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摘  要
1) 鉴于停车场需要被动式定位的特点,分析其他定位方法的利弊,研究如何利用热释电红外传感器进行室内人体定位;
2) 搭建ZigBee无线传感器网络,研究ZigBee网络协议栈,实现基于ZigBee网络进行数据传输;
3) 设计灯控硬件系统,完成灯的状态(亮/灭)控制和灯的自检报警;
4) 设计软件监控系统,分析检测数据并通过虚拟物理场景完成对停车场内人/车和灯的状态的实时监控。

关键词  智能灯控;热释电红外技术;ZigBee无线网络;多传感器;实时定位;监控报警

Along With the city’s modernization, the number of cars increased dramatically, which prompts the parking lot develop in the direction of large-scale and complexity. At present, many of the traditional parking lots 1 day 24 hours keep lighting, thus results in a lot of power wastage. In order to reduce energy waste in parking facilitates and to convenient the management of lamps, a pyroelectric infrared sensor-based parking lot intelligent light control system has been presented in this paper. This system realized people/car real-time positioning, lamp state (on/off) automation controlling, lights detectioning and alarming based on location, parking lot real-time monitoring, and other functions. In order to achieve such an intelligent light control system, the following research is mainly done in this dissertation :
1) In view of the parking lot passive positioning characteristics, analysising of the pros and cons of other positioning methods, researching how to make use of pyroelectric infrared sensor to locate human body indoors.
2) Building a ZigBee wireless sensor network, researching ZigBee network protocol stack and achieving data transmission based on ZigBee network;
3) Designing the lamp control hardware system, which can control and check lamp state(on/off). If the lamp is destroyed, a alarm will be triggered;
4) Designing the software monitoring system, which analysis the sensor detect data, and monitories the state of people/cars and lights in the parking lot in real-time through virtual physical scene.
Finally, we select a parking lot, in the new campus of Hebei University of Science and Technology , to test the system. The test results shows that the system can better realize the basic intelligent functions, such as locating people/cars, controling lights on or off along with the movement of people/cars, detecting lights and alarming when some destroyed lights checked.
Parking Intelligent Light Control System Based on Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor combines the new technology of things-to-things network, the infrared sensor technology and the MCU control technology together to achieve the parking lamp control. It improves parking lights control intelligence largely and reduces the electricity consumption of the parking lot, there for makes a certain application prospects.

Key words  Intelligent light control; Pyroelectric infrared technology; ZigBee wireless network; Multi-sensor; Real-time location; Monitoring alarm

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
第1章  绪  论 1
1.1  论文的研究背景 1
1.2  选题意义 1
1.3  国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1  国外研究现状 2
1.3.2  国内研究现状 2
1.4  研究的主要内容以及创新点 3
1.4.1  论文研究的主要内容 3
1.4.2  论文创新点 4
1.5  论文的章节安排 4
第2章  室内运动定位研究 5
2.1  室内运动定位概述 5
2.2  典型室内定位技术 5
2.2.1  超声波定位 6
2.2.2  蓝牙定位 6
2.2.3  红外线主动式定位 6
2.2.4  无线射频定位 7
2.2.5  室内GPS定位 8
2.2.6  基于图像的定位方法 9
2.3  典型定位技术的应用研究 10
2.4  基于热释电红外传感器的人体定位方法 10
2.4.1  热释电红外传感器的特性及工作原理 10
2.4.2  热释电红外传感器的人体定位方法 11
2.5  基于热释电红外传感器网络的人体定位方法 13
2.5.1  ZigBee技术 15
2.5.2  ZigBee无线传感器网络拓扑结构 15
2.6  本章小结 16
第3章  硬件系统设计 17
3.1  系统功能需求 17
3.2  硬件整体组成 17
3.3  硬件设备选型 18
3.3.1  热释电红外传感器 18
3.3.2  ZigBee设备 19
3.3.3  单片机 20
3.4  ZigBee网络系统设计 21
3.4.1  传感器节点设计 21
3.4.2  ZigBee网络系统搭建 22
3.4.3  ZigBee网络系统工作流程 23
3.5  单片机控制系统设计与实现 23
3.6  基于ZigBee协议栈进行应用开发 23
3.6.1  ZigBee协议栈分析 23
3.6.2  基于协议栈的开发 24
3.6.3  程序烧写 26
3.7  本章小结 27
第4章  软件系统设计 28
4.1  需求分析 28
4.1.1  功能性需求 28
4.1.2  用例分析 28
4.2  功能模块设计 29
4.2.1  基本信息管理模块 29
4.2.2  仿真模块 29
4.2.3  监控模块 30
4.2.4  自检管理模块 30
4.3  开发工具及技术 30
4.3.1  C#语言 30
4.3.2  Microsoft Access 2003 30
4.3.3  XML技术 30
4.3.4  Serial Port控件 31
4.4  软件系统实现 31
4.4.1  基本信息管理 32
4.4.2  地图管理 35
4.4.3  仿真 40
4.4.4  监控 43
4.4.5  自检报警 44
4.5  本章小结 45
第5章  系统展现及测试 47
5.1  停车场智能灯控系统展现 47
5.2  系统测试 48
5.1.1  测试准备 49
5.1.2  核心功能测试 49
5.3  本章小结 50
结  论 51
参考文献 52
攻读硕士学位期间所发表的论文 55
致  谢 56

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