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     UG(Unigraphics NX)是Siemens PLM Software公司出品的一个产品工程解决方案,它为用户的产品设计及加工过程提供了数字化造型和验证手段。Unigraphics NX针对用户的虚拟产品设计和工艺设计的需求,提供了经过实践验证的解决方案。UG同时也是用户指南(user guide)和普遍语法(Universal Grammar)的缩写。
    UG的开发始于1969年,它是基于C语言开发实现的。UG NX是一个在二维和三维空间无结构网格上使用自适应多重网格方法开发的一个灵活的数值求解偏微分方程的软件工具。


(1) 本文根据实际生产情况和研究的需求,通过人体工学,不影响人们在使用鼠标时的舒适度的情况下,选择合适的尺寸。然后使用UG软件对进行鼠标建模。

(2) 通过UG软件对鼠标进行三维建好模后,进入加工环境。制定毛坯、创建程序、创建工序、创建刀具、创建几何体,修改好参数,然后对鼠标加工进行仿真,运用“后处理”将NC加工程序导出。


Modeling and Simulation of mouse Based on UG

  Mechanical engineering and automation

Unigraphics (Siemens) is a product engineering solution produced by Siemens PLM Software. It provides the digital modeling and verification means for the product design and the process of the user. Unigraphics NX provides a proven solution for the user's needs for virtual product design and process design. UG is also an acronym for user guide and Universal Grammar.

This is an interactive CAD / CAM (computer aided Design and computer aided Manufacturing) system. It is powerful and can easily realize the construction of various complex entities and models. It was mainly based on the workstation at the beginning of its birth, but with the development of the hardware and the rapid growth of personal users, the application on the personal computer has been increasing rapidly, and has become a mainstream application of the 3D design of the,The development of the U

G started in 1969, and it was developed based on C language. The UG is a flexible software tool for numerical solution of partial differential equations in 2D and 3D unstructured grids using adaptive more than method. 

The effective simulation of a given process requires knowledge of applications (natural science or engineering), mathematics (analytical and numerical mathematics), and computer science. However, the use of all these technologies in complex applications is not too easy. This is because the combination of all these methods requires a great deal of complexity and interdisciplinary knowledge. Some of the most successful techniques of partial differential equations, especially the adaptive grid encryption (adaptivemeshrefinement) and the more than method, have been studied by mathematicians in the past ten years. At the same time, with the great progress of computer technology, especially the development of large parallel computers, a lot of new possibilities have been brought.

Now,with the rapid development of plastic industry in China, in order to improve the accuracy of product,reduce the scrap rate of products and improve production efficiency,we use the software modeling ,increasingly, playing a role can not be ignored. At present,under the situation of our country,our modeling based on UG that has been used by a number of Companies more and more widely. In the field of the aerospace,automotive,general machinery,industrial equipment,medical equipment and other high-tech applications,processing and other fields has been widely used. This paper is carried out and based on UG modeling and analysis of the mouse. The main work of my research including the following aspects:

(1)In this paper,according to the actual sit uation of production and demand and the comfort of people using the mouse,Through the human body engineering,I choose the right size. And then I use the UG software on the mouse model.

(2)Based on the three-dimensional model mouse after UG software build,I will enter the processing environment to create blank,create procedure,create tool,create geometry and modify parameters. Then I'm going to mouse processing simulation.

Key words: UG; mouse; modeling

目    录 

摘要 2

Abstract 3

1.绪论 4

1.1 UG的功能特点 4

1.2 UG运用现状 4

1.3 鼠标的发展及前景 4

2.基于UG的鼠标建模 5

2.1建模过程 5

3.基于UG的鼠标加工 22

3.1 鼠标的加工工艺分析 22

3.2 创建数控编程的准备操作 22

3.3 创建数控编程的加工操作 26

3.4 实体模拟仿真加工 30

3.5 进行后处理 32

4.总结 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 38

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