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系统结合计算机科学与信息学院的实际需求,采用B/S 模式,以 Tomcat 为应用服务器,并采用JSP 相关开发技术及 Mysql 数据库来进行开发,实现了机房管理、班级管理、课程管理和预约管理等功能。能有效满足教师和管理员进行机房状态的查询、教师进行机房预定以及管理员进行机房预约管理的功能需求。
Computer room experiment management system
Computer laboratories are the necessary places for conducting talent cultivation and scientifi c research in colleges and universities.In order to improve laboratory management effi ciency and service level, use laboratory resources fully and promote standardization and information level, a computer laboratory reservation and information management system is designed to solve some problem in computer laboratory management. It can provide convenient and effi cient service for teachers who teach in a computer laboratory.
The system combined with the actual needs of school of computer science and information,takes B/S mode,and Tomcat as an application server, and adopting JSP development technology and Mysql database to develop relatively, Has realized the computer room management, class management, course management, and make an appointment, and other functions. Effectively meet the teachers and administrators in the room status query, the teachers room reservation and function requirements of administrators to manage the room reservation.
A developed prototype system interface design is reasonable, relatively perfect in functions, the system passed the test, and runs well. The writing of the report introduces the development process of the system in detail, mainly includes: the system development background and meaning, system demand analysis, system structure design, database design, function module design, module function implementation and operation test.
Key words: Computer labs reservation System; Experiment management ;B/S

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