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摘  要

【关键词】 模块 权限  数据库  后台 表格


" means revolution of information " is turned to " the content revolution of the information ", has caused the global digital campus to build tides . This basic function of serving school for being satisfied , the digital campus should be orientated as information service, designed starting point and final purpose to the high-efficient and accurate administrative system of students' achievement, can meet the general demands of the student and teacher , as well as can be in order to manage to such authorities of confirming it as users' type , demand characteristic ,etc.. Demand not above-mentioned it provide one piece settlement that is reasonable and then according to,last respect not following mainly:1. Divide the whole system into two major module : The front desk and backstage supporter, among them the front desk is mainly design of the interface and relation of the interface, and the backstage supporter is mainly control over database and code. Primary demand for the database is rationality and security designed, manage authority at this moment , thus manage security . 2. To the maintenance and management of backstage supporter's database, because the database has many forms , and it has to be interrelated all nearly, so his-and-hers watches is it involve whole datum body of backstage supporter to revise, must do unified consideration . 3. The rationality of the database requires that can play a simple role to the whole system , so the planning of the storehouse must be rational . 4. To the constant modification and operating of the backstage supporter , must require the stability of the database . If can go on to the modification of the form accurately , and avoid the phenomenon that is extremely locked. When revise to the data, such as deleting , but the data are being used at this moment, must reduce to the correct state . Otherwise will influence the operation in the past! Very difficult to the maintenance of the system to get the assurance. Must carry on limiting and shielding to the operation of the database in order to solve this kind of situation, use the family to try not to meet this kind of situation. 5. Prove systematic stability , gauge it. 6. Provide according to module to achievement administrative system and then one reasonable settlement press.                                                   
【keyword】Module   Authority   Database  Backstage  supporter   Form

目 录
摘  要... 1
第一章  绪论... 5
1.1  成绩管理系统基本概念. 5
1.1.1  成绩管理系统发展及现状. 5
1.1.2  成绩管理系统的发展目标. 6
1.1.3  成绩管理系统的服务整合. 6
1.2  成绩管理系统在数字校园建设中的重要意义. 7
1.3成绩管理系统的教育信息化将对学校产生变革. 7
1.4  成绩管理的信息化将提高学校的信息化尺度. 7
1.5  本文主要研究内容. 8
第二章  支撑成绩管理系统实现的基本技术概述... 10
前言. 10
2.1  数据库系统的特点. 11
2.1.1  数据库(简称DB) 11
2.1.2  数据库系统(DBS) 11
2.1.3  数据库系统的特点. 11
2.1.4  基本数据模型. 11
2.2  关系数据模型与关系数据库. 12
2.3  数据按其复杂程度分为以下四个层次:. 13
2.3.1  数据库的逻辑设计. 14
2.3.2  数据库管理系统的概念. 14
2.3.3  数据库应用系统. 15
第三章  开发环境及实现技术... 16
3.1开发环境. 16
3.2开发工具简介. 16
第四章  系统设计... 19
4.1概要设计. 19
4.1.1概要设计阶段的主要任务. 19
4.1.2概要设计的过程. 19
4.1.3概要设计的原则. 19
4.1.4系统功能分析. 19
4.2详细设计. 20
4.2.1详细设计的任务. 20
4.2.2详细设计的方法. 21
第五章  成绩管理系统设计... 23
前言. 23
5.1  系统数据流程图设计. 23
5.2  模块设计. 27
5.3  数据库设计. 28
5.4  构件(过程)设计. 30
5.5  构件(模块)2设计 - 学生查询. 33
5.5.1  功能说明. 33
5.5.2  学生查询类图. 35
5.6  构件(模块)3设计 –录入成绩. 36
5.7  构件(模块)4设计 –密码的修改. 36
5.8  构件(模块)5设计 –显示界面. 37
5.9  运行维护. 38
结  论... 39
致  谢... 40
参考文献... 41

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