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  The robot is a new device developed in the mechanization and automation of the production process.  Although the robot is not as staffing flexibility, but it has repeated the work and labor, I do not know fatigue, not afraid of danger, the the snatch weight of force than manual force, Therefore, the robot has been subject to many sectors, and increasingly has been applied more widely.
  In machining, most of the parts should be carried out a wide range of machining processes. Whole process in general CNC machine tools for cutting real time accounted for only about 30% of the entire working time, most of the rest of the time is spent on installation, adjustment tool, loading and unloading, handling parts and check processing accuracy auxiliary work on Automatic tool changer CNC machining center in one clamping of the workpiece to achieve multi-channel processing indispensable device. In order to give full play to the role of the machine tool, CNC centers are equipped with automatic tool changer.
  The focus of this project is boring and milling machining center blade structural design of the robot. Industrial robot is mainly used for machining, casting, heat treatment, regardless of the quantity, quality or performance are not fully meet the needs of industrial development. Focused on solving the problem of the subject: A tool of the structural design of the robot components, select the check key parts and size optimization.
The main design elements:
(1) Design milling centers gripper parts of the structure, the transmission system and drive system to enable it to meet the fast, smooth and accurate tool.
(2) the completion of the important parts of the design, including the choice of gear design, the design of the shaft bearing. Pro / E 3D modeling, and all parts of gripper

assembly model.
(3) AutoCAD to draw the gripper important parts of the two-dimensional drawings.
Keywords: boring and milling machining center; structural design; gripper; retractable rotary arm claw robot.

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