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ASP 毕业论文管理系统论文+开题报告+答辩+外文翻译
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘   要
本文主要分析了系统实现的相关技术原理,给出了系统实现的系统架构,并对架构及系统模块结构作了划分与设计。本文在系统的架构上采用了当前流行的B/S 结构,通过ASP、DREAMWEAVER和Access2000数据库等软件的强大功能完成了该系统。
关键字: 论文信息管理系统; B/S; ASP

Along with the constant development and wide application of computers, people`s work efficiency has been continually improved. Even the distance between people is reduced by Internet development. It is a common concern which is how to uses the Internet fully. With the unceasing popularization of Internet, Internet technology was not just to glance at the websites, the receiving and dispatching email by people` request. More and more busy people began to search for the use of the Internet which is a formidable platform to completion online teaching. In recent years, the network database with the further development of technology to make this vision become reality.
This system for the graduation thesis management system management system, has the function which teacher to upload the graduation thesis topic and the student to choose the paper topic and to upload the paper and so on. In this system, the teacher and the student can very easy to registration for system users. The teacher can issue the paper topic and uploads the project description.The student may choose the paper topic and upload the paper.The manager may carry on the management according to the user submission information.
This paper summarizes technical principles of the analysis of systems, Has given the system realization structure and made the division and the design to the construction and the system modular structure. This article has used the current popular B/S structure on the system construction, It has completed the system by the software ASP, DREAMWEAVER and Access 2000 database which has formidable function.
After the test, this system can normal operation by the IE6.0 in windows XP +IIS5.0.This system is simple and convenient and easy to operate.The paper management be changed quickly and convenient by this system.
Keywords : paper management information system. B/S; ASP.

目    录
摘   要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 引  言 5
1.1本文的主要内容及组织结构 5
第二章 系统设计基本原理与方法 7
2.1 ASP(Active Server Pages)技术介绍 7
2.2 VBScript介绍 8
2.3 适应Internet时代需求的B/S体系结构(基于浏览器) 8
2.3.1 B/S架构 8
2.3.2 C/S架构 9
2.3.3 B/S架构较之于C/S架构的优势 9
2.4 关键技术点介绍 9
2.4.1数据库技术 9
2.4.2 ADO数据库操作介绍 10
2.4.3 系统分页技术介绍 11
第三章 系统总体分析 12
3.1系统的总体要求 12
3.2系统总体设计 12
3.3开发及运行环境 13
第四章 系统的总体设计 14
4.1系统宏观结构图 14
4.2系统业务的划分及实现 14
4.3系统功能结构图 15
4.4系统业务流程图 16
4.5 系统E-R图的设计 16
4.6数据库设计 18
4.7网站首页的设计 21
4.7.1功能导航区 21
4.7.2展示区 22
第五章 程序模块及界面设计 23
5.1功能模块 23
5.2 连接数据库 23
5.3 教师模块设计 23
5.3.1 教师登陆功能 23
5.3.2 教师发布课题信息功能 25
5.3.3 教师修改及删除信息功能 27
5.4 学生模块设计 28
5.4.1 学生登陆功能 28
5.4.2 学生提交论文题目功能 29
5.4.3 学生修改及删除信息功能 32
5.4.4 学生上传论文功能 32
5.5 选题信息浏览界面设计 33
5.6 上传功能的设计 34
5.7 留言板模块设计 34
5.8 管理员模块设计 35
5.8.1 管理员登陆功能 35
5.8.2 学生管理功能 36
5.8.3 教师管理功能 38
5.8.4 课题管理功能 38
5.8.5 留言板管理功能 38
5.8.6 论文题目调整功能 38
5.8.7 数据库管理功能 39
5.9系统登入和退出 40
第六章 总结与展望 41
6.1 全文小结 41
6.2 发展展望 41
参考文献 43
致 谢 44

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