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摘    要 2
Abstract 3
1 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 国外研究状况 5
1.3国内研究状况 6
2 三轴转台的机械设计 7
2.1 三轴转台的概述 7
2.1.1 三轴转台的性能指标 7
2.1.2三轴转台工作原理概述 7
2.1.3 伺服驱动电机的选择与计算 8
2.1.4 直流力矩电机的计算分析 12
2.1.5 框架的选材 13
2.2 转台结构的设计 13
2.2.1 外环装配示意图 13
2.2.2 中环装配示意图 14
2.2.3 内环装配示意图 14
2.2.4 总装配示意图 15
2.2.5 零件示意图 15
3 伺服系统的总体设计 16
3.1伺服系统的组成 16
3.2 三轴转台的工作原理 17
3.3 伺服系统硬件的选择 17
3.3.1 直流电机驱动器的选择 18
3.3.2 圆光栅编码器 增量式YGM506 的选择 19
3.3.3 稳压器的选择 19
3.3.4 软件可编程器件的选择 20
3.3.5 串口卡的选择 20
3.4  伺服控制系统的硬件接线图 22
4 三轴转台的运动仿真 23
4.1 概述 23
4.1.1 主要优点 24
4.1.2 研究复杂的实际情况 24
4.2 三轴转台仿真过程[20] 25
5 结论 27
6 工作展望 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29




摘    要

    航空、 航天工业发展水平是一个国家科技、 经济及国防实力的重要标志。在航空航天领域中, 惯性导航和制导技术是一项核心技术, 三轴转台是测试惯性元件及半实物仿真的重要非标设备, 其性能的好坏直接影响仿真和测试的可靠性和置信度。
   三轴转台是以控制理论、相似理论、系统技术和信息技术为基础,利用计算机和专用物理设备为工具,为惯性导航和制导系统仿真试验提供平台的关键设备【1】。 它能够复现空间质心运动中的转角、角速度、角加速度等物理指标。由此,可以在地面试验室 中真实地模拟导弹、飞行器等在空中的各 种飞行姿态,以对敏感元件、惯导系统、执行机构等加以测试 。将昂贵的实物试验转化为试验室中可预测、可重复性研究,为实物试验提供充分的技术指标和试验数据。
关键词:三轴转台   伺服系统   建模   直流电机







    Aviation, aerospace industry development level is a national science and technology, economy and an important symbol of national defense capabilities。In aerospace field, inertial navigation and guidance technology is a core technology, three axis turntable is testing inertial components and hardware-in-the-loop simulation of important non-standard equipment,who will have a direct impact on the performance of simulation and test reliability and confidence。
   The three-axis turntable is control theory, the similarity theory and system technology and information technology as the foundation, based on the computer and special physical equipment for the tool, for inertial navigation and provide the guidance system simulation experiment platform of key equipment。It can reiteration the corner space centroid movement, angular velocity and Angle acceleration physical parameters and so on。Thus, can be in the ground in the lab, real simulation of missiles, aircraft in the air each kind of etc, in order to flight attitude is sensitive components, inertial system, executive agencies to test。The real test will be expensive can predict into laboratory research and repeatability, to provide adequate for physical test the technical indexes and test data。The real test will be expensive can predict into laboratory research and repeatability, to provide adequate for physical test the technical indexes and test data。
   This paper first modeling design, stabilized the mechanical structure design, and the choice of some standard, main shaft design, for some assembly relation of the two-dimensional or three-dimensional modeling。
   Secondly, to control system is analyzed and options, including motor selection, drive selection, encoder Selection, interface expansion, and related components selection of selection。(Detailed control chart is saw)One set of hardware equipments, adopts the basic control method, setting of the software of the control system, realize the turntable each module selection of system operation function, fully realize the control of turntable。(Especially, the angular velocity and angular displacement measurement is this system become the key choose high one of simulation turntable)
   Key words:   three-axis turntable   Servo system   modeling  Dc motor

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