc.) diagram; analyze its performance.

Keywords: diesel engine air intake system; overall design; structure diagram

目    录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 5
1.1引言 5
1.1.1可变进气系统与可变配气相位 6
1.1.2涡轮增压 14
1.2实践单位的基本情况 22
第二章 柴油机进气系统的总体设计 25
2.1现代柴油机组成 25
2.2柴油机进气系统的组成 27
2.3柴油机进气系统的工作原理 28
第三章  进气系统各部分的功能 31
3.1空气滤清器的功能 31
3.2空气流量计 32
3.3进气压力传感器 33
3.4节气门体 33
3.5附加空气阀 33
3.6怠速控制阀 33
3.7谐振腔 34
3.8 进气歧管 35
第四章 增压中冷柴油机的物理模型 36
4.1气缸 36
4.1.1进气系统 36
4.1.2排气系统 37
4.1.3涡轮增压系统 37
4.1.4废气涡轮增压器的两种增压系统进气 37
4.1.5两种增压排气系统对柴油机性能的影响 39
4.1.6中冷器 40
4.1.7小结 40
第五章 进气管截面形状对容积效率的影响 41
5.1概述增压柴油机进气流动特性研究及管路优化 41
5.2柴油机进气管流动特性仿真研究 42
5.3进气管路布置形式对进气流动特性的影响 43
5.3.1不同进气管路流动模型的建立 43
5.3.2进气歧管出口流量及均匀性比较分析 43
5.3.3不同进气管内气体的流动 46
5.3.4进气管横截面的变化对充气效率的影响 47
第六章 进气管路结构参数对气体流动特性的影响 49
6.1进气总管管长和直径对容积效率的影响 49
6.1.1进气支管管长和直径对容积效率的影响 50
6.1.2进气稳压腔容积对容积效率的影响 51
6.2进气管主要结构参数的优化设计 51
6.2.1标定工况下 52
6.2.2最大扭矩工况下 53
6.2.3小结 55
第7章  柴油机进气系统的故障诊断和排除方法 56
7.1空气流量计故障假象 56
7.2进气压力传感器故障 60
第八章  柴油机进气系统典型案例分析 64
8.1进气管被堵住 64
8.2冷车柴油机抖动 67
总结 72
参考文献 74
致谢 76


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